Melt Continues

We literally have a flood covering the sidwalks, our lawn etc in front. It is a riot. Out back we still have ice and snow but much melt. The dogs do not want to go out in it but they do. Smarty pants Coco the maltese gets up on a chair to get out of the wet. She is closer to the ground so I get that!
The weather is gorgeous but the wet is something else.
The dogs are having fun.
Reader Comments (3)
Darlah, you must change over to stones. A variety of flag & pea stones can look quite beautiful with proper landscaping. We had a swamp out back years ago and since we relandscaped no puddles or soggy ground. Laci goes on pea stones no issue. Only time her feet are wet is when it’s raining.
I know it will be some work, but over in 2-3 days and then all seasons will be easier for you & the dogs.
I did change over to riverstones and they melted into the soil. This year we will be replenishing. There is more walking on ours I bet than yours. But yes...we have to spend some money yet again.