
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in rockhurst Abigail at talemaker (215)


Dirty Paws

All the dawgs went for a walk and our lovely cement walkways have that wonderful dirt and salt all over them.

Every so often I had to clean out between their pads so they could go a little further.

It used to be only the main streets were dirt strewn but now even ours is. We thought after the dusting that we would have a blanket of snow for a small window but we didn't. I think with less snow this year, they are keeping extra busy salting and sanding. I hate it. The dawgs hate it too.

So we came back and the crew ran around like banshees enjoying the salt free/dirt free environment. You can't win. Then we will complain about the rain. :-)

I rinsed feet and then just let them air dry then did afternoon grooming vs. morning.

Well, Abigail is feeling queasy these days so we are trying to feed her small meals throughout. If she is pregnant (she's showing signs she is) then this would be morning sickness. She has no fever - no other ailments. Our usual play monkey is playing much less. I miss the fun Abigail. Wasabi didn't have to deal with morning sickness last time so we await the ultrasound in February. Wasabi tends to always be more laid back unless she has puppies and then she plays up a storm with them. Life is a bunch of wait and sees, isn't it!

How are you dealing with salt and dirt or are you?


Cutting the Hair Short

This is Abigail's haircut that she got today. She plays hard and loves to muck it up so I went short to see how it would look and to make it easier and allow it to come back in glorious shape. Just like humans, their hair can use a haircut every now and then to get off those dead ends.

Now when Abigail has puppies hopefully this fall, she will have a short, easy care do to get her through the pups wanting to feed and chew on her.

This was Abigail getting ready to pounce on our visitor Lucy. They take turns enjoying each other. Nothing like two havs playing together.


Bath Time

Abigail is my dawg who dislikes the bath the most. Oh she doesn't mind the drying or even swimming but stand her in the sink and she just stands there stiff as a board. Is she afraid - well that's a good signal that she is but no - she doesn't shake - she just says - get that soap out of me.

She used to shake - arch her back and hide on me but she's over that stage now. They do get better and not all of them act like that. She's one of two that has - the rest doesn't seem to mind.

The point is - just do it as a matter of fact - give them kisses - keep your voice upbeat and cutsie pieish and give them a treat when they act like you want them to.

When I have a guest that is frightened, I give them treats and cuddles and play with them as I am washing and drying and it actually gets them enjoying.

The point is, help them find the fun. By helping them - you find your own fun.


Messy Havanese Times

Doesn't mom ever groom us? Okay, she groomed me oh 3 minutes ago and I can't help but try to not look groomed the 2nd she finishes. It's my job, you know.

What do you do if you have this type of a dog?

One that likes to shove her head into things and tunnels all to give her that 'do that's less than ah...combed?

Well, laugh about it. It's one of the many things that you will find delightful with the Havanese.

Today the crew was playing like crazy with Louis. He has this way about him. It's a chase me game and he is good at it. He does it inside and out. At times all you can hear is the pitter patter of feet all over the house. It's a riot then they do it outside - under decks, up and down walks - every which way. They do believe in having fun!


No Sun Havanese

We are seriously chillin' at Talemaker Havanese.

Yes, it's warm but not hot. There's no sun and I think I am allergic - anyhow. It takes all kinds and we have them here. I rather like it between the table where the sun doesn't shine.

Now back to some serious shade bathing. Hope you don't mind and you too are taking advantage of warm - not hot and time to lay out in the lawn chairs and read. Well - I don't read but Mommy reads her photo magazines to me and I do look at the pretty photos and try to eat them.
One is never too old for a dietary change. Yum!


Abigail Finishes

Well Abigail does it with a bang - beating out all the specials for breed and finishing her championship and get this - with a blown coat.

More after today's show and a champion photo tonight.

Gad - am I tired or what and soon we have to pick up our friend Valerie Weston that helped us and continues to and I get to watch her TT in the ring today as she is on this afternoon while Nathan is on this morning with Abigail and Treasure. Fiona gets to hang out at home and enjoy already getting her championship just a few weeks ago.

We are sooooooooooooo excited to have 2 champions in such a short time.


Playing Havanese Wet Stylin'

With all these wet times that spring brings - I should be going - oh no - its raining but I get my camera out and click away and enjoy and worry about the dirt and muck later.

They come in wet and mucky, I take towels, put them in my lap and brush away unless the mud is so thick that I have to dip their feet and underside in water.

Dogs have to be allowed to be dogs even when you have show dogs. It makes the process harder but it does our hearts good to know they are emotionally balanced and having a grand time.

Havanese can and do swim - not all like it but many of ours do. We tend to make sure the pups swim if we have a litter in the summer to get them lovin' it. But at this time of the year, they run on top of our safety cover - all of the dogs and create this trampoline effect. It's fun to listen to and watch. Nathan even walks on it so we know if its safe for him, it's safe for the dogs.

This will be Treasures first summer. I can't wait to see if we have another swimmer. Are you in that summer state of mind? I can't get into it - yet! Shows to do - championships to achieve - and much more exciting times are in store.


Havanese Boarding & the Changes

Remy's family just came to pick him up and only Louis remains till the 24th. We will miss the little guy. As you can see, they (Remy, Abigail and Treasure in this photo, played their little hearts out and now our crew is fast asleep.

There's nothing better watching a bunch of Havanese in full play.

Today, for the 1st time Fiona was acting strange with strangers. It's a reminder that no matter how old they are - socialize them. We will be getting everyone and anyone to hold Miss Fiona til that strangeness is gone. The training and molding is never done.

What have you done for your Havanese today?


It's Still Icy Out There

Well, it's still icy out there and do we have exciting news or what - Rockhurst's Mystery just had 7 pups - 5 boys, 2 girls. Why is it so special to us? Well Kat is the dad.

We will be sure to post photos as soon as Beth gets rest. Look for them tomorrow.

Back to playing with our guests and the gang - Marlee, Jazmyn and Gina. Soon we will be seeing Rufus and Louis. Fun to be had at the Talemaker house.


Baths, Food Hounds Havanese

My name is Treasure. As they say I am a treasured little thang. I need to get in so I can feed this fading belly. As you can see - they don't feed me much. Okay - they do but I want Wasabi's, that cutie visitor boy that plays with me Rocky and anyone else that eats too slow - in my opinion. I have a tummy to support.

The humans say - oh oh another alpha food hound. Now how will we survive? It's going to be fun having a little or is that a lot of treasured hair ball around.

Today Abigail had a bath and has taken to sleeping and sitting on a bed on my desk. She rather likes that - looking down at everyone. Rocky is way smitten by her. She's off to a vet visit this week along with Wasabi, Treasure, Katsuro and Fiona. So, we do baths here and there inbetween work so we get it all done.

Today, Gidget goes home - sniff sniff and is she going to get excited to see Audrey. We just adore the gal. Till the next time...

More later...


Havanese Sweaters

It's wet and damp outside and that human keeps dressing us up. Oh - please - hehe But I am getting used to clothes and I sort of look smashing in them - don't ya think?

To dress or not dress - it's all so personal but for us - its also about functional and cutting down on grooming. So - we take the extra time so we don't have to wash and brush and brush.

How are you dealing with this in between weather?

I rather like sweaters at times as they are fast on and fast off.


Havanese Smells & Baths

We had a bit of a glitch and I posted a long post that disappeared so let's try this again...

Abs was out today between the rain looking for Lola. She hadn't been groomed yet so what you see is all natural.

There's something about Lola wafting through the air. Lola just had a bath and I sprayed a finishing spray on her that smells like cologne.

Kat reacted to the smell too - not over the top but highly interested as she smelt good. It tells me that they are guided by their noses.

If you want to know how so - well read a post I had written last year here.

Wasabi and Lola was out strutting their stuff but what they were doing was investigating who was doing what where. It's an interesting subject - men being led by their noses - oops dogs being led by their noses but us ladies like things that smell good too.


Fun Was Had at Sebastian's

Abigail says to Fiona, I hear tell we are going over to someones house today to do that 'run like hell' game. Do you think we can deek him out? You take the left, I will take the right and confuse the hey out of him. Do you think it will work?

Do you know whose house it is?

I heard it was one of Wasabi's kids, Sebastian, from her last litter and he even catches a Frisbee in his mouth.

How cool is that?

Daddy didn't teach US that trick.

We hear he puts his nose on the Frisbee to flip it up.

Daddy - can you teach us that trick too?

Looking at this photo, the Frisbee almost looks like its too big to handle but Sebastian is running with it with ease.

Sebastian seems to be all excited to have the crew at his house sharing his home.

Well, all the dogs that went had a grand time. They had some kids to play with and our dogs adore kids.

Something about the Havanese and kids seem to fit quite nice.

Even momma Wasabi had a good time, she who always seems to be stylin' no matter where she goes. This is her after no bath since she was at Yvonnes - almost 4 weeks ago.

It's as if she is saying - I remember that smell - that big ball of fur.

Remember folks, socialize - socialize and socialize!


Highlights: Abs & Fiona & Nathan

It's harder than you think. Where's that tail? Gad - do they have to make those banging sounds - X doesn't like it.

More Photos later...still sick but getting better and Yvonne's dogs are coming here for a month - are we excited or WHAT!


A Bit of This and That

Kirsten, it was great meeting you and your family. Thank you for introducing yourself.

As always it was great to see Karyn and Scott.

We met so many great people that at times it was a blur. I finished taking antibiotics this morning and I was much better than Darlah who really is recovering from double pneumonia and insisted on working the show.

We had the pleasure of Sweetpea and Holly Ashley staying with us for a few days. They were up from Florida for the show. They did very well indeed and I believe enjoyed themselves throughout. We certainly enjoyed their company.

Yvonne stayed at our home from Thursday to Sunday with her four Havanese. So we had a full house of dogs and people. The only light missing was our little boy, Kat!

Wasabi and Abigail are coming to the end of their heat. Lola just went into heat. Kat got banished to Yvonne's place while the girls got to stay here. It was immediately apparent to me how much he is the center of our household and of all the dogs. It just wasn't the same without him and we miss him terribly. He'll be back on Wednesday. It is the first time he has been away from home without one of us in over two years.

Anyway, a bit about the show ... I knew I was in trouble the second we walked into the building on Friday as Fiona’s tail went down. Those that follow along with Darlah's posts know that her tail never goes down. It either had something to do with the bright lights, cement floors and echoes, noise, a combination of all of the above or maybe even Fiona is about to go into her first heat. With Abigail in her first heat right now, Wasabi, who we bred, also in heat, it can set off Fiona. Anyway, Fiona was not her usual spitfire self which really sucks at the specialty because I am, as always, so very proud of her and wanted her to show everyone how special she is even with my still learning handling skills on the other end of the lead. That was not to be. Usually she is entirely focused on me, oblivious to anything else. Not this weekend. She was constantly looking around to make sure no large monsters were creeping up on her. She went to sleep as soon as we got home and slept like a rock. This is so unlike her. Saturday and Sunday she was not much better. It just wasn’t her. She did win 4th and then 3rd in her class Friday and Sunday and they were very large classes. Abigail placed 4th but showed only one day. There were over 40 Havanese both days and I think 62 on Saturday.

On Saturday Fiona and Abigail won Best in Brace. I believe this was an event enjoyed by all. I was in the ring and trying to get Fiona to relax while Abigail was trying to jump on Fiona’s head. Keep in mind that when in brace they are supposed to walk demurely, like synchronized twins, calmly and properly. Normally when Abigail jumps on Fiona to play Fiona will immediately jump right back and off they’d rock and roll. But Fiona was having none of it. So when we were in stack position waiting for Deb’s Brace I tried to quietly pick up Fiona and place her on the inside instead of on the outside so I could be closer to her. I was hoping not too many people would notice I was swapping their positions. The swap worked so when we continued walking they were actually pretty good together. I suspect though, from the laughter from the crowd in the background, that everyone in the place saw me swap the dogs.

It was great meeting so many people from across the country. As this was the national specialty held once each year in a different city, this was the first chance Darlah and I had to meet so many of the national breed club members. We had the chance to discuss a lot of things that are of interest and importance to us and should be important to any responsible breeder such as health testing. The Havanese Fanciers of Canada sponsored and ran a BAER clinic on Friday so that anyone that wanted could bring their dogs for this once in a lifetime hearing test requirement. By the end of the day I think the Doctor tested 28 dogs, most being Havanese. Yvonne spent most of the day being the receptionist for the Doctor. I filled in for a few hours. At one point the next dog to arrive was a Bull Terrier. Oh my. If you are not familiar with the breed they are massively muscled, a real powerful breed. Naturally the dog was a total sweetheart. At one point one Havanese puppy got away and went running off into the hotel lobby. Freedom at last she thought. I finally walked her down at the end of a long hotel corridor. Never a dull moment.


Brace Win & Much Fun

We had a grand time at the show meeting new people and renewing relationships.

We even had the bonus of seeing some of our dog or puppy people and Liz and Sylvie and Sebastian's mom and dad, and Kirsten and family, and Anne and the kids with Colin stuck outside with Louis who they wouldn't let into the show (his puppy cut must have given him away as a non competitor) ;-) and on and on and on.

It was great fun even with double pneumonia. (Darlah has been sick for going on a month. Naturally she has not stopped or barely slowed down but she really is slowly getting better.)

The best part was Nathan's win on the brace as it was almost comedy in action but the gals actually performed quite well with no practice but the other team didn't have much either. (The other team had the Best of Winners winner and Award of Merit winner so no slouches you understand.) Abs was in her first heat and at Yvonne's until the Thursday night before the show and by the time she got back, well who had time to practice two dogs walking in sync. But Nathan knew the dogs, switched in mid-action as he knew Abigail now had to be on the outside and it all ended strong other than Abs deciding - hey maybe I can pounce on Fiona a little here. The claps were wonderful. Deb and her pair was wonderful and Delilah - Abs sister, won really big all weekend and so did many of the Rockhurst dogs. Abs came in 3rd in her class, Fiona 4th and 3rd twice in her class and bottom line - it was fun but anything and everything was going wrong. It was like a comedy of errors starting with me being so sick, people thought I was mad. That was just me with a brain in so much fog I couldn't think straight but I wanted to be there to support the crew and enjoy and we did.

To all the winners - Norm and Cheryl's tears over Magical Mandy winning Best in Breed at the National Specialty and retiring - well priceless - all of it. I will let Nathan fill you in on the funny moments and we promise you photos but 8 DVDs worth - yeouch.

More later...or more from Nathan.


Brace Babies

Abigail and Fiona and Nathan on lead won brace but we are too busy to post photos and way too sick still but we promise we will. No rest for the weary.

But I tell you - it was fun - sick or not. What a nice experience to be surrounded by all that Hav Love.

More later>>


Missing Abigail

We Miss Abs so much...she's still at Yvonne's having a grand time and what is that about?

Ah fair weather dogs - wherever you are is the best place to be.

We are all sick....trying to get well for the specialty.


When your dog goes elsewhere and adapts easily - well that's a 'good' thing. It means your dog is balanced.


Hey, There's Bleepin White Stuff Flying

Can you believe it - white stuff coming down and sticking enough that Fiona did the shimmy through it and was in love with the stuff. Risa just hung out and let the stuff stick to her hair.

Oh, it should be gone by tomorrow but still, isn't it way too early for it to be here? No summer - early winter - yeouch! The year that wasn't - I tell ya!

Well, the human female around here still has that thing called pneumonia but she's getting better. Not there yet but they say these things take time.

We were lucky to have a visit from Audrey and Gidget. We will be cuddling with Gidget while Audery goes away and we can't wait. Unfortunately we didn't get a photo of Gidget that we could use as she was trying to play with Kat and bouncing around so fast that everything Nathan took was a blur.

We also had a visit from Jean, her friend Nancy, Quito and Kooba and that was ever so nice. We hear they went up to 'Eye on Fashion' to visit and hope they had a grand time. Nancy is just as nice as Jean is. Just wish I wasn't so much in a fog when they came.

Nathan is still out of town till end of week as he is breeding the Wasabi to the handsome Coolio. Our Abigail is in heat at Yvonne's house and yep there goes that training for brace but Nathan will muck through it - and what will be will be.

Me, I am crawling on to the couch tonight and watching Dexter. What are you watching this fine cold day?


Fiona Misses Abigail

What a suck Fiona is turning out to be. She truly misses her Abigail. I never saw her hang out and do nothing so much in her life. Oh, she has played with Terra and Shoshi but not the same.

It's interesting how everything changes when one or two leaves.

Am hoping she pulls out of this. Plus - I think she is missing her Daddy - Abigail too as she follows Alex around everywhere and howls her howl if she perceives herself left alone.

More later>>