Leti and her pup Spirit no longer fit in the same crate. Spirit doesn't usually eat in a crate. But she has decided to wait till everyone is done and can't figure out why Willow has attempted to eat it all.
Here is today's gallery. We just have Tenshi visiting us and she departs tonight. As usual, Tenshi is delightful.
We had visitors today and well Nathan had visitors as I was crying my head off. I felt mighty rude and guilty but I didn't want to be in that state on a first meeting. I have these bouts of overwhelming sadness. I hate how out of control it all is but it too shall pass. I do so miss Risa. I am lucky to have so many memories.
Last night the dogs didn't look for her. I still turned on the fan and left it on. It was something that Risa enjoyed and now it is habit. When Dennis is banging around downstairs it drowns out the sound.
Today we have had massive hail. The boys didn't care. Ella stood on the chairs as if she was and is queen and I suppose she may be but Roxie may think otherwise.
The schnauzers departed and they play so well with the dogs that they are sorely missed. They are lovely dogs - Ash and Gray. We enjoy them so. I like the dogs having exposures to friendly breeds that are not havanese at times.
The 3 pups went to a play session. There will not be another till next month. Gillian is off to England. They had fun but watching 3 at once in a sea of dogs was a good focus.
Tomorrow Charlie comes for a play session tomorrow. We are so looking forward to it but can the hail go away?
Friday Sherry and I head to massage chairs in Pacific mall. It will be a fun distraction. I so need it.