Class 6: Last Class
The Saffron pups are so full of life. It is a delight to watch. I am just ever so sad that this was the last class.
Here are the photos from Amy's dad.
The 3 Amigo had a blast last night and all did really well though without a leg up Thyme still won't go down. We will keep trying.
Today we had Chester, Thyme and Tenshi here. here is the video and here is the gallery.
Tenshi won the prize last night. Each and every single one of them was full of life and had way too much fun. I hope the humans did too. I LOVE, LOVE their enthusiasm. Here is my gallery.
Here are the videos. Yes, it was games night so enjoy!
Reader Comments (5)
Fun to watch videos!
What beautiful pups. Great pics
Tenshi will miss her siblings in class!!! Chester is such a pretty boy! His hair really lightened up.
Tenshi will miss her siblings in class!!! Chester is such a pretty boy! His hair really lightened up.
What wonderful videos. All the dogs were great and that little Tenshi is a little firecracker. She made me laugh so hard.