
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in camera photo taking havanese (23)


Kat's First Show & Treasure a Seasoned Special Gal

Some of you may remember that when Kat was a youngster, a visiting dog bit off his top knot so he had a Joe Dirt look for way too long. Top hair grows slow. So, unfortunately we had to wait to show him. Today he got Best of Winners on his first day so he is on his way to his championship. WE thanks Elaine Whitney for noticing this boy of ours!

Treasure got Puppy two days in this show, Best in Breed one of the days and Best of Opposites. She only showed the first and last day.

We are proud of this duo and I am rather sad that I wasn't able to see them but I did get to see Yvonne's pups from Kat and Lola and a couple really like swimming. Oh my...slide show coming.


Fun the Havanese Way

We had 3 visitors over - 1 went home and the trio was having a rowdy amount of fun play every single minute they could. It's fun to watch.

I don't care how timid a dog is - they manage to just let loose and have fun and that's what makes us happy.

Oreo went home today and we will miss him.

We are starting to get back to what some call normalcy after pups are born and it feels much better.

No swimming today with thunderstorms coming but hoping tomorrow is the day. Instead we played retrieve, find the treat and took turns being groomed. Run-like-hell is the norm with this crew. It's great watching this crew. Plus our gang just adores the extra fun - us too!

If interested in the puppies, check out Talemaker Puppy Life.


Hidden Havanese Stories

One would look at this photo and say...hmm a dog sitting under a chair resting in something or other. But a picture doesn't always tell the entire story as it doesn't here.

I had just grabbed my camera and was clicking away. I couldn't figure out why Treasure wasn't moving.

Well - SHE knew.

Then she had this funny smile on her face and then had this tongue licking thing going on.

What's this all about?

Treasure is a mischievous thing. She loves to play games.

She adores egging others on and she rarely backs down. Oh, all of it is done in fun but she's the kid that steps over the line and has to try something that you shake your head and laugh about but sometimes you have to contain that laugh.

What was she up to? She was sitting on Fiona in the soft house and not letting her up and when she complained and managed to wriggle out, she went after her leg - all in fun. Fiona returned the favour.

Fiona's such a small thing that one wouldn't notice she was in there except for the noises coming out from under Treasure. Got to love these two but even if you want to laugh - when they do something you think is adorable or funny or whatever - and you do not want them to repeat it, you must keep the laughs under wraps. Still - with the antics of the Havanese - well that's a tad difficult to do many times but we surely try.


Handling Class: Socialization

When you go to handling classes, you meet all sorts of dogs, from big to large to SUPER large. It's a great way to socialize and slow condition your dog to all sort of breeds.

It takes time to do classes with your dogs but it can be ever so rewarding. It doesn't matter what type of class - from obedience to tricks, to agility to handling - it's all fun but you do have to practice in between.

Today, I did day 2 of exercise, planted plants in the rain and the dogs got muddy and wet. Then had a backup and cleaned out the laundry room - wow - huge mess then handling class and oh yeah I did lots of work too. I know Fiona has knots from today so guess what I am doing next...sigh --- and that bed is calling me - and you?


Havanese Tongue Licking Times

Fiona and Treasure are just hanging out licking their lips thinking Daddy will give them a treat. It's a communication skill that they all use to say - hey - I want a treat. It's a riot as Risa will do it all day but she's on that evil word - D-I-E-T thing.

The crew is having a grand time enjoying each other this fine Passover/Easter weekend. The snow seems to be gone. The plants are starting to pop up. Let's hope it stays this way. It's still JACKET weather - well not for the Havanese but for the human kind. Still, it's great for walks finally and running around in a pack in the backyard. Life is good.

On this holiday weekend, watch out for that paper on the eggs and the chocolates. It's poison for your Havanese. Keep them up and out of the way and enjoy the holiday - will ya!


Change of Havanese Crew

Coco has been visiting with her pack mate Zack and as you can see she was blowing in the wind. They are going home today and no more Coco on top of Nathan's head and no more Zack being silly as all get out. We will miss them.

The crew was really winding down from the fun at Yvonne's. We also got to see Penny's duo. It was all fun.

Coco is Fiona's sister. Can you tell? hehehehe isn't it great to see so many colours in the Havanese?


Dry a Havanese or Blow One Out the Door?

What type of dryer did you think you were going to use on me?

My mommy has a nice Oster dryer that is gentle on me but takes longer to dry. Some of her Havanese friends suggested she use the canister air high velocity type of dryer that is noisy, powerful and I think I can fly like Toto (figure out what movie that is from)

Well that dryer certainly gave me that stand-up look. I didn't like it but it did take less time. hmmm

I wonder what dryer she will settle on.

Crazy humans and here I thought after watching Marley and Me that she would never wash me, let me do whatever my heart desires and be a top dawg. ha!


Havanese Fun

The fun continues at the crazy Talemaker Havanese house.

Where's one dog start and another end?

That's how Louis and Remy was playing today.

Then Treasures butts in and he is having a grand threesome.

Abigail tries to get involved but the younger set is having none of it. There's always tomorrow.

Everyone had their nightly walk - Louis walking with Remy.

I just finished brushing and combing out Remy. He looks beautiful and before we were off to bed, we let them outside and instead of doing their business - there was jumping on top of each other, rapid running and who had time for serious stuff so we will be letting them out closer to 11 and then heading off to bed.

We will see what tomorrow brings.


Too Wet Outside For THIS Havanese

Can a gal ever have too many toys? I don't think so!

What you didn't see is Treasure taking a nose dive into this toy box and coming out from under and Fiona barking at her as if a monster was coming up for air. Where's the camera when those things happen and you know what I mean. I swear - the shots that should have been caught.

Well this Saturday, we have Risa going into the vets to get a growth frozen and dug out. It's nothing to worry about. She's getting a tad older in age and this was one of those things like a pimple that grows and breaks off but doesn't entirely but gets caught in the brush.

Treasure has her last class this week and maybe her first handling class a week Monday. We shall see. Oh and don't be lazy like me. Brush the little ones after they come in from the rain so they don't get knots. hehe. I am about to do that with Fiona.


Ice and Havanese

With this in between weather we often forget that we can slip on ice but so can your little ones.

Be careful when it is extra slippery or you may be dealing with a bruised body yourself and a high vet bill from a dog that slips the wrong way. That's not to say you shouldn't allow your dogs to play outside but be careful when it is EXTRA slippery.

This is Treasure standing on our pool cover - yep all iced over but melting.

Watch Westminster tonight and/or check out the winners. It will surely be a grand Havanese celebration! Then come see us at Markham and say hello. We adore talking to our visitors that read our ramblings.


Havanese in Action

This actually should be titled, it pays to get a DSLR - even an entry level one like my Canon Rebel XSI.

I think it was Rick Sammon, a professional photographer and instructor who said you have to take photos of something you are passionate about but he also said you have to get of your backyard to get interesting photos.

I guess he didn't ever have a couple of Havanese in his backyard or he would change his mind.

The action that you can capture will get you wondering how you ever survived with a point and shoot.

Oh, you can use a Canon Rebel XSI as a point and shoot but you would be missing all that creativity that goes into capturing your passion and the dogs are our passion.

Even my telephoto lens that I got when I bought the package can capture shots like this.

I am rather new at this capturing dog business with anything but a point and shoot.

I have to admit, the crew here makes it easy as they are always having moments you go wow - look at that.

That Abigail was chasing Shoshi by the tail and loving it - both of them, actually. What is quite special about this is when we acquired Shoshi way back when, she was a timid dog that hid under a chair when we did obedience training but not anymore.

The pack has been great for her and she even tells the others off when they should be told off where before she would tolerate it.

This was her today introducing play and then getting Abigail to chase her and then when she was done, our guest Mystery also chased her and so did our guest - who is going home today - Benny. They were having a rip roaring time outside today.

People wonder why we do this - and now you know - the smiles - the memories and its plain worth it for what they give to you.

Till tomorrow...

Buy yourself a Canon Rebel XSI - hehhehehe


Stick Eating Havanese

What do you do about a dog that eats everything she gets her mouth on?

Correct, correct, correct - is all you can do.

Treasure knows better but finds a stick and tries to hide. Yep - they actually have that thought process - how can I get what I want despite them saying no.

But if you keep at it - it eventually sinks in and they get past that chewing - teething stage.

Treasure is in the midst of losing teeth.

Today she had a toilet paper holder - the cardboard paper insert and Fiona is hot after her. Such fun!

Now to add to this story – she intimidated Terra out of her bed as she wants big beds – the bigger the better.

She is surely missing the pups but making the best of the adults.

Tomorrow - shots at vets.


Happy New Year's Eve

Here's the crew - well almost the crew. (minus Whitney our old lady retriever and we also had Oreo before he went home and Louis who goes home tonight.)

They are waiting to usher in the New Year.

I try to have fun with the camera and dogs our our passion. I went outside first - sat at the end of the deck and waiting for the crew to come running out towards me all to capture the money shot of Treasure flying in the air, pumping for all she was worth to catch up to the rest of the crew.

Here, Treasure playing catch up.

It's moments like these that make my heart beat a tad faster and my mouth curl up in a smile as I realize what life is truly about!

From the home of Talemaker Havanese to yours, we wish you the very best new year!


Havanese Relationships

Do some Havanese like other Havanese more than another? Just like people, I would say yes. They show it in various ways - getting excited about a certain dog that comes over to stay. That doesn't mean they won't play with all but there's something extra special at times.

Rufus, our visitor that went home today really connected with Treasure where he would stare at her in bed and get extra close to her watching her sleep. It was interesting to watch night after night.

Oreo and Louis goes home tomorrow and Benny on the 4th.

Then Treasure will have to connect with her pack mates and us. heh

Watching our visitors and our pack reacts makes for interesting times. You learn so much and so do pups that come to visit. By the time Rufus and Oreo is heading home, they have learned to successfully play and interact in a pack. That's a good thing and then they too will be confident and excited about that next time.


Havanese & Holidays

With the hectic lifestyle we all experience around the holidays, it is important to take a breath and get in touch with your furry pal Havanese. They are what helps you realize what life is about. They have a wild abandonment in their play and they get you to find your laughter - if allowed.

They also look downright funny with those snowballs but if you are like me - it's not fun to deal with them. So, take a moment and put a coat on them when the weather is filled with wet, heavy snow and you will be glad you did.

Did you know some Havanese watch TV? Put on the pet channel and turn the sound off and watch as some react to that animal running across the screen. Not all will but some do. It's enough to make you realize as the quality of the TVs increase - so do their abilities to watch.


In the Dog House Havanese Style

There's that tongue again sticking it out daring any dog to come close enough so she can pounce and play her heart out. The problem with Treasure having a rip roaring grand time with the puppies here (Oreo, Rufus, Fiona, Abigail, Benny) is she only wants them so we make sure she has some down time.

Treasure is an absolute nut case at times. She pounces, hides, attacks and takes on 3 dogs at once. She's small - though that tummy is not but that surely doesn't stop her.

It's going to be sad for her when the last puppy goes home on the 31st and Louis who comes tomorrow also goes then. Benny will be here till the 4th and then we start training the little munchkin as we will be down to our own pack.

Oreo and Benny was a tad overwhelmed with the crew and they have loosened up quite a bit where Oreo has come into his own. It takes a day or two at times to get your bearings and that's a GOOD thing as they learn new skills. We do it in such a way to make them feel secure and get to where they need to. We think Oreo has done just that as he is now a ball of - can't get enough of this play' dawg. It's a riot to watch and Benny is playing one on one with various dogs and enjoying his moments. That's what it is all about and Rufus - well he came in not needing to get his bearings - and that's unusual. No right or wrong - we are all just different and we are what we experience. It's like going to a party and you don't know a soul. Some wing it and others have to get their bearings.

If you celebrate Christmas - I hope you got everything you wanted and if not, take a breath - look at your fur kids and realize you did.

To a very enjoyable day. We - well I will be brushing dogs as they have mats and knots from yesterdays wet experience and it may take me half the day but I will do it watching the TV and spending one on one time with all.



Havanese Rule

We are having a family argument - extended family about Boxers ruling but we think Havanese rule and they don't drool like Boxers. Little Fiona thinks she rules the house but that's another story.

Here Fiona is standing on the recliner's arm watching everyone. As you may or may not be aware, Havanese like to sit, sleep and yep stand on high spots. Fiona is so confident in it that she does a one arm stance.

Our Treasure continues to live up to her name. She is seen taken on all the pups all by herself and even Abigail who thinks Treasure is the best okay thing she has seen for quite awhile. Perhaps it is due to her being new and she doesn't back down.

She seems to already think she is ALL that!

We had Yvonne's crew here overnight due to the storms. You should have seen them all go for a couch dive right on Nathan where I was left with just Downsey. What was THAT about? Usually it's an equal opportunity thing around here but maybe it was due to the reality that I had a brush in my hand. It couldn't be that - could it? hehehe

We had a whopping - guess how many dogs here yesterday. (We just got a new higher gate for our front door as Wasabi and Kat like to jump the smaller one and this one has a door)

It was fun but now it's watch TV, get warm and chill. Hope you have a great night if you celebrate Xmas. Enjoy and don't forget the furry ones in the bus-y-ness of it all.

Catch you all tomorrow!!


Off to the Vets

We are off to the vets today through a huge snowstorm that may materialize or may not.

Treasure still thinks she is one of the big guys - go figure.

Rocky loves playing with Fiona and Treasure and Benny is coming tomorrow. Benny is a pup from Risa's last litter that is all grown up now.

Back to wondering where my camera is as Fiona, Treasure and Rocky are playing up a storm while the rest of us watch.

More later.>>


Girls, Girls & More Girls Havanese

One day I woke up and all these girls were hanging out at my house. Most men - ahem - am I a man yet? Well, most would love so many gals kissing on them but this one particular gal named Downsey - well she just doesn't stop. So, I grr and she does it again as if to say - let's see what I can get away with.

Well, I am the step over the line dawg here and I have put up with Fiona being one too but two? Oh my!

Then this cute little gal comes along that they tell is their mom - and her name is Maggie. She plays just like a puppy like me and we rather get some spectacular play sessions in and then she pays attention to her kids. Is it me or them?

I am the king around these here parts and I am having to reflect on life with so many gals. Oh...they are so nice to have around but put them all together and this lone guy - well let's say - I am gathering my wits to see how to play this.

Life is interesting in a houseful of gals and only a few men.

I am off to sleep, ponder and enjoy those afternoon naps those humans took this afternoon with all of us. It's getting crowded on the bed but they - the humans seem to like it. Guess they realize what is important in life - all that love. Hope the rest of you are having a Havanese luv session too.

Got any tips guys - especially those of you with so many gals? I may need some help. Right now, it's tough being all that for each gal. hehehehehe


Havanese Sleeping: My Bed or Yours?

Okay, the human has a checklist on what dog was groomed per day and she checks them off as she does them.

When one has this many dogs - well 4 are Yvonne's visiting, you have to make sure you snuggle all, groom all and well daddy feeds them all - lucky him. How many bowls, daddy? Better make room for Gidget. Lola should be done her heat so fun relaxing times will be had by all.

But looking at this crew - where's my space? I also noticed that although all were groomed - they don't look like it 12 hours later. ROFL Poor Abs needs a bath bad - Kat again.

I want my bed space? Do you think they gave it to me? Who's the boss here?