Just the Two Of Us Hanging

Today we had a play session with just the 2 of us and another with the Leti pups and now we are having another with the Leti pups.
Here is the gallery of just us.
We had to be corrected to a minor degree for being rough but we are playing well together for the most part. We are rather smart! Each time we mesh them they get better and understand.
It's less than 2 days that Cara will depart. Cara departs Sunday. Jeannie really loves hanging out with her 2 pups.
I think when we take Willow to bed with us and take down the xpen she will get that she is staying. I hope Kai and Jeannie take her under their wing. Time will tell.
Reader Comments (2)
For those that imd me or sent me mail, there is a problem with posting comments. I am trying this from my admin acct to see if this shows up.
Okay, this showed up but when I tried it as a general user it didn't. I have reported this and will let you know. My apologies.