Patches and the Pups

Patches finds great fun with all the pups. She's a great dog and would do well with any of them, it seems. I thought they may be harrassing her but no, when we took her out she wanted to come back in and let them play the chase game with her. It was a riot. Here's the video.
Here are a few more videos:
Here is a gallery of what was clicked today.
Pups are wonderful and so is Patches!

Reader Comments (6)
That was endearing watching Patches with the pups. A couple of weeks ago, it looked like there was one pup in particular that had bonded with her, now looks like she has a whole crew attached ... Don't know how your going to choose.
Thanks Darlah, Patches is looking like she's having a blast with the pups. They are all wonderful and we think Patches is special too.
Patches is so gentle with all of the puppies. Having them all chasing and jumping on her does not seem to matter to her. She will love having a playment.
Nathan 'the puppy charmer' is a magnet to these 9 pups. They can not get enough of him.
Those are great videos. Patches is loved by them all. She appears so gentle with them. I envy you Angela. I think the black one with the white collar was really pursuing her. Any would be wonderful. Can't wait to find out. How exciting. Darlah I hope you are feeling better.
Oh, all so cute! My favourite is Nathan with the puppies, they just love him so much, it's wonderful to see. So cute!!!
I thought the same a few weeks ago that one seemed to like Patches more than the others, now not so sure. They all seem to want to play with the Patches! Wonderful to watch! And Nathan with the puppies, so so cute!