
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


Vet Visit

This was Nathan at the vets doing nails. We all pitch in.

This was the crew in the crate with a bear. I wish I had more photos but while I was busy with Panda Nathan didn't get the time to take photos. Sigh. I can't be in 2 places at once. Sorry...

We will get photos tomorrow with the visit that is on unless Panda is having pups then we will delay it till Sunday. I can't control these things.

No motion sickness all the way there and all the way back. No noises either. No accidents in their crate either.

All pups are in great health.

Weights are:

Boy: 3lb 6oz

Patches: 2lbs 1/2 ounce

Abby: 2lbs 13oz

The Tri gal (Abby) has a full amount of teeth. They were amazing. No crying when they inserted the chip or gave them their shots.

Hoping to see you tomorrow though we may be half dead. :-)


Brrrr Cold Today

We found the tunnel - hooray!

Eating what we shouldn't. They ALL do this!

Pulling that big thing around!

Milk bar is closed. They don't listen though. Well, sometimes they do. That's why it is important to have them here from 8 to 10 weeks as they learn so much from mom.

They went outside today. They are getting conditioned to the cold. Isn't it brisk? They didn't mind in the least!

Using the pad

They are getting better and better about using it. They are also sleeping till 630amish from 10pm. We are trying to get that extended to 7am. But once they hear the adults, it's all over. At times when we head downstairs at 7am, its the first time we hear them.

XPen Play

We are heading to the vets tomorrow so the update will be LATE. It's an afternoon visit. That means an hour and a half to get there, an hour and a half to get back and 2 hours at the vets. That's 5 hours we are gone. So Dennis will be holding down the fort.

Was going to do another bath but no time. They truly don't need it. I have much to do as I also have to pack in case Panda has pups on the go and that takes time. I doubt she will but if I am not ready she will have them. :-)


Two Visit Day

Today, Audrey, Gidget and family came to see the pups. We started the day with a visit this morning. Thank you for putting up with the cold and enjoying and socializing with the pups. It was great to see you and to see Gidget!

Simone came by this afternoon with Stephanie. As you know Simone has been doing therapy work with Dusty at Sick Kids Hospital as she did with her late Havanese. Stephanie is someone she has been visiting since she was 5 who has been in and out of Sick Kids.

We thank Simone for bringing her and for help socializing the pups. Here is the gallery from both the visits. I wish Danielle was able to meet her but she is in Sick Kids at the moment.

Here are a couple of videos with the crew:

Nathan Xpen Fun With Pups

Under the Blanket Fun

The pups as I type are now upstairs with Dennis. its too cold outside but they were awfully good outside earlier considering. I came in and got warm.

I am fighting a cold and would love to go to bed but life doesn't work that way. It's okay. I get puppy time!


Such a Busy Day

The pups were outside despite the wet. They also were upstairs and as Jeannie used the stairs to get on the bed, the gal with the white collar climbed up right after her. Imagine that. No photos as Dennis had them upstairs. Will try to get them next time.

The pups didn't mind the wet in the least. It makes sense considering they liked the bath. They are so much fun at this stage. Friday they are off to the vets.

Here are some videos.

New Digs 1

New Digs 2

Pups Indoors and Outdoors

Pups are now in yet another xpen (the largest one). We had to set up the Panda one so you can see hers from the couch. We still are rearranging but I am told I must sign out now. Panda's blog will be done later.

These pups are so much fun and tomorrow they have a special visitor. More about it tomorrow!


New Digs Again

There is a lot of work in making room for Panda and her pups. Oh it should just be setting up an xpen but lets see, we had to move a couch out. Move linoleum over, move the 2 xpens. We still are not done but Roxies are now without a whelping box. You will see photos tomorrow on her page. Jeannies has moved over and the couch is in front of them piled with stuff we need to move and find room for as one couch we used for all the blankets. Now we have to create a system and have the blankets elsewhere but some for quick change outs. This is a work in progress.

While Dennis was sterilizing and moving etc the pups were out in the hallway too. So was Roxie's pups and well Roxie didn't like her pups being so exposed as Leti wanted to look in. So, we corrected Leti.

Jeannie pups kept trying to see what the noise was behind the whelping box.

But now Jeannie pups are in their new digs. Roxie pups are in theirs and we have to still set up Pandas and fine tune where food is going and cameras are going and all that fun stuff.

Here are a couple of videos. Read Roxie's blog to understand what is going on with videos. It's a source of much frustration for me. It also adds more on my plate. Oh well...

The Jeannie Gals Playing

Who's Boss

Xpen Play

These changes are good for the pups. The more we expose the better they are. They did rather well with the craziness of moving their humble abode around and all the chaos of moving a couch and all sorts of things.

Oh my gad I am TIRED!


No Video Day

I am rather frustrated. I may have to use a different program but Dennis keeps telling me to be patient. On android you can save as mp4s but those are too big. We shall see. I may be on manual till a fix comes. After getting a camera this will ^%$&.

Best toy? Paper Towel roll. Yes, it was as if they had died and gone to heaven. Look what we have!! This crew is 7 weeks tonight. Wow!! Five more days and they head to the vets. Six days till the 8 week puppy visit. They are totally delicious. You are going to LOVE the next visit.


Let It Rain

So it rained today. We still managed to have deck time. See the gallery - no video today. I do have a video last night where the pups are sleeping and the floor is clean. :-) I also have another when they first went to bed. What I did do is snap a lot of photos. Its been a busy day. Pups have been playing inside, outside and doing really well. They are almost 100% on food now. They only have mom in the morning when waiting for their food. We had loose stool yesterday as one of them ate Momma's food. Nathan insists they need softened food but every chance they get they scarf up moms as it has extras in it.

They are fun. They run to you. They kiss you. They snuggle with you. They make you feel as if no matter what is going on the world is right!

Last night was the first night they ate just before bed and only had water in their pen. They are making the transition to no food at night. I am rather proud of them.


Rainy Miserable Day

Okay we had time out on the deck before it started but still all that stuff to haul in was unreal.

I think this boy is running so fast he thinks he can fly. They are perfecting their mobility skills. It is funny as Roxie's pups are doing the same just different.

Here is a puppy gallery - a small one of them outside. What I noticed is these 3 are not huge rough housers. I think the more pups you have the more inclined they are to puppy wrestle. Sure they do some of it but they have yet to have a session where someone says uncle and usually they always do. it is how they learn. Ouch - you were too rough - now stop.

Here is a short video of them outside. Yes, play wrestling but not even remotely close to any of teh others.

 Here are also a few videos.

Night Time Sleeping

Pups Snoozing

The Xpen

Every night Dennis cleans the downstairs xpen and every morning he cleans the upstairs pen. Sure we change blankets, toys out etc and we change the food, water etc but we sterilize it with Benefect. Then he puts everything down after the area dries and the pen is clean. I suppose you can get lazy about it every now and them but I firmly believe that a clean pen is appreciated and desirable in the long-term. So, we do this every day. You don't want them feeling comfie with a dirty environment. This is one of the reasons we went to a 2 xpen environment when they were older. It is easy to sterilize. Plus it conditions them to be without mom so when they go to you they are not dealing with the separation as greatly.

When the pups are smaller you have to take them all out and clean the whelping box out, keep them warm and then move them back. Either way its a lot of work and a lot of laundry. :-) But teh pups are better off for it, I believe.

Pups are just about to be taken out to the kitchen. It is still raining hard. So, today we have indoor fun. That's okay too!


Rain so Kitchen

We had a play session - actually 2 in the kitchen today, 1 in the office and 1 upstairs. The pups were great no matter where they were. I was actually grooming except for the kitchen one so no photos were taken. Not sure why not but oh well.

The pups have been truly transitioning to food. They are also drinking a fair bit of water now. They head off to the vets in 8 days.

Odin and Ozzie had great fun with the pups.

 We even manage to drink from the big dishes and climb on beds. We are getting good with our legs.

No video today - sorry about that but pups are doing wonderful.


Then the Rain Came

We were pretty miffed that the bath came out of the sky. We didn't mind it but the human thought we best go inside. We rather like the outdoors.

Puppy Wrestling

So, not many photos. Just 1 video above. Some crazy kid is banging hs drums and we don't seem to mind. Some puppies do. Some don't. These three no issue. That is good for our son Jon who likes to drive me nuts banging away but I love him so I say ok.

We did have indoor play MANY times.

We are also perfecting our running. Yes, we just realized we can run.

We did manage grass time before the wet came.

And inbetween we fell asleep. The humans say we look like angels. :-)