Last Play as 10

Gallery can be found on Sage's blog.
Tonight is their last play as 10. Due to weather, no one departed today and everyone that is going is departing tomorrow.
I will miss the pups!
We finish feeding at 830am daily. Now we have a dog departing at that time so, no Cinnamon weights? Dogs have to go away before they come. You see we have dogs in heat and visitors and none can be out during the departures and the girls in heat can't be with the visitors. It is going to be chaos but we will deal.
I may have to wake up at 6am to feed dogs earlier. Then there is setup. I just want to survive and be happy for everyone and pray that the earliest one makes it home safely.
I just checked the bags 3 times over and I know Nathan will say in front of one of you - where is X?
I had classes I paid for that I couldn't do. I hope there is a replay.
Oh yes, I gather after Nathan is in bed, Dennis and I will be washing floors and cleaning the house. What time do we have for that if not tonight at 10pm.
I am sitting here thinking - if you are being difficult with me maybe we are not the right fit? I don't know. Maybe best to go elsewhere where they don't have videos and galleries daily nor 2 visits. etc I am just thinking out loud and well when you are this stressed, you have to vent as it has to go SOMEWHERE.
After this venting session, I am willing to jump tall buildings in one bound to make the pups have a great experience. We shall see if I achieve that tomorrow. Miracles can happen they say!
Be sure to check out the videos and don't forget about the shorts.
Reader Comments (4)
Remember to are doing more than enough
Darlah you are AMAZING!! You give so much of yourself to your dogs to ensure they are happy and healthy. That goes for your dogs, the pups and the visitors. I can’t imagine dealing with everything that you do in a daily basis.
Repeat after me - I do not care if my house is dirty. LOL Okay, I am cleaning now but after feeding dogs, it won't be clean at 930am
Ah, you're a good mom, the 'kids' need you now, the cleaning can wait!😉