
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in havanese Talemaker puppies (73)


Sensing Your Emotions

Almost every Havanese owner has found out that when they are really sad, their dog acts differently toward them.

A Havanese may approach its disturbed owner with a concerned look and, quite out of character, hunker down next to them as if to provide some emotional support. It is as if they are saying, I know there's something wrong, I don't know what it is but I'm here for you, anyway.

Are there other explanations? Of course, there are, but none make as much sense. You could argue that your Havanese observes your posture and appearance as submissive and, almost reflexively, approaches to investigate or respond to the new situation. Perhaps, seeing you in a submissive posture, the dog feels it has to grovel to remain below you in rank. YEAH - RIGHT!

Most likely your Havanese is in tune to your emotions. The old line that your emotions follow down your lead appears to be correct. Anyone who is stressed out and shows their dawg will tell you that when they aren't together - neither is their dawg.

Pay attention to your mood when attempting training.

Well, here at Talemaker Havanese we have had a number of breedings with our Wasabi and Abigail. We are hoping to have fun with 2 litters at the same time. Seeing Abigail is my dawg, I guess Nathan gets Wasabi and I get Abigail. Let's see if I get away with that...nah - selfish me.

We are exciting counting the days in hopes of having pups come 2 months time. Nothing like puppies.


Cold Alert

We are under a cold winter alert and as we walked dawgs, we could feel it was coming on. Feet was starting to lift. It's way too cold to have your dawgs out for any length of time except a quick pee break. Please be careful when bringing your dawgs out in this cold - short visits only.

We had a real busy day today. All the dawgs have been playing well but I think they want the outside to more of a degree than they are getting so we are playing retrieve and all sorts of fun games inside just to expel some energy.

They are also playing with each other. Tomorrow Nathan has to take Terra in for her rehab then take 4 dogs in for eye tests - our usual that we do on all breeding dawgs.

Mia went home today so no puppy snuggle time with her. But Holly gives amazing snuggles so I rather like that!

Relationships are going strong. The dawgs are enjoying each other. Check out some photos from today, here.

Abigail and Wasabi are being bred. Hoping for puppies in late February, early March. Fiona we are hoping to come into heat in February and due to who we are mating her with, we will be doing so in February/March. This particular male we really want to use won't be available after that. So - puppies - puppies and puppies then a break. :-) If all works out - it's going to be a really fun filled puppy house around this place. Can you imagine?

PS: Remy is coming for New Years and we have several of our dawgs that are boarding going home before the New Year to celebrate at home. We are going to miss them - BIGTIME!


Boarding Alert!!

If a big snow hits like New England and you need to drop off your dog early, just let us know. Of course we charge accordingly but we wanted to put it out as an option in case getting here becomes a hardship. If you are local, we can do a pickup for a charge.

No, this is not about money. It's about offering you a way to not have to worry about one more thing.

They say a big one is coming Xmas eve but you know how the weather folks just never know.

While our visitors families are away for Xmas and/or the New Year, we at Talemaker are hoping for a ton of snow to do all sorts of fun videos with our visitors and our pack. Yep, we want snow not for your inconvenience so it can come after you are basking in the rays somewhere warm or skiing on a snow hill but just so we can have some delicious snow fun with the crew.

More later today about our crew. ... Stay warm and enjoy the winter holidays!


New Visitor & 2 Delayed until Tomorrow

Bailey came to visit and although it was a repeat visit, she was a tad hesitant - tail down for about 15 minutes then her tail went up.

She started cozying up to the others and finding her comfort.

The pack reacted warmly to Bailey. She's going to have a blast this holiday!

Daisy just got cleaned up to go home. Her Mom comes at 3:30.

We will miss the little round snuggle monster. She may be back soon while her floors are getting done and we look forward to it!

Cesar was one of the first to say hello to Bailey. It was nice to see a visitor welcoming a visitor. Cesar really has his comfort going on.

Last night we had another crate - a wired one and Cesar decided that and his own was just his and he went back and forth figuring out which was more comfie. He decided he liked the wire one - at least last night he did. We will see what tonight brings.

Today the dogs are enjoying outside a tad more. Yesterday it was too cold. Where's the snow? We still have a fair amount but we need a blanket of new.

I want 12 inches so we can all lay out there - dawgs alike and do dog/snow angels. ROFL

Plus Treasure and Cesar can play - find that duck in the snow that they so fondly do.

I have the video camera charging - just waiting for that snow.

For all those vacationing in warmer climates - I am jealous but hey - we got the snow!


Taking Care of Hair

I call this the Joker look - for any of you Batman fans - you know what I mean.

Many Havanese eat with their whole entire face. Kat is one and to be gross about it - when gals are in heat - he sniffs and puts his face in their rump. Intact males do this when females are in heat. Those of you that don't have this wonderful situation do not need to worry 'cept for the eating with one's food thing.

There are things you can do. Wash the face with a face rag with waterless shampoo after each meal and comb through or put the face up like this every meal. Or you could get a snood or cut the hair shorter and not worry. If the face is dark and/or you like the shorter look -you probably won't think about it.

I just like to give tips as I learn and with Kat - he's still being shown for fun so a bit extra care has to go into his hair. He has a show on Thursday. He got washed this morning. He will also get washed late Tuesday night and so will Treasure but they will get oiled this time not next.

Missy is here till late Friday night. She arrived this morning and brought us a scrumptious breakfast cake. Yum!

Missy was already all over the backyard investigating and now she is playing up a storm.

Missy is such a delight to have around. She's our - jump up on the most amazing high things gal.

She should be doing agility. heh

Missy is finding the fun in Jay Jay at the moment.

Jay Jay our other visitor always has this look on his face. He is playing so much that we have to give him some rest at times. I believe he is Teddy's equal in the Everready play department. His fave playmate has been Abigail and at times Kat and now Missy. It's a delight to watch.

More later.>>


No Escaping

Just because Fiona had pups doesn't mean Mommy forgets to groom me. There is no justice in life. ROFL!!!

She's working her way through all if us.

Well, back to playing retrieve with Mommy and that boy dawg Jay. I try to beat him every time. It must be the competition streak in me.

PS: Heard Missy is getting roast chicken - yum!


Talemaker Havanese Swim Time

Now that the kids are not feeding nonstop, we look for ways to give Wasabi balance. It can't be all kids and nothing else. It's important that she doesn't get lost in the equation. Even great moms like her need to have balance. It's the trickle down effect. What she is - well the pups end up being.

We took her out swimming today right after she fed the kids. This gives her a 2 hour + window. It's enough time to let her swim - run around and get blow dried.

When the crew swims (Kat and Wasabi enjoy it the best) the rest of the crew run around the pool like the supporting cast applauding the efforts of those swimming.

Here Shoshi is telling Treasure - stop nipping at my face. Treasure is a puppy so she thinks that is okay but Shoshi corrected her. This is okay and agreeable. It wouldn't be if she attacked her but this was simply - knock it off - will ya - Treasure. Treasure was back pouncing on Shoshi 2 minutes later.

The crew had a great time but Mom is going to go dogless into the pool tomorrow so she doesn't have to groom the afternoon away. Besides - Missy needs a bath before she goes home tomorrow night.

If you want to see the latest on the pups, check out Talemaker Puppy Life.


Sleeping Arrangements at Talemaker

We are an equal opportunity family at Talemaker and tonight it is the mom that is staying up to watch Wasabi and the pups. Human Dad has been doing it.

We are updating this at this ungodly hour as who knows what will happen tomorrow when I crash. But now this human is okay and enjoying my time with Wasabi and the pups.

Kat's in bed with the human Daddy. To say the poor guy was overtired would be an understatement - not Kat - but the human Dad. We hope he is catching the zzz's and dreaming of great things.

We also have Remy, Oreo and Teddy here doing the rumble house together. Remy's parents never left him before and was afraid of how he would do and he's the boss over the other 2 - not in a bad way but more like the leader in the pack. It took him less than a half hour to start playing hard and the other 2 love him. Treasure's saying - well what is this - guys week or what?

Here's to health - great sleep and puppy breath. May you experience it all!


Talemaker Havenese Craziness Evolves

Treasure is off to handling class tonight as she has a show not this weekend but next. She knows her stuff but it is always good to practice, practice and perfect. We are working on getting all the waiting to be fun. Will we manage it? Time will tell.

If you haven't noticed, in the right hand column, we started an area just to talk about Wasabi, her pregnancy - the pups when they arrive and all the fun till they go home.

All the dawgs count around this place so anything non preggie or pup related when they arrive will be here.

You may want to read both but for those that just want a look into what it takes to do this breeding business emotional and otherwise and want to see puppy photos, look at what sort of date to date status Wasabi is at and much more, well visit us at Talemaker Puppy Life.


Nothing is Safe With THIS Havanese

Well we are off to the show this weekend and this little Treasure will be staying home everyday except Sunday when she will be visiting the show too.

Will we have any plants to come home to after she gets to stay home? Not sure...heh But we love her anyways.

If you are in the Toronto area, do come by and say hello to us. We are socializing the Treasure on Sunday to everything show related and we can use all of you putting your hands on her. I promise - she won't chew your buttons off.

The show is at the Markham Fairgrounds at Elgin Mills and McCowan. We are on in the ring on Friday around 3, Saturday 930ish - same Sunday and Monday. Hope to see you there!


Havanese Rule

We are having a family argument - extended family about Boxers ruling but we think Havanese rule and they don't drool like Boxers. Little Fiona thinks she rules the house but that's another story.

Here Fiona is standing on the recliner's arm watching everyone. As you may or may not be aware, Havanese like to sit, sleep and yep stand on high spots. Fiona is so confident in it that she does a one arm stance.

Our Treasure continues to live up to her name. She is seen taken on all the pups all by herself and even Abigail who thinks Treasure is the best okay thing she has seen for quite awhile. Perhaps it is due to her being new and she doesn't back down.

She seems to already think she is ALL that!

We had Yvonne's crew here overnight due to the storms. You should have seen them all go for a couch dive right on Nathan where I was left with just Downsey. What was THAT about? Usually it's an equal opportunity thing around here but maybe it was due to the reality that I had a brush in my hand. It couldn't be that - could it? hehehe

We had a whopping - guess how many dogs here yesterday. (We just got a new higher gate for our front door as Wasabi and Kat like to jump the smaller one and this one has a door)

It was fun but now it's watch TV, get warm and chill. Hope you have a great night if you celebrate Xmas. Enjoy and don't forget the furry ones in the bus-y-ness of it all.

Catch you all tomorrow!!


Photoshop or Real

Someone thought we may have Photoshop'd Treasure on to that box but we didn't. She's just an interesting thang that gives us great photo opportunities. We took about 4 of these to make sure we got a good one. She's really a true Treasure.

She plays hard and sleeps hard. She's had lots of opportunities here too.

Well, Wasabi, Fiona and Abigail went in for cerf and all passed.

It's tough getting the man in this house off the floor. One would think he is a permanent fixture at times but he is outside shoveling with 13 dogs - yep - Yvonne's crew is here and there's hardly a peep out o them unless someone rings the bell or ventures through the door.

From our house to yours - may you have the very best holiday season. More tomorrow when we have less dogs. ROFL!


Road Trippin' Havanese Puppy Style

We started road tripping at 11ish yesterday and didn't get to Beth's (Rockhurst Havanese) till 730ish. The freeway was closed. We stopped to eat but that was about it. But was it worth it? Yep!

Beth was a gracious host. We got to be surrounded by dogs and we got to take Treasure (pictured here) and Blazin' who leaves at the start of next week. Holly is flying up to get him and will she be excited.

On our way back home, we stopped at Yvonne's for a few minutes and the pup duo had a socialization moment. Yvonne's old lady Beardie is so great with the little ones.

We got home - ate, played with pups and then Rocky came to visit. He's settling in greatly and he happens to look a lot like his dad - Coolio.

Well - we had an exciting time these last 2 days. Will the pups sleep in bed or in their play pen or? What do you think?

We will let you know tomorrow!


Talemaker Havanese Snow Fun

Click to play Talemaker Havanese Fun
We always manage to make the most of any type of weather as it's a dawgs life here for sure! Hope you enjoy our captured moments of fun at the Talemaker Havanese home.


Early Morning Pondering Havanese Style

Why is it dark when we get up and dark when we go to sleep?

Why do all these Havanese chase an imaginary squirrel that they remember days ago as if it had the guts to return. Why is that human's pond still bubbling water. It didn't do that last year. Why is it slippery and sometimes it is not?

Why do ice balls like my Havanese pack mates hair but rarely ices on me?

Why do I have to go to the doctor's next week and what is this thing that human put on me?

It's today's moments to ponder and no one does it better than the soul-filled Wasabi.


It's Bloody Snow Time Havanese!

Okay, this is not a Havanese but the human who thinks its 60 below zero.

She is getting ready to dress the dogs in coats and get them conditioned to having something on. How long will it take?

Well the way Fiona is looking - it may take a very long time.

This is her first year in a coat and after having this experience many times over - by a week they are acting naturally. So persist. Will it take Fiona a week?

Fiona looks up at me and says - what the hey is this thing?

Well, Fiona got a new jacket - a poochtini jacket and the legs for her are a tad long so we will be tacking them up. I could have bought one size down but it would have just fit her and she is still growing so we decided to tack up the legs and allow growth. It's important to get the right fit. Abigail's needs nothing done to it.

But we went out the door. Fiona got her foot out and I went argh. I took my gloves off, got snow in them, put the leg back in, rolled up the legs and then gave her a tug on the lead as she thought she couldn't move. Kat already is used to the coat thing but even he went - argh coats but two houses down, they were bouncing all over the place acting as if they had nothing on and enjoying the weather immensely but guess what?

We got home. Took jackets off and they were DRY - yes DRY - just wet feet. So, we are getting more coats from them this weekend. I am going to love not having to wash their whole tummies, body etc.

Look for all of them stylin' when we have their coats. Plus Linda brough Treasure a sweater and blanket. Now how cool is that? She will be stylin' too!


Havanese Smells & Baths

We had a bit of a glitch and I posted a long post that disappeared so let's try this again...

Abs was out today between the rain looking for Lola. She hadn't been groomed yet so what you see is all natural.

There's something about Lola wafting through the air. Lola just had a bath and I sprayed a finishing spray on her that smells like cologne.

Kat reacted to the smell too - not over the top but highly interested as she smelt good. It tells me that they are guided by their noses.

If you want to know how so - well read a post I had written last year here.

Wasabi and Lola was out strutting their stuff but what they were doing was investigating who was doing what where. It's an interesting subject - men being led by their noses - oops dogs being led by their noses but us ladies like things that smell good too.


Havanese Sleeping: My Bed or Yours?

Okay, the human has a checklist on what dog was groomed per day and she checks them off as she does them.

When one has this many dogs - well 4 are Yvonne's visiting, you have to make sure you snuggle all, groom all and well daddy feeds them all - lucky him. How many bowls, daddy? Better make room for Gidget. Lola should be done her heat so fun relaxing times will be had by all.

But looking at this crew - where's my space? I also noticed that although all were groomed - they don't look like it 12 hours later. ROFL Poor Abs needs a bath bad - Kat again.

I want my bed space? Do you think they gave it to me? Who's the boss here?


Fun Times at Talemaker Havanese

Even thought it rained, the crew had a grand time today. There's something about the bounce of the safety cover that brings the excitement out. It also increases the yard. If you have a pool, you should seriously consider one for safety and for fun!

We also had a family visit and the dogs got to play with them. Now how cool is that to have socialization time. But that human mommy had to watch Lola as she is still in heat. That's okay as she likes hugging and sleeping next to Auntie Darlah.

As you can tell, now that Abs heat is over - she's back to her usual self. The brace is behind her and great things are coming her way - a puppy to play with in December and perhaps more puppies.

Tomorrow some of the crew gets to go visit Sebastian at his house. That human daddy better bring the camera as human mommy can't wait to see how much fun they will have.

The point of all of this is - socialize - socialize - socialize. It's really important as it will help your dawg become confident and all he can be!


New Adventures for the Havanese Koob Updated

Lots of changes for Kooba. We are sad to see her go but also excited for her and her new adventure. We are already getting great reports about her making her first step to adjusting and she is enjoying her new packmate brother and family. They went on 3 walks today. Bet you she loved that!

Life is always changing and forever evolving. We are what we experience. We are richer due to this one being in our life and this new home - well they will be richer with this addition too.

What a special dog she turned out to be. Life - and its mysteries and why it unfolds as it does makes for an interesting ride.

The gang here goes into stagnant mode when someone they like goes home or leaves. That is where they are today but tomorrow will bring a new day. After a few weeks they will love when they come to visit and it will be old home week for all the dawgs!

Tomorow we are off to the Port Hope show but we never got a paper mailed to us and Nathan never called (too much on his mind) so we are either showing or just showing up to watch the rest. Tomorrow will tell.

We need to see Paula - head of the HFC rescue to give her the paperwork etc so it won't be for nothing. Besides - whens the last Friday I didn't work my fool head off . Sure - I enjoy my work but loved just celebrities stuff more. ROFL

More later>>