Last 8 Week Visit

This was the last of the 8 week visit. Thank you for the cake!! I might pour myself a gin and tonic and relax. I can't believe we did this for 5 days but we got to know each of you and the pups had many exposures vs. a crowd. Tomorrow afternoon is the vet. Then I have a lot of grooming. LOL
It's been a pleasure though tiring to spend these days with each of you.
Get your pickup date in. Get your choices in as we can't assign pups till we know your choices from each of you. Then we will have to have all the pertinent info from you and I have bags to get ready and so much to do. Exciting times coming for each family - indeed!
I am yploading the videos in a few minutes - well starting in a few minutes.
Reader Comments (1)
Cheers to you both and a well deserved G&T! What a Father’s Day Week-end it was for Nathan lol
Wishing the pups (and vet!) an uneventful and painless visit today.💉😬