Oh the Cool Weather

They say we are in for a heatwave this week. They also say rain on Saturday and Sunday. Please mother nature cooperate. That's okay. I will hang up the curtains and we will do it anyways. Besides that is a full week away so anything can change.
You will enjoy your visit either way.
Bring your own water or drink so we do not have to deal with that if it is very warm. usually people forgo drinks and just focus on pups but if its going to be very hot - you may feel the need.
I can't believe this week is here and I bet you can't either. They are mighty delicious! I warn you.
Reader Comments (2)
Omg, I can’t wait until our turn to visit! It is going to be so crazy meeting 15 puppies... you should be charging us extra for the experience! But I am glad you aren’t!
Really looking forward, thanks :)