Messy Gal
I just brushed her and she couldn't help but scrunch her face and make herself naturally and splendidly messy!
Pups were kicking up a storm last night and today Sherry was able to feel them.
Tomorrow as Adele, River and Panda will not be here we will set up the whelping box and get ready. Hoping it is later vs. earlier and hoping its during the day but fat chance with my luck. hahahaha
Reader Comments (6)
Ah Safi, you are just like your mommy.....Spicy loves to make herself naturally and splendidly messy 😍
Yes that she is.... Love that about them even though it means more fix ups.
I don't care about the fix ups but I have to laugh...unlike with Cooper, I redo her top knot at least 3 times a day. Funny, in the morning, she doesn't mess it up but come the afternoon, she's a riot. Note to file: holiday photo shoots in the morning only 😜🤗
Love Saffy.. She always looks good to me.
Murphy does the face smush too and then looks at me. She's found a way to rub her face along the bottom edge of the sofa to get it really good and messy. Then she rolls around on the carpet for good measure. Makes me laugh every single time..
It was amazing to feel the puppies kick! They were moving around like crazy.
Think I will wash Saffron today or tomorrow . Today we will set up the whelping box etc.