6 Week Visit
I want to say thank you to Michaela and Al and their daughter Sydney for Purdys, Tim Hortons and the headache remedy. So appreciative. I mean that sincerely. You are going to laugh but I do have a headache coming on and I did need blueberry muffins. Sorry about the non recorded convo. I get your passion. :-)
Like a proud momma, I watched the pups and didn't know what to expect never been in the kitchen. Never being in a room with people with masks - me included. The pups were great. They took the changes in stride and had a good time. I am proud of them. They are really great pups! They are still sleeping.
When they wake up, they will go upstairs and play.
I am eating fast food Wendy's. I have enough to do than take the time to cook. After that, I will upload the videos.
Pups may go upstairs for the night without moms or maybe tomorrow. Most likely tonight. Dennis will sleep in his own bed since 2 litters ago. wow