Last Time

Ella had another connection at the vets today. As this was her prime time and her eggs are ripe and well Truffie's sperm is in great shape, we are confident this is it.
The things we do to get a pregnancy. Ella was never able to have a connection and we didn't know why. She is tiny where one makes a connection but after a pregnancy that area will be larger. We are glad she had no strictures or any other issues that would say no to breeding and this is easy to correct. So, I am glad we persisted this time. These 2 girls are going to have gorgeous pups and it will be 2 first time moms - same day or a day apart. Exciting times in 2 months.
Reader Comments (5)
Ella and Truffie will have beauties. I wonder if anyone will be a chocolate :-)
Nice to hear things went well for Ella. I wasn't sure if Ella or Cinnamon had previous litters. They have picked a great time of year to have their 1st pups.
We may have chocolates as there are chocolates in both lines.
First time moms for both. No meshing these 2 litters together either cause as soon as they of an age they will be able to play together. They will indeed have pool time. they will indeed have play sessions outdoors while I swim and watch. :-) LOL Maybe some will come in with ME.
Can't wait to see Ella's pups. I wonder how her mommy Roxie will feel about seeing Ella pups.
I agree with you Kathy. Can't wait to see Ella's pups. I wonder too if Roxy will help out like all grannys do?