Rheo Missing Teeth

Hi Darlah,
Thought that I would send an update on Rheo. He had his vet check and last vaccines today and weighed in at 7.2 pounds. He is also gaining lots of new teeth. He is so friendly and co-operative there and has a big fan club amongst the staff.
He is doing well in puppy class and learning lots. It sure is new to train such a wee guy, but I am figuring out how to adjust my old skills to suit his needs.
He is having lots of fun playing with the big dogs and they all get along well.
Rheo is an ongoing delight. My daughter and friends all want to steal him and take him home, so I check large handbags before they leave😆ha, ha!
Here he is chillin’ with his big brother, Jasper
Tell us is anyone else in this litter seeing missing teeth?
Reader Comments (2)
So nice to hear about Rheo and how he’s doing. Good luck with your teething 👍