Happy 1st Birthday: 3 Siblings

Dear Darlah and Nathan,
Today our Tchibo turned 1! We cannot believe it has been a year! Time flies when you are having fun.
We are forever grateful to Talemaker (especially Roxie :)) for our wonderful family member and friend Tchibo. We saw how much hard work and dedication it takes to make such wonderful pups. Thank you for your support through his first year with advice and boarding.
Even though Tchibo is a grown-up now he is still a puppy in our books.
We stayed home today to celebrate and do all the things he loves doing: walking in his favorite park, snuggling on the couch and enjoying tasty food. He hated taking pictures though :)
Congratulations to Tchibo’s siblings Rheo, Milo, Tuesday and Buddy!
Below is a photo with the “cake” from ground beef :) Now he is taking an afternoon nap after finally being let to eat two slices.
I hope today will be as special for everyone as it is for us!
Thank you,
Aliya, Alex and Tchibo
Here is one for Roxie’s blog...
A picture of Milo taken today on his 1st Birthday 🎂
Happy Birthday to all his brothers!
Wishing a happy first birthday to Rheo and his brothers. What a year it has been! It has been such fun exploring the world with him, building happy relationship with the big dogs, Kinsey-13.5 years and Jasper- 6years, and learning a bit about agility, Nosework, obedience and Rally O. He has met many friends, human and dog.
He is a well loved little cutie!💕
Thanks Darlah and Nathan for this amazing little guy.