Simone Came to Visit

We had Ruth here (photos and videos tomorrow) and we had Simone here. The puppies had a very full day going otdoors twice and having 2 sets of visitors. Lucky them.
They are amazing pups. Such a delight and they can do stairs. heh
Here are a couple of videos.
Yes, we spray the pad so they don't eat it. :-) Havanese are paper shredders.

Reader Comments (3)
What a great pic with Simone, so very sweet. I love that Benefec trick for the potty pad, will use it for sure.
I thought only Rusty was crazy for paper, noons and toilet paper rolls. When Rusty was younger he did eat the pads too but I didn't know it was safe to spray them always learning. The pups are growing. All beautiful, every one of them.
Such delicious wonderful puppies, what a delight, thanks!