Odin and Katie's Birthday!

Hi Nathan & Darlah,
Thanks for taking care of Odin, he is back to normal now, he was totally out that night and need another day to recover, he must be having so much fun at your place. Time flies...Today is his 1st birthday, we hosted a party for him over the weekend, attaching 2 pictures here. Happy Birthday to sis. Katie too...from Odin.
Happy Birthday to you too Katie. I thought I would put up a couple of you as you were becoming a young lady. Look what she is doing. That attitude would have bode us well in the ring.
Odin is a pistol too. Roxie you make nice puppies!
Reader Comments (5)
Thank you Darlah for the birthday wishes for little Katie! I can't believe she is one by ear old today, time flies! I sent a birthday wish for her and Odin to the all about digs blog early today.
I bought her a birthday hat and tried to get her to sit foipt a birthday photo but she wouldn't cooperate, :(
Roxie produced 2 georgeous puppies by immaculate conception, lol
Thanks Darlah and Nathan for my beautiful Katie!!
Is that black and white pup we ith Katie at the shoe rack Odin?
Happy belated birthday Katie and Odin (my post from the other day didn't go through). Wow, one year already. I remember when Roxie had that first litter.
yes it was Odin before he silvered out. :-)
Happy belated Birthday Katie and Odin. I remember your birth very well.