8 Week Visit

The first puppy will be going home the 9th. Wow, so soon. Vet visit is tomorrow. We take that long drive to the vets and back again. Here is the gallery from the visit.
Pups slept after everyone departed and are still sleeping actually. They had a ton of fun. They were friendly and enjoyed the visit tremendously.
Tomorrow look for vet visit photos. A part of me thinks I am insane for doing a national specialty, a 8 week visit and then the vet visit but we have to do what I would like to experience if I was getting a puppy.
Here is a video of the pups playing before the visit. Yes, it's a different one than the one on Roxie's video.

Reader Comments (3)
That picture is lovely! Not sure if that lady will get that particular pup that she is holding, but it is a beautiful shot! Great video.
Yes, great shot! Thanks again for letting us experience all 9 of these beautiful souls.
I'm framing that pic:)) What a wonderful visit!! Thank you:)