Spitting Rain, Birds, Rabbit Etc
George is visiting with his housemate Herschel. She had nothing but a glowing report for him. Herschel so loves George. It was a great to see them. They both enjoyed the other dogs and outside with Dennis. There they saw a cardinal, a big rabbit who ran like a speedy gonzales - whatever that is.
Jesse and Murphy are here till April 11th due to Mom being in quarantine as she is coming back from Australia helping with the fires and the roos, koala's etc. They will stay here to play as she can't take them for walks etc till she is done her isolation. It is now mandated.
Dogs are playful and quiet and well I have yet to put on the tv.
Sylvia and William brought me a wonderful lunch. It is wonderful what she does as a nurse and then think of me. How nice!
It's Nathan's day off so he is napping, reading, whatever he wants. He goes upstairs afraid I might ask him to know off something on our todo list. I wouldn't do that!
Dogs are enjoying and therefore we are enjoying them!
Reader Comments (4)
Great! Tenshi loves chasing squirrels and rabbits.
It is so quiet on the streets. Even the dogs we see won't go near each other. It is completely crazy. I agree. The tv is depressing. Nice to have the dogs to play with.
Obviously George is now a happy little guy!
Yes shut off that TV, Ronnie and read a good book!
Margaret - yes George is very happy as the human and canine pal are with him. I am ever so glad!