Willow Play Class

Willow has not been anywhere nor had she had a lead on till today. We decided to take her to a drop in class at Whos walking Who in Ajax where puppies of all breeds were attending including the havanese Panda that was just here.Panda was sitting by the side last drop in class till she came to play here and suddenly she was a huge play monkey at this session.
Willow wasn't quite sure. She didn't drool, or have loose bowels nor shake. She just was not sure so for less than 5 minutes she sat under the chair and watched. Dogs came up to say hello. Some rambunctious, some not. Gillian reminded me to stand up and mill about and let her remain. So, we did. She was eating so her stress level wasn't high. She watched us say hello to other dogs and then she came out and she too milled around the room. She didn't engage in play. Instead she went from person to person to say hello. Then she sniffed this dog or that and then told the dobie puppy that was exuberant, no she didn't want him to jump on her. She growled under her breath and the dobie listened.
I call this a great successful outing and when they do it again we ought to get more havanese out to it. So when they announce another, we will announce it to you so you can sign up.
I now want to bring Kai, Willow and Spirit.
Here is the gallery with mostly Willow, a little of Panda and the other dogs.
We then went to Globals where she had a blast!
Reader Comments (12)
We took Patches to this when she was younger and before we had Radar. She loved all the people, tolerated the dogs, and ignored all the equipment. 😁
Sounds like Willow. Hoping they have another to see how it goes.
Willow is a true beauty!
She looks pretty confident to me.
What is on the dobe’s ears?
They are taped with some wood to make them stand up as the dog grows. They do that with a lot of dogs, shelties being one of them. If the dog is to have "stand up ears" and they droop, this causes the taping.
Thanks Angela,
I’ve seen pictures of Dobes in Germany but they have dropped ears and look kinda cute.
Cropping ears and tails is banned in every province except Ontario. It is highly controversial these days.
The ones I’ve seen in pictures weren’t cropped they looked like Havanese ears without the hair.
What purpose would cropped ear serve?
To make them stand up - its purely style though some advocates may have a different idea.
Willow is beautiful. What an animated face!
Thanks Darlah.
Willow is very pretty, she looks like she has good structure.