Ella Belly Shot

In this photo Ella actually looks bigger than Cinnamon but she is not. It's the way they were stretched or not stretched. When standing on 4 feet. Ella is a bit smaller when you check her belly.
She seems to be handling the heat better than Cinnamon. May 28th she gets her xray to figure out how many pups each have. Exciting times coming. I always like to hear how many.
Reader Comments (7)
Never mind, sweet Ella, you still have a cute figure!
Ella looks quite pleased w/ herself. Perhaps she knows what's going on after all. I think animals have intuition . . . She's a pretty girl!
Awe Ella is so sweet! She looks very happy showing off her growing belly 😊
Ella Bella is so beautiful! Looking good mommy to be ❤️
Ella, my special one, we are so excited to see how many siblings Rusty will have.
You are a beauty in any shape.
She looks so happy !
I expect both will have beautiful pups.