Hall and Fun
We were going to take the pups out today but it was plain too icy. We promise to get them out the next warmish day.
Tomorrow afternoon our vet comes to the house to examine the pups. We have been doing to her and her husband for a very long time. They used to have a practice in Colborne 35 plus years as vets big animals to small but they sold it to an American company. Vets changed and well now they are retired and see who they want to. On top of this convenience, they charge us gas and that fluctuates depending on the cost of fuel. I bet you that is a lot more than last time.
I will take photos. We will find out how much the pups weigh. They will get their microchip and shots and full physical. Other than the microchip, it usually is not too stress-filled for the pups. They are rarely sore. It is a bonus that it is done in their home - well their home for now.
Then pups are assigned. I will need pertinent info. Nathan will send. I go absolutely crazy getting things ready and you get to count down till they come to you. We will miss them but it brings us smiles genuinely to see your happiness. So it begins... To be honest - these are such great pups - missed they will be.
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