
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in talemaker boarding toronto havanese (356)


Crazy Havanese Dawg House

It's just the usual around this house. We are simply CRAZY dawg people who adore the play. Well, some of us do more than others as you can see in the photo.

The point is, if you play with your dogs, you solidify bonding, expel energy and create laughter. Between you and I, the world would be a drab place without laughter. So, get busy and get crazy - dawg crazy that is!

Catch you tomorrow! Bathing Kooba - new home and lots of changes tomorrow for the pack and us but a grand adventure for Kooba.


All Good Visits Come to an End

Well, today Gidget woke up, had her breakfast - well the breakfast that I told Nathan she will eat and then she had her bath. She wasn't overly crazy about it especially the blower but think about warm air blowing in your face and some crazy lady brushing your face - and well - how would you find THAT!

The Gidge will be going home today and the crew - including us will miss her.

More later>>


Havanese Pick That Special Person

Risa really missed her daddy. Here she is hanging out on the back of the recliner over his shoulder.

What makes Havanese so special? Well - that unconditional love. Nathan is Risa's person. Oh, she loves me too but the Havanese tend to pick one person that they are especially fond of making them the person. Risa used to be mine so she shares the wealth. Will she ever be mine again? Time will tell but I suspect not. Besides - I am the grooming lady - hahahahaha and he's the food guy.

Well, Kooba survived her teeth cleaning. She's glad to be home again. Nathan is too. It was a long day. Now off to snuggle in bed. Yep - they all sleep with us. Crazy dawg people - we are!


Finding the Havanese Play

Abs to Kooba:
Hey - that's MY toy!!!

So much for a dog that doesn't play with toys. Kooba not only loves to play with toys after she gets comfie but also acts as mischievous as a puppy. She was running around like a banshee trying to keep the toy away from Abs and I swear she was laughing as she did. She certainly had an upbeat prance. Abigail - well she adores the play. If she could talk - she would be saying - bring it on!

Even when a dog loses or doesn't know how to play - you can find it. It may take patience and just finding what gets them excited. With Kooba - it just came as she gained comfort.

Well, Kooba goes into the vet tomorrow to get her teeth cleaned. I have found if you spray Leba III and give bones - well their teeth whiten up. Leba is expensive but it does work. it certainly saves $$ in the long run and they do not have to be sedated - win/win.

Wasabi goes in for her rabies shot that she missed due to heat and pregnancy timing. Fiona - well she is going for the ride and so is Abigail and dropping in on Yvonne. They may be going tonight or tomorrow. We will know - after handling class.

Gidget has been a picky eater but tonight I cooked her up some broiled breadless chicken cooked in bacon, added some of her lamb warmed up and she wanted more.

Picky eaters - hahahaha eventually - you find what gets them excited and then they change their minds.


Puppy Visit: Updated

Yvonne's crew came over and so did Carol, a Beardie lady. It was great company for adults and dawgs alike!

The crew had a grand time with the puppies but now they are totally tuckered out. Here you can see Fiona hanging out on daddy's leg catching some serious zzzzs.

Check out the photos of today's happenings. Oh gad - are the puppies delicious!


Gidget's Visiting

My name is Gidget and I am an honorary member of the Talemaker crew. I have visited so many times that the getting reacquainted period doesn't happen any more. I know what couch I like, what chair and where I sleep on the bed. I am a cuddle monster and this human crew loves the snuggles.

BUT that female human took out a brush and comb and spray and she's done it twice and I only came YESTERDAY. Didn't you ever hear about VACATIONS? Someone better clue her in.

She gives me a treat and a body massage and hey I can deal with that but the comb - well it can go on vacation with my human mom.

The human's turn:
Well, the crew has not been hanging outside too much with the rain but they have been playing up a storm inside.

I think we need to start using the video camera to see this craziness in action. It's something missed with just 1 dog but two or more - well it's a dawg house and it's way crazy.

Puppies visiting tomorrow - we can't wait! Watch for photos.


Last Havanese Summer Moments

The last bit of warm sun is upon us and soon the pool will be closed but Nathan and crew couldn't help but capture those last stolen moments.

The sun was warm. The company was good - us and the dogs - me on camera - Nathan running around getting them excited - doesn't take much.

Well, it was a warm day and even the pool was semi-warm enough. It surely didn't bother Katsuro.

Kat's going to miss the pool. We are too. It wasn't much of a summer this year. I think it will be forever known as the summer that wasn't.

Fiona couldn't help herself. Every time that Kat went to get out of the pool, she did her intimidation thing. It's not that he listens - as he doesn't. But she just has to try.

I can just hear that brain of hers going - stay in the pool - this area is ALL Mine - don't you know?

The dogs had a blast. I think Nathan did as well. Me - well I did baths afterwards so the night was a blur. Too many dogs - too little time. hahahaha

Nah - not as bad as I sound - just last night was a comedy of errors with many things happening that added to my NO TV time.

Well, daddy is hugely busy today so we may or may not have another pool day. We shall see but we have a very busy weekend. Richmond Green has a dog event on and we will be attending that. We are also have guests over including Yvonne and crew on Sunday and on Saturday we are visiting a Wasabi pup's house.

Crazy dawg and human weekend - I tell ya.


Havanese Abigail Party Hearty

Abs went to a party last night with lots of people where a resident cat lives. She could smell the cat but it stayed in hiding. It didn't stop her from trying to figure out where it was.

Even with the most outgoing and balanced dog, you can get a dog stressed in new situations.

Still, that doesn't mean you don't expose her but that you do in small doses.

Today we have Quito and his owner Jean coming over to say hi to Kooba. Us - and the crew are looking forward to it. More later.>>


Havanese Abigail Says: Oh My Gad Human!

Well, if you have been following my journey, you know I have this pack sister who yanks out my hair and all the visitors do too. I have no clue why. I simply yank their tail and they go for my head. I can't help myself as the tail - well it's there for me to pull on it - isn't it?

Well, mommy got that thing they call an apron on and I went into my house and hid. I have had enough baths. She has this idea of laying this hair down for the shows but she's fooling herself. Still, we try.

Get this though - Fiona has all her hair. What's that about? Those of you that read my rants - do you have a clue why?

Well, that human mom was training the rescue they are fostering - Kooba and she was learning sit. She wanted to lay down vs. sit but we think she has the treats for doing what is asked thing down. We all sat and watched and said - hey she's getting treats - what about OUR turn.

Well, more later...


Havanese Kisses

I tell ya, some guys get all the luck. Here Nathan is just having a moment with the rescue Kooba we are fostering and tonight he was off with Fiona getting her energized for the ring and having a great time with her.

Special moments with the dawgs is what it is all about.

Linda came over today to meet Kooba and she just fell in love with her. If she didn't have 4 dogs - well she may have found that forever home. So, we are still looking and enjoying the lovin'

Then when Nathan got back from handling class, he ran around like a mad man and got the dogs going, including Risa - who you may or may not be able to tell is jumping up but what you can't see is the squirrel - the flat one that Nathan had.

All it takes is a few minutes to enjoy your dogs and they will love you even more for it. Plus you get the smiles.


Havanese Dominance Games

When a dog mounts another one's head, he is going to one of the most extreme displays of dominance in the dog world. The head is the highest part of the dog. Bringing the head down brings the dog down from his highest point. It is all about who is higher than whom. It' not sexual as some believe.

Puppies often try to mount each other as a search for where they fit in the scheme of things and sometimes they do it back and forth as it's just a game to them sharing who's on top at a given time. For them, it is simply play.

Adults get into the act as well especially new ones trying to figure out their place in the pack. Here you can see Fiona shaking Kooba off but I don't think Kooba is letting her. But what you didn't see is Fiona giving her the look and then the game ended. Fiona is still figuring out what is fun and her desire to always be the one on top.

This pack works as they do try things as kids often do with each other but they also listen to each other.

Clearly, this is an instinctive dog behavior, a ritual dogs often go through. I recommend to all who are interested to question experts and to study this dog dominance behavior for yourself.

You can correct it if it bothers you.

It's sort of like growling. People react and say - oh they are being 'aggressive' but more times than not it is either a correction from one dog to another - 'leave me alone' thing going on or communication of another sort or a low level fear when it begins. It's all how we handle it or don't that sets the tone for future socialization moments.

Before you react - find out why your dog does what he does and when you do, you may be laughing vs. being frustrated.

My father raised hunting dogs and I can remember him saying to me - think like a dog. Why would one eat what it was supposed to retrieve and the other bring it back. Was one 'bad' and one not or.... figure it out. If you do, you have begun your journey in thinking like a dog. ha!


Adventurous Havanese Dogs

Gidget (formally Paris) was over visiting with her person(s) Audrey and Audrey's mom.

Gidget will be back on a sleepover this Friday having a doggie holiday. We can't wait.

Gidget was checking out the rustling of the leaves and for a moment I thought - oh no - that skunk again but it was the Abs, under the plants having a grand time but not knowing how to get out till her daddy laid down and guided her.

Kooba is coming along really great. She tried to play with Gidget but Gidget had a one track mind and just wanted Kat. ROFL Don't they all. We will see how that all unfolds when she visits.

Whenever a new dog enters the mix, the pack changes and it is always interesting to watch. If you have multiple dogs and take one in, you will see what I mean and we rather like that it mixes things up as it gives us the opportunity to help them deal with changes and it often adds some fun laughter as well.

Well, as you know, we have been on this diet kick. I am only down 3 lbs. Risa is down 4 ounces (sigh), Fiona gained and is now a 9lb dog as much as Kooba and Gidget. I haven't checked the others but we are heading down the right track. Yes, Fiona is on the diet I want - eat all you want and just gain, gain, gain. Well not too much but I want those genes.

Hoping you have a great weekend. Tomorrow we start training Kooba with basic commands. We will let you know how it goes.


Remembering Havanese Names

Risa Says:
I am so confused. I think those humans told me that one of my son's (Kat's) kids flew the coop today. Okay - not the coop per se but went to his forever home. That's way exciting.

Yvonne is down 1 pup and another goes tomorrow and yet another Sunday. Oh my - exciting times. Still a couple of pups left for those that want absolutely gorgeous pups with A+ personalities.

Either pups from Maggie or from Lola and a Kat coupling is related as Maggie is one of mine and so is Kat. Those kids are way busy. Me - I have closed shop and retired. You can only have so many kids you know then you have to remember their names. Don't test me. :-)


Havanaese Showing Signs of Concern

Our Havanese rescue that we are fostering is coming around just fine.

When Kooba 1st got here, she was overwhelmed. There were many changes that were about to unfold and your dog doesn't understand what is going on.

But if you keep at it, even the most sensitive dog can open up and gain balance.

Kooba continues to make huge leaps in becoming assertive and balanced. She's even going in the crate now and moving the furniture around, so to speak. She's also cuddling while watching TV.

As you can see, Kat is enjoying her company. One more girl - well that is okay with him.

Soon we will be looking for a new home for her and hoping we will stay in touch. We rather like this one - bigtime.


Havanese Upset Tummies - Allergies?

This is going to sound like a totally gross subject but it should be discussed. The quickest way to tell how your Havanese is doing is its stomach but why do the havanese have loose stools at times? It could be illness or allergies but it could be something else.

It can also simply be that it is an irritant not an allergy. For instance, when I had acid reflux (had it when I was very overweight - went away completely when I lost), certain foods would increase the acid content not due to allergies but they were irritants. If I avoided them, I would eliminate or reduce. With reduced weight, I can eat those irritants and although I get slightly gassy - I don't have a bad case.

I brought this up to Guelph when I was dealing with a dog's sensitive tummy and found that stress also plays a part in the shape of your stomach. Therefore weight, sensitivity, allergies or stress or any combo can throw everything off kilter. For each dog it would be different but watch a dog that gets stressed and then listen to their tummies. Their stress level shows up in their tummies very fast usually - in grumbling to soft stools to diarrhea to even vomiting or any combo.

When we go into a vet, we often do not talk about stress but stress is very real in dogs and those dogs need their self esteem built up - their confidence. Or they need slow conditioning to whatever is stressing them out. That's not to say that is the case in any dog but it *CAN* be a factor that is over looked. It is something I overlooked and usually I just assume it is the food or some parasite -they are sick etc but if it is longterm no matter what food - one has to consider stress. That doesn't mean there is anything WRONG with your dog. It just means he/she is a sensitive soul and when you boost their confidence, it usually all comes together.
All dogs have fears just like us but some have better coping skills and some need to learn coping skills with our help.

It is also why it is VERY important not to get a puppy too early as the last few weeks they learn critical coping skills from their canine mom. Shoshi took a long time to become assertive and this year I can tell you she has found her voice and backbone completely but even with my help - well the pack helped her the most. I mean she is even lifting her leg to do her business like the other females. Time -it is a good thing.


Visiting Havanese & Humans

Exciting times at the Talemaker Home. We have our son Joe that came home for leave from the navy and his wife. Kooba took a HUGE liking to Joe and Juliana and was playing with a toy with them.

We were told she doesn't play with toys but here she is doing just that. It's quite nice.

Well, we are practicing 'no bark' and not from Kooba who seems to be silent even though we have heard her bark when she wants to initate play and the other dog is not listening.

We have people working on the house outside and the noises is driving them crazy but finally - they have stopped reacting to every single sound. It's rather hard when they see people at your windows. hehehehe

If you are getting your house painted too - it's time to teach 'no bark' as it's a useful command. The painters said they were amazed that they all listened to me. Me too with all that distraction. HA!

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