
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


15 Days

This is Cinnamon's girl. She is a dark brown and cream. She climbed out of the whelping box and started screaming. Poor Cinnamon was so fretful. Mommy, help me. She is screaming. She kept kissing, whining for me. I was really there in less than a minute but it felt longer for Cinnamon, I am sure. She didn't hurt herself. She fell on the pillow and climbed down to the  floor. She just started an adventure and didn't know what that meant. Once she was back with her siblings, not a peep. 

Here is the gallery.

Usually they are older when they climb out. 1 more climb out and the whelping box goes. We will see when that is.

The pups are gaining and doing well!


Eyes Open

This is the last boy to open his eyes - last of all the Cinnamon pups. As you can see in the photos, he opens and says - I don't think so. Eyes have blurry vision at this stage. Each day it improves as they adjust to light. This also means they can now hear.

Here is the gallery.

It will take a few days and activity will change as they get a visual as well as smell and hearing. I will be adding toys in too. Play will start and trying to stand up on their legs will ensue. It's a wonderful time to watch.

We also did a video of the pups and hopefully Nathan has held the pups up so you can see each but its interesting as looking at the video, he needs to improve his skill and patience. LOL

Notice the pigment is starting to come in as well.

See the videos.


13 Days Old

This crew has a bed that mom lays in so they can all fit in to feed. They are rather good at climbing up into it. Where there is a will there is a way. This is all good for them as they strengthen their muscles.

Here is the gallery.

They are sleeping longer now as they get older and larger. Each day I look to see if theur eyes are starting to open, Not yet. I can't wait!


12 Days Old

If you notice moms are wet on their backside is because for a couple of weeks they have discharge and I need to clean them a few times a day. I take a blower and take out any excess water but do not dry them completely. They need to get back to their pups and an extended drying at this time only creates stress for them.

Here is the gallery.

I also do not wash them completely till about 3 weeks after they have had pups. Thi sis the timeframe when they can be away for as long as it takes me to wash and dry them. Over the years I have learned this works. I do brush them out daily.

The pups are doing well. The back and white has brown bleeding through on the back so not true black and white.

Sometimes they fuss as they are too warm so we have a temperature guage to know if the heatlamps should be on or off. We also regulate it with a closed or open door to this room.

Soon their eyes will be open and the fun will begin.

I upload videos here as I can. Each day we have new ones.


11 Days Old

These will be the firsts. What do I mean by that? As these are the oldest, they will most likely open their eyes and ears first. They will be the ones that walk first...but then again maybe not.

Let's us see the difference in age. Cinnamons are 11 days old, Letis 7 and Raven's 1 day old.

Here is the gallery.

This means there will be a 10 day delay in development between Cinnamon's and Raven's boy. But as they get older, they learn from the older pups and suddenly the differences fade as the youngest strive to keep up with the older. We have seen this happen time and time again. A 10 day delay is the max I would like in merging all the pups together. We will be doing that when the time is right. they will be walking and playing by then. There are many benefits in merging them. They learn from each other. they benefit greatly by essentially having not 1 but two adults mentoring them.

After that stage, we start slowly inviting the older dogs to play with them. But I am getting ahead of myself. Next is eyes and ears opening.

Check out the videos here.


10 Days Old

What I find with the flash - have to play more with it when awake that it lightens up the dark but also washes out some of the colours.

Here is today's gallery.

Pups are plump. There are still 2 under 1 pound. Next thing we wait for is eyes and ears opening. then you get to see deveopment faster than you do now.

Cinnamon is happy. She is Ms Laidback truly!

Check out videos here.

Did this journey really happy 10 days ago?

In the next couple of days Nathan will start contacting people. Recovery is important for us. Waiting hard for you. Sorry.


9 Days Old

Two of the boys - well there are only 2 boys - have reached 1lb in weight. The boys usually do grow faster than the gals. As it is cold outside, I realize I need weatherstripping as the heatlamps are now on all day and all night.

As pups can't yet regulate their body heat, it is a must. About 2 weeks, the regulation occurs and so do the ears and the eyes. Pups are born essentially with their eyes and ears closed as this is still developing. They use their smell and touch senses to find mom. If she is outside of the whelping box they will start to stir as they can smell her. Their sense of smell is great.

Here is the gallery.

They do practice walking before the eyes are open. it's a curious thing as they can't see where they are going but they can smell. Often you will see them walking along the wall using both touch and smell. Once the eyes open, it takes days - up to a week for their eyesight to get clear vs. blurry.

Pups are doing well. Cinnamon is a very confident mom. You can find her many times going outside, sitting outside of the whelping box and not worrying about Leti or Raven. I have good moms!

You can see the videos here.


Things to Acquire


Lots of things you will use short term and acquire cheaper. If you use an xpen over rigs or wood floors, use a piece of linoleum to protect your floors.


8 Days Old

We are hungry. We don't like cold. We like to eat. We are 8 days old. We even try our legs out but time till we are walking or have our eyes open.

Here is the gallery.

What are the stages of development?

Till two weeks:

  • The senses of touch and taste are immediately present after birth.
  • The mother has the most influence over the puppy.
  • Human touch starts the process of trust and enjoyment of a human cuddling them.

  • Just because they do not appear to be doing much, they are. Each squirm to mom strengthens their legs and arms. They use their smell to find mom. ears and eyes open up at the same time.
    They are learning.... and getting stronger day by day.

    1 Week Old and Nail Cutting

    Sorry we are in a rush today so we didn't have time to make sure I was getting upclose photos. We have a vet coming and I had pens to clean, laundry to do etc Same stuff I do everyday but I also had to set up the front room for the vet.  But you can see what I got in the gallery. I should have taken a video too but wasn't thinking. Next time.

    Pups are gaining. They fuss if cold or they want to eat otherwise they practice squirming and sleeping.

    They are doing really well. I can't believe they are a full week old!


    6 Days Old

    Puppies are gaining well. They want for nothing.

    Here is the gallery.

    Their nails need to be done. I need to take photos of them but  it needs Nathan cutting so I can click. We shall see.

    Cinnamon is such a happy show off mom. She goes outside and she prances as if to say, look at me guys - I am a MOM!

    Here are the videos. I am uploading as the day goes.


    5 Days Old

    Pups are 5 days old now. That boy on top is always on top. Always gets a milk station that is plentiful. Vocalizes to tell mom to release her milk. Rather early to see personality but his is unfolding.

    I looked at this crew and went how is Leti and Raven ever going to beat this crew? Well, Leti has mighty pretty pups too. What singleton will Raven give us? Boy or girl? Will find out this week.

    Here is the gallery.

    I call this the chunky monkeys. Rolly polly they are! I do believe their nails may need clipping already. How did that happen so fast?

    Cinnamon is ever so proud and now allows them to sleep between feedings. That's what happens when they eat so well. They can sleep a good period of time allowing mom a break.

    Here are the videos.


    4 Days Old

    Well, we have one boy that makes noises so mom lets her milk down. It is a riot. Usually you have a chorus but this lone boy is doing all the work for the others.

    Here is the gallery.

    The pups are lovely. They are gaining. I do think we have a tri. Unless that black lightens up it is a tri colour. I love tris. I was hoping for a tri like Ali. The rest are for sure deep brown.

    This crew rolls, squirms and gets where they want to. They also fuss at mom if they can't get to the milk station.

    No one is looking at the videos, so I may reduce myself to 1 a day. I also realized I had put some videos here. argh. Happens when you are tired. My main site to upload is the 1st link. I own both sites and hadn't realized my android pad was on the other channel. If you go to youtube and search for Talemaker and Talemaker Havanese, you will see the videos. Talemaker Havanese is the one I use the most especially for pups.


    Three Days

    What a cute pile up of puppies. I need to do individual shots but that can wait.

    Here is the gallery.

    All pups range from 8 to 11 ounces now. Colouring on photos depends on if I have the heat lamp on or not. You will also notice a lot of blanket changes. Cinnamon will have discharge for a week or 2 sometimes longer. Her bowels are solid. This is not always the case. We - ok I wash her off but sometimes the blankets need changing. This is all normal but I like the area clean. It means more laundry but worth it. I like clean sheets and by doing this, they also get used to clean. There is a method to my madness.

    The pups are truly gorgeous especially upclose and personal. Our son Jon's girlfriend said oh my, I never saw them this tiny. It is interesting in photos and in person. You get a different perspective. They are tiny but substantial. They are also quite good at roll overs and squirming to mom.

    By the way, they are getting tough in getting them all to fit in if mom is on her side. I caressed a few of them to get them used to human touch and they LOVED, LOVED, LOVED it!


    Two Days Plus

    Pups and mom continuue to do well. One of the pups likes to eat a lot. LOL It's one of the males. Can you guess which one?

    Here is the gallery.

    Cinnamon gets so happy to see me. Her whole body sways in happiness. Showing off her pups is indeed what she is doing. Look, Mommy - all these babies!

    Each day I will add videos to this link.


    Over a Day and a Half

    Mom and pups are doing really well. She is eating a ton. The pups are gaining and are lively.

    Here is the gallery.

    Yesterday, Cinnamon was afraid that when I was weighing the pups, I somehow was making them disappear. She was not happy with me. Today she is relaxed and goes oh that is what she is doing.

    If you look at the videos, you will see rolling going on already. I think we have some fun personalities in this crew.


    Update on Cinnamon

    Pups are anywhere from 12 hours old to 7 hours old or thereabouts.

    Here is a gallery.

    As of 1030am, all pups gained but 2 - the last 2 who are the youngest. The 2 are holding their own and I have not weighed them again and won't till tonight. Most puppies lose the first 24 to 48 hours. These pups are doing really well. No concerns. I don't worry when we have initial losses as it depends on how much the milk has let down. It is obvious she had hers before she had the pups. Not all moms do.

    Cinnamon has eaten many, many bowls of food. Her pups are strong and squirm here and there.

    I brushed out Cinnamon, washed her tummy and massaged her a bit. I wash the tummy to keep the area clean but a cool cloth cools her tummy down.

    In a few days when colours have set in, I will do individual shots with more indepth descriptions. Such as one has a white blaze on its chest.

    Mom and pups are doing really well. I slept for 2 hours and Nathan is back in bed. I am glad as I was exhausted. Dennis will sleep after the vet visit for Raven and he will do night duty.

    Usually I have company online - a nurse friend in Utah but she is on holiday. She is out on a boat to Antarctica tonight and on a day trip today. Sherry also tried to stay up and fell asleep.

    I hope Leti and Raven's whelping goes as smoothly and easily.


    Puppies Are Here

    Click on Photo for Larger ViewFirst is a girl born at 1130pm. She weighs 6.5oz 187g. She was born on Stone - the sire's birthday! What stunning markings.

    Click on Photo for Larger ViewSecond one born at 1233am. He is a brown and white boy. He weighs 7-3/4oz 220g

    Videos are Getting Uploaded Here

    Click on Photo for Larger ViewThird one was born at 133am. It's a brown and white gal with a double mask and half mustache. She weighs 5-7/8oz 167g

    Gallery is here - adding as we go.

    Click on Photo for Larger View4th one born is a tri gal, I believe. Her birth time is 214am. Nathan thinks it is deep brown. Time will tell. She was born at 214am. She weighs 7-1/8oz 205g

    Click on Photo for Larger ViewFifth one was born at 338am. It's another girl and she is indeed a deep brown. She weighs 5oz 170g

    Click on Photo for Larger ViewThis is the 6th one. She's a gal that was born at 352am. She has a white chin. Her weight is 7-3/4oz 219g.

    I thought I had blacks but other than the 1st black and white, we have deep browns and a tan and cream.

    Click on Photo for Larger ViewThe last one is a boy. He was born at 513am. He weighs 7-3/4oz 220g.

    Click on Photo for Larger ViewHere they are all piled together!

    Nathan is now sleeping. I am trying to stay awake. Cinnamon's first was born on my arm as I was carrying her downstairs. Nathan went to bed at 930 and promptly fell asleep. I stayed awake with Cinnamon. I am glad I had the hour and a half nap yesterday as this all night and no sleep even when done is NOT fun.

    Cinnamon is great. She had no issues. Most times her deliveries were silent.

    So - 2 boys, 5 gals. Those that are waiting, wow what wonderful pups.

    I hope we recover before Leti's come. We have Raven's xray at 4pm. Nathan will go alone.


    Nap and Update

    Going to head for a nap. Cinnamon is 97.5

    Had nap. No changes. She is 98.5 now so going up as it should. If born today, they will be born on their dad's birthday (Stone). If born after midnight, the day after. LOL

    Happy Birthday, Alvin, Radar, Mickey and Stone!


    Cinnamon Saga

    She's throwing up bile. She is not eating but usually not till lunch. Temps are 98.7. No nesting. We got sleep last night. The saga continues. 

    Dinner and company was wonderful. Thank you Cinnamon and Lynda. I truly hope not till the 11th. See how I keep pushing out dates? Raven is supposed to go for xrays tomorrow. The longer Cinnamon waits, the closer the pups will be in age. I like that. I looked at the garage today and went oh well. LOL

    Pool gets closed this morning. Waiting for pool house supplies but not my job. Hooray! The pups are mine. 

    Dennis does night duty. I do day duty unless I am grooming in the afternoon when Dennis gets up and Nathan spends some time with them. Nathan likes them around 4 weeks as they are very active by then. I like all the moments from birth on. I find them fascinating.