No Outdoors

It's too hot for the puppies outdoors. It is not doable. With their body weight, they would dehydrate too fast. We are hoping for cooler weather as we want to get them outdoors on a regular basis.
As all teh 10 puppies are together now, it is hard to do individual galleries so I am going to do Ella's as the indoor one with all 10 and on Cinnamon's we will do the outside of the pen ones. That is probably confusing but I started looking at each photo to see where I could put them in what gallery and my head was spinning. So, each day I will do an in the pen and out of the pen gallery and I hope that will suffice.
Here is the gallery. This is the in the xpen one.
As you will see, all 10 pups are now as 1 group and they will continue as it is not conducive to their well being to be separate. The more exposures, the better puppies they are.
Be sure to check out the videos.
You will see moms with each others puppies. You will see Ellas and Cinnamon's playing together. They are doing rather well.
Reader Comments (1)
A sea of adorable puppies! I love the pic of the row of them cuddling 🐶🐶🐶❤️