
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


Almost a Week Old: 3 Videos Added

Tonight the pups turn a week old. Can you believe it? They are truly wonderful. Momma has been great. Her milkstations are all soft and full of milk now. Pups are all fat. Let's see what they weigh now.

(B) Birth (N) for Now

No Blaze Gal (will be littlest it appears)

(B)5oz 144g (N)10-1/8oz 290g

Tri Tan Cheek Boy

(B)5-38oz 154g (N)11-7/8oz 337g

Cream Boy

(B)6-1/4oz 180g (N)12oz 344g

Tri blaze Gal

(B)5-1/2oz 290g (N)11oz 315g

As you can see they have had a nice weight gain consistently. They are active. They are characters. It is easier in a small litter. If you have a large litter there is crowding in the uterus or there is full attachment issues so size is a factor. If they are small you must feed to give them a boost unless they start gaining from mom. But if they are not yet fully developed you must help them along. It means a lot of work. This has and is an easy litter. We are hoping Spice's is too. When she had 10 we had to help a couple along but they all thrived. It was just a land of no sleep especially for me for a week. I get relief of 4 hours once a day and up at it for 20. That includes baths and grooms and all that this means. Hoping for an easy litter for mom and maybe if not Jeannie can help. Time will tell.

Videos and galleries will be late as I have many dogs to do today. Realize nothing is wrong when I am late. It just means life is busy.

Don't you think each Jeannie pup is simply gorgeous? I do! they will continue to change. Can't wait till their eyes open which happens.


At birth, puppies are blind, deaf and toothless, unable to regulate body temperature, or even urinate or defecate on their own. Puppies depend on their mother and littermates for warmth, huddling in cozy piles to conserve body temperature. A puppy separated from this warm furry nest can quickly die from hypothermia—low body temperature. Cold, lonely puppies cry loudly to alert Mom to their predicament. Attentive moms like Jeannie take care of their every need with the help of the humans.

From birth, puppies are able to use their sense of smell and touch, which helps them root about the nest to find their mother's scent-marked breasts. The first milk the mother produces, called colostrum, is rich in antibodies that provide passive immunity and help protect the babies from disease during these early weeks of life.

For the first two weeks of life, puppies sleep nearly 90 percent of the time, spending their awake time nursing. All their energy is funneled into growing, and birth weight almost doubles the first week. Newborns aren't able to support their weight, and crawl about with paddling motions of their front legs. The limited locomotion provides the exercise that develops muscles and coordination, and soon the puppies are crawling over and around each other and their mother. Jeannie's pups are really strong.

The second week of life brings great changes for the puppy. Ears and eyes sealed since birth begin to open during this period, ears and eyelids between 14 to 21 days. This gives the furry babies a new sense of their world. They learn what their mother and other dogs look and sound like, and begin to expand their own vocabulary from grunts and mews to yelps, whines and barks. Puppies generally take their first wobbly walk by day 21.

By age three weeks, puppy development advances from the neonatal period to the transitional period. This is a time of rapid physical and sensory development, during which the puppies go from total dependence on Mom to a bit of independence. They begin to play with their littermates, learn about their environment and canine society, and begin sampling food from Mom's bowl. Puppy teeth begin to erupt until all the baby teeth are in by about five to six weeks of age. Puppies can control their need to potty by this age, and begin moving away from sleeping quarters to eliminate.

From the start we hold, caress them and condition them to touch. 

Jeannie Pups Chillin'

Jeannie Pups Eating

Jeannie Pups Snoozing

Have a lot more but not today. It's been too long of a day.


Turning 6 Days Old

Here is a gallery of our usual one at a time experience. Be sure to click on each photo to see a larger view if desired. I am trying out a new skin. Will be updating with more info later.

Pups Lazing in the Afternoon

Early Morn Snooze

Meeting of the Minds

Before Mom Was Brushed

Morning Feeding

Puppies Apart Catching zzzzzs

Night Time Comfort

Half On Half Off

Got to Stretch


Tonight 5 Days Old

Pups are really turning out to be quite the characters and their eyes are not open yet. Ruth gave this blue bed to us for Roxie's last litter and when she mentioned it I went to get it out of the whelping room. I hadn't used it yet as I didn't think they could crawl into it and when its up against mom they can't get to the bottom milk stations. But I went, let's give it a try and creamy crawled into it. One of the other rested their head. We shall see if any others climb in. Thanks Ruth for the reminder. I wouldn't have given them the credit and look they fooled me.

This afternoon I tried to get individual shots. Nathan came in midstream and we got first born gal twice as I didn't have the heart to say I did her already. He usually does this but has a lot going on today so I didn't want to bother him but knew everyone was waiting. I will try tomorrow to get our traditional hand shots. But these wil have to do till then. Here is the quick shots.

Can you believe they turn 5 days old tonight. Wow.

Here are today's videos.

Pups Belly Up Sleep

Creamy Resting in Bed

Pup's Head on Bed

Pups Feet on Then Smoosh

Puppy Hiding Face

Night Time Snuggles

Early Morn Sleep

Pups Morning Apart

Messy Mom Pups in Comfort

Pups Comfort 4 Days and a Half

Yesterday Feeding

Notice on the Smoosh video that rolling gal has her feet up on her sibling, back up and then Creamy comes in for the Smoosh.


Updated: 4 Days Old

Here is Jeannie this morning. Gallery and videos coming later as I have 3 dogs to wash. Well, now done that so I am now doing blogs. :-0

Here is a small gallery. Notice the nice receiving blanket from Anne, Russell and Cooper. Jeannie seems to like it as she is covering her pups with it.

Here are some videos:

Tails Up

More Tails Up

When you see the tails up they are tanking up. Meaning they got the mother lode of flow thing going on at that moment. They prime and then the milk comes in and tails go up and sometimes go side to side in excitement. This is another of those tidbits that will make you appreciate the feeding videos.

Day to Night

The sun went down and the camera changed to infrared. As the lightness change so does the Foscam camera.

Cleaning Pups

Sleeping With Mom

Puppy Snuggles

3 Day Old Feeding

3 and a Half Days Old

Just Pups 3 and a Half Days Old

More Pups

Cleaning 3 and a Half Days Olds

Just Relaxing

Another Coverup

Feeding With New Blankets

Feeding Under Blankets

Pups and Blankets

Can you believe the pups are now 4 days old? How did that happen?

Pups are now:

Girl 1 no blaze 8oz 229grams

Boy with tan on cheeks 9-1/8oz 259grams

Boy cream 10-1/4oz 293 grams

Girl with blaze 8-5/8oz 246grams


2 Half Days - 3 Days Tonight: Gallery Added

Update will be later this afternoon. Sorry lots going on today including baths so stay tuned. Everyone is doing well. Hardly any photos today but do have videos.

Here are videos - no gallery - may have one tonight but it isn't going to happen with what I got to do. Just finished brushing everyone and got 2 baths to do.

Covering Up Pups Again

Feeding Pups 2 Half Days Old

Pups in the Morning

Just Pups

Cleaning Pups 2 Days Old

Feeding Pups 2 Days Old

Pups 2 Plus Days Old

Evening Stretches

Happy But Tired

Early AM

More Pup Views

Early Morn Pups

Late Last Night

Resting Last Night

Momma On Guard

Crawling to Siblings

Creamy Squirms

Some of these videos are from last night. When you see a sepia tone video it was due to it being night and dark. I may not get to a gallery today but hopefully all the videos will help you get your fix. 

Pups are well. Jeannie is well though she is still getting too much hardness in her bottom milk stations. The boys seen to be able to feed off those ones but I must put them on. I figure a day or 2 more and she wil feel comfie. Feeding they do offer relief to her. You wouldn't know it from Jeannie. She is a trooper. She remains wonderful.

All pups are gaining and active as you can see. Gal #1 will be a small gal. You can already tell with feet size, body length etc.

Here is a small gallery. It is a miracle I am getting this done. It is a crazy day today. Nathan's brother was here helping to fix our ceiling from the leak and each time we had noise the dogs went crazy. I think I need sleep. hahaha Poor Dennis does as he has been up since 11 and he says he never slept due to the noise. Hoping after dinner he gets some.


3 Updates Now

I couldn't resist as I captured one of the pups already doing a rollover and she does it quite a bit. She seems to be a highly agile one. Here's the video.


2 Days Old: 2 Updates Today

The pups are now 2 days old tonight and all are now over 6 ounces. Jeannie's milk stations are now soft and they are readily eating off of them. That means by tomorrow we can stop antibiotics on Jeannie. We go an extra day. Pups stools are good so it is not affecting them in the least.

Here are a few photos taken today. Nathan has a very busy day tomorrow so individual photos will have to wait till Thursday.


36 Plus Hours Old

The pups are now 36 hours plus old. Here are their weights. (B) stands for birth (N) stands for now.

Puppy 1 gal (white shoulder)
(B)5oz 144grams (N)5-3/4oz 163grams

Puppy 2 boy (tan cheeked boy)
(B)5-3/8oz 184grams (N)6-1/2oz 184gram

Puppy 3 boy (cream with tan markings)
(B)6-1/4oz 179grams (N)7-3/8oz 211grams

Puppy 4 gal (blaze on forehead)
(B) 5-1/2oz 156grams (N)6-1/2oz 184grams

As you can see all are gaining nicely. They will and can surpass each other from day to day. 

Poor mom had her bottom milk stations getting hard and we have started her on antibiotics to clear it up. This is standard when moms get milk in the bottom ones early. She will have it for a few days and it will subside. It doesn't affect the pups. If they had any infection it would help but in this case they are lively and eating, gaining and doing amazing. Spice also has milk in already so she will also have the issue. When caught early it goes fast. Jeannie's pups are drinking from these spots today so look at who had the biggest weight gains as this is the ones that have the most milk. Last night you couldn't get milk out. Today they are looking for these slots.

Here is a gallery I created this morning. 

Here are the videos.

This Morn After Bedding Change

Covering Up Pups

A funny story about this. she covers her pups up when she goes to eat to protect them and keep them warm. She destroys the blankets so when I put them all back she went and got this soft blue blanket that was out on a dog bed, and then proceeded to lay it over them ever so neatly. I wish I had the video of her doing it but I didn't know what she was up to. So you will see the covering up and the after.

Loving Up Pups

Pups at 630am

Pups at 815am

Morning Twitches

Attentive Mom

Jeannie Pups Last Night 1

Jeannie Pups Last Night 2

Morning Feeding

Check out how active they are.

Active Pups 1

Active Pups 2

Active Pups 3

Hope you enjoy!


Morning After: Videos Now Here Plus Update

I added the videos and this photo so you can see this blog was updated. Jeannie tucks them in. It's a riot. Click on Photo to See Larger ViewPups already have round tummies. The above photo is a tad bleached out due to the light in this room. Its important to have natural light with pups. So that is why the whelping room is in this room besides being in my office. It also has 4 very large windows that allows the sunlight on the pups.

Don't you just love this shot? She's saying another photo, mom - please!

Here's a shot of the pups cuddled up. Here is a gallery of this mornings photos.

Will have videos after I catch my breath. So much to do. Haven't played recovery yet.

Mom and pups are doing well. Pups are holding their weight (actually slightly gained) as they loss before I went to bed. Now they are back up to their birth weight. This is NORMAL as mom's milk fully comes in. It is now in on all the slots not just the bottom ones. Pups are now sleeping between feedings so they will gain nicely, I imagine. They need sleep to gain. When they eat, eat, eat there is not enough milk. She now is meeting supply and demand.

All are gaining and eating and let me know if I take them away to weigh them. We need our sleep. We need to eat. Who are you putting me in this hard scale? Will do a 24 hour weigh tonight and then go down to twice a day as usual.

They re so beautiful. Going to be interesting to see color bleeding through. One has a head that looks deep silver hmmm but too early as it can change.

I must be tired. I added all the videos and they vanished. Now to do it again. Maybe I am losing my mind.

Jeannie Feeding Her Pups

Jeannie Takes a Drink

Jeannie 12 Hours Later

Jeannie 430am

Jeannie 434am

Jeannie Exhausted

Jeannie First Morning

Just the Pups

Jeannie Cleaning

More Cleaning

Jeannie is doing really well. The pups latch in so strong. They are doing really well. They are also good at finding a milk station. They have all gained in the 24 hours since they were born.


Just Moments

Click on Photo for Larger ViewThis is Jeannie still awake. She refuses to go to sleep. I think she is living on excitement. Hope she rests soon. 

Click on Photo for Larger ViewNow I am not sure if you notice in the first photo but one of the gals prefers eating on her back. I put her on her side and back on her back she went.

We just had our humidifier break just as it is out of warranty. We need one for the pups. As this one didn't last do you have one that does that isn't expensive? I don't want to have to buy one that lasts just a year. This is the 2nd one that has died just out of warranty. Or do you have one that you don't use that we can buy to get us through these 2 litters? I thought I checked everything and silly me when we went to plug ours in we had a flood on the floor. It happened just so I could lend some excitement into my life. Brands and models that last please....