Zach's New Family
Here is the gallery of Zach's new family.
We will miss this one fluffy bear. It will be great to see him when he rteturns for his nails/playdate.
Here is the gallery before he departed.
You always feel extra close to the singletons even though he never realized he was one.
Now down to 4, soon to be 3 this afternoon.
I have a lot of dogs to wash but after that, maybe I will lay down and snuggle with the moms.
Reader Comments (9)
Thanks for sending us off so well prepared. Ride home was no problem. He ate and used the pee pad right away and is now sitting next to me on the couch. He did a bit of exploring but I am sure will do more once he gets used to his new home. Thanks again for everything!
Glad Roni!!! Give him a hug from us. It's mighty quiet with just 3. LOL
I am sure it is. Just had a troop of friends come and visit Zach. They were at Kathy’s for dinner and are all dog lovers. Happily no one stole him!
Congratulations, Roni, on your family member . You will have so much fun for sure.
Best start checking pockets and handbags at those social events. hahahahaha
LOL!!!! Darlah. Yes he is small enough to fit!
Thanks Angela, Patches and Radar. Have not been able to removed the smile on my face because of Zach.
Congratulations to Zach and his family. I am sure that he will be a sweet as Raven.
Zach is adorable!
You are blessed.
Enjoy your Talemaker pup!
He is so loving! His colour is changing. His paws are now white and sable and his chin is turning white. He has this cute little bark when he wants my attention. Thanks for your good wishes. Having computer issues but will send Darlah and Nathan a photo in a few days when my email and computer issues are resolved. Happy New Year to everyone!