5 Weeks 5 days Old
We had storm conditioning today plus don't bite and hey that's not who you feed off of. They are learning by the hours it seems. These pups are great. I so enjoy them. Lately it's been just me and the pups or Dennis and the pups. As I type the pups are looking at me as if to say - is it time yet? They are so polite!
How did they do with the thunder? No issue. The pelting rain on the gazebo top - no reaction. They get curious about birds making the sounds that they do.
Tonight they had ground beef mixed in their kibble and they went yum. Bowels remain great. No issues.
Reader Comments (8)
They are so adorable!! LOVE LOVE LOVE them.
I love to watch them wrestle! Well ... boys will be boys, right?
Yummmm, flip flops are so tasty.
Roxie's boys could not be cuter. They each have distinctive faces.
Great that the thunder hail etc does not disturb them.
We got caught in a downpour yesterday while walking and the thunder was so loud that Murphy, who is not bothered by it because of Talemaker conditioning literally jumped at the loudest clap.
Catching up on the pups videos. Wow, they are amazing! Happy that they like the blue mattress. What a great idea!
Sherry: Hope you made light of it. That sound is something else. A few days ago in a normal voice I said panda - not raised in the least. She was at the end of the yard. She came running.
Darlah, to your point, it's amazing how even slightly raising our voice can affect the dogs. We have learned how important it is to keep our voice normal no matter what's going on. It makes a huge difference in how they react.
Yes, I didn't react which was food because she lioked at me right away.