Crazy Silly Dogs

The dogs were playing in full tilt today. They were silly and playing like crazy.
We had to take Hope and Rain in for their vaccines. We also brought in another dog. I did not sleep last night so exercise was interesting but I got it done.
Tomorrow at 7am Nathan has to be at a cardiac stress tests as he is showing signs of having issues. He had open heart on 5 blockages during covid. I hope he passes. He is feeling tired and sick all the time so I do not know. This is how he was feeling when he needed surgery last time. Dennis and I will hold down the fort. Today is my day off. Dennis is sleeping so he can get up at 530am - guess that means I need to get up then too. So, I may go to bed in an hour. lol
A number of dogs departed. Some arrived. It was rather balmy out today. I should have opened the windows but didn't think of it.
Thank you to Atoosa for the wonderful Italian Ice and to Coco's parents for coffee and chocolate. Yum - all of it. You made my day!
The dogs know how to have fun - always! Now all the stressors I am carrying around need to vanish.
On our way to the vets I saw a Tesla and wondered who was driving THAT. It is the ugliest vehicle I ever did see. Looks like lots of room for dogs though.
Reader Comments (2)
Hello Darla and Nathan. I hope that all is well with Nathan. I am happy that you are still so active. Montuno is well and is turning 12 this summer. You have such beautiful dogs and the one in the picture looks like Montuno. Best regards
Hope everything went well with Nathan 's tests.