
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Blog Archive
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.



I can't sit at my desk without excruciatung pain in my back so creating a gallery is not something I can do. I hope tomorrow I can pull it off. Not sure but trying.

Dogs are having a great time. Nathan has iritis. 

This pain is something else. 


Day Off Sort Of

No gallery day.

I will play catchup tomorrow. We have a dinner out with the son and his girlfriend today so we are bypassing some of the work that I do. I have to figure out what to wear and relax with the dogs after exercise. I hope you understand.

The dogs are not staying out long but neither is Dennis so that is telling so we will do more indoor running and playing. It works and it keeps the dogs from getting too cold. 

I want to say thank you very much to Ellie's parents for the very generous monetary holiday gift. Thank you, truly!

Hope you are enjoying this Saturday. I will add today's camera clicks to tomorrows so look for tomorrow's gallery.



Here is the gallery.

It felt downright cold out there - breezy cold. Dogs didn't like it. I didn't like it and even Dennis who feels nothing said it is too cold to stay outside so it must be cold. Haha

I exercised today. If anyone wants to see what I am doing, I am doing Supernatural VR Game on Meta Quest. In all my years of exercising this is the 1st time that I am actually having fun. It usually takes me a great deal to get motivated as my home is not the normal house. Throughout the years I felt sabotaged when it comes to exercise and that is the case still but I like it so much I ignore it. I am busy and finding time to exercise and take a hot shower is taking a chunk out of my time but I am looking forward to it everyday. Dennis is also doing it daily. 

The thing I miss is walking with Stormy but we play games and she is moving it too. 

We played a great deal indoors. They did go outdoors several times but not for extended periods and they tell you when they want in. They enjoyed the game play indoors. It is important to stimulant their minds and bodies. Life is better if you are enjoying something! That is true of the dogs too!


White Out There

Here is the gallery.

It is my day off. I am a bit sluggish and interesting my lower back hurts even though I did nothing to strain it. Perhaps I am holding myself too stiff. The VR keeps telling me to loosen my body and relax. I am concentrating on accuracy when I should be concentrating on keeping my body relaxed. I really like this VR stuff but I tell you, I am an idiot about figuring out starting and exiting. Dennis thinks I am hopeless but I have managed to go from program to program and did 3 different coaches and I have increased my accuracy to 87%. I am eating well. I don't lose and I don't gain. Firmness is my goal and shaking off stress. 

It is snowing and the dogs aren't sure about it hitting their body all over but it is the season. We still haven't found the shovel. I am so laughing. 

We have dogs coming and dogs going and lousy weather for a drive. We shall see how that goes. 

I am trying to find amarylis, orchids and anything that blooms to help me get through the winter. Some people embrace winter. Others like me just get through it. 

We have a dental clinic this month and have a couple of spots left. If interested send mail to It is on the 12th. They do a really excellent job and saves you a great deal of money. Then I head out with Ronnie and Elana for a dinner when finished. This Saturday we go out to eat with our son and daughter-in-law to be. It is the holiday time. After that we are very busy with people going away and boarding dogs. That will be a lot of work but a ton of fun. It always is. 


Snowy Time Cold

Here is the gallery.

I had a lot of grooming today but still managed to try Dennis' VR for some kickboxing. I am so in love with it and didn't realize sweat was pouring off me till I stopped. It was that much fun. Can't wait to do it again on my day off tomorrow and improve my accuracy. I finally had fun exercising. Who knew....

Dogs loved the snow but didn't stay out long so many quick ins and outs.

We have a great group of dogs here that truly enjoy each others company. They played their hearts out and then did TV time with Nathan. 

Watched the last From and hated the ending. Till the next season arrives. 

Now to head off to the couch myself and snuggle with the dogs then I have a few pillow cases to sublimate and tumblers for people that ordered. 


Oh Fun

Here is the gallery.

It was  Dennis day off so Nathan took the photos today. I was grooming. I didn't get a walk in - wanted to. Even had all the dogs with me while I groomed. Usually I have a few. Today I had all as Nathan napped. He said he pulled his back so we put Voltaren on him - well I put it on. He also did nails on a dog and pinched his finger so he has a blood blister. Poor guy - he is falling apart.

Then I did Apple Fitness. 10 minutes of warm up. 30 minutes of jumping and lunges 10 minutes of weights and 5 minutes cooldown. I almost didn't make it. I kept thinking, I must be nuts but the goal is to firm up. I have already seen the difference but wish I could have done brisk walks with the dogs. I think a couch is calling me literally. I hear my name. 

Nathan made steak on the BBQ for the dogs. They smacked their lips. It is their fave. 

They do love the play outdoors but they play for shorter periods of time. I get that. They play like crazy indoors and well Hazel matches Brodie in stamina. 

Hope all the dawgs are keeping warm and dreaming of fun stuff when they nap. Can you believe it is December already?



Here is the gallery.

Ever wonder what the dogs are doing when Dennis is playing a video game? He places chairs up against his so they can sit with him. He always makes sure they have him time when he is doing some him time himself.

We went to Vaughan Mills mall. Didn't get much but we walked and walked before we shopped - 17 thousand steps. My watch kept asking if I wanted to pause. It was the most irritating thing. I haven't walked like that for a long time. 

I wanted to get silly stuff like long johns and wide feet hiking shoes but didn't. I think we were so pooped after walking that we kept saying - nah do not want to go in there. Did get 2 tops and a 3 pack of socks. The sales were good when we ventured in. 

We headed to Pet Pharmacy after to get antibiotics. We like to have on hand if we are in need and it is much cheaper than the vets. We are lucky as our travelling vet puts it in for us to have on hand. Beats scrambling on a weekend when you are in need.

It is Dennis day off tomorrow. I have to get Nathan to go to Home Depot so I can fix 2 flagstones that fell down. I checked out a video on how to do it. LOL I just need supplies. 

The dogs are going out but want to stay in mostly. It is damp cold and that dusting of snow we got is gone. That is okay. The ground is hard and no muddy paws. 

Dennis is starting to make dinner for the dogs and Harlow is barking/talking for her meal. He's going too slow. She needs some weight on her so I did make some satin balls for her which she loves. When she goes back home I may have to make some for her unless she gets bored of them. She so loves variety.

Anyone looking for wonderful leggings - lined - JustCozy has them on sale for 10 dollars a piece. I get the plain ones. They are very comfortable and warm. I actually put on a jacket and top and wore a pair last night and you couldn't tell that my pants were dressed down. I think this may be the last day. 

With shopping, I did get some ideas with sublimation. I do that online too. 

Hope you are staying warm. It is almost dark already when thje dogs say you want us to go out in THAT! Oh well.... winter and dogs and humans that hate cold but we still go out!



Here is the gallery.

Before I become even more remiss, I want to thank Vivi's parents for the havanese socks. What a nice gift and the best is you thought of me.

I walked Stormy and Harlow around the block. Both came back and took a nap. Nathan and I didn't get in our big trail walk as he was worried if I went alone I would interrupt his nap. Jersey's mom came and well he got up. I need a solution. I have top work around my grooming schedule and now his nap? Really... Instead I did 10 minutes of kickboxing and 10 minutes of interval training and 10 minutes to cooldown. I liked the cooldown the best, I also closed all my apple rings and more calories burned than a brisk trail walk but my fitness prg kept saying my heart level may be too high. Brisk walking to high intensity exercise is ridiculous even for me. Tomorrow is our anniversary so we are mall walking. Nathan wants the outside mall. I want an inside. We shall see what tomorrow brings. Tonight we head to Sarpa for an anniversary dinner as they are closed tomorrow. I look forward to it. Their food is VERY good and bonus we have a gift card.

It did snow here but not much. I asked Dennis to take the dogs out in it and take photos. He said later so no snow photos. I managed to get one on my phone. Louis finally got to go home. Poor people having passport issues that finally got resolved. Louis had a blast here. Everyone is having a great time. 

I can't believe it is December.



Here is a very mini gallery.

Dennis hardly took any photos today - apologies. We were working on our server. The dogs who wished - as normal each day - took a nap with Nathan. I almost took a nap but the dogs didn't allow. LOL 

I took a walk with 2 dogs then took 2 dogs with Nathan later after his nap. We went to the trails in Bayview Hill. It has been a long time and Nathan walks like he is almost running. 

Tomorrow we are going out to dinner for our anniversary as the restaurants - most seem to be closed on Monday. Then we are going to the outlet mall the next day and getting our walk in that way. If I keep up these walks outsdoors, I need long johns. I also need warm gloves. I was crazy cold. The dogs didn't mind. I hate that the dark comes way too early. We finished as it was getting pitched black. I almost want to do my own self imposed time change but we can't as that would be confusing. 

Coco the maltese is a riot. She has taken to sleeping on the back of Nathan and Harlow. She is a funny dog. I think she thinks she is bigger than she is.

Dennis is in the basement doing a VR game wondering how much calories he will burn. 

It's been a fun but very cold day. Did I ever tell you I hate cold? I so do.


Walks and Cold

Here is the gallery.

Without the snow we have the dirty kitchen floor no matter how much you vacuum. It is comical. Dogs had a wonderful time of play. Nori, is such a delicious being. We do not get to see her much. We do get to see Jax who thinks one must play from the moment he opens his eyes to the moment he goes to bed. 

We did walks today. We will do walks tomorrow as long as the weather cooperates but each dog gets their bodies moving no matter the weather. We work their minds and their bodies. They do have fun.

We have been so busy today that I almost forgot about this blog. One hour from now I start doing dog water bowls. We place 10 water bowls down all over the house and freshen up constantly. Then there are food dishes that we do use the dishwasher for. 

The house is fun.

Dennis did get his watch but had to order a smaller band as his wrists are small. We measured and still it was too big. So, if you are getting an Apple watch be aware that their sizing thing that they have you print out is inaccurate. 

Nathan went to get food at the food court and forgot it was Black Friday. Oh boy did that take him time. I forgot too. Did any of you go shopping today?


Brisk Weather

Here is the gallery.

Hazel and Socks departed and are heading to the cottage with lots of snow. I asked to have them send photos. I can picture Hazel jumping in and out of snow drifts. She just embraces fun and finds delight in new fun things. 

I took Saffron, Chai and Stormy on a walk all together. We walked more brisk today. Wanted to take a walk with others but it will be dark soon and Nathan was stuck at the car repair changing out the sensors and getting an oil change. Nathan went walking - hooray while he was waiting. I am proud that he did so. That is why we are going to Halton Hills on our anniversary so he can walk. 

Got an apple watch for Dennis - no not the Ultra - too expensive and he is very economical but he is so excited. It arrives tomorrow. I may regret it as he wants to track his sleep etc. It is his holiday gift - early but he does so much for the dogs and for others. Plus holiday time early is what is needed here. 

Dogs were mega fun today. The coolness seems to invigorate them then they watch tv or catch some shuteye. More and more dogs are choosing to nap with Nathan. Poor Coco missed the window arriving mid sleep but there is always tomorrow. 

Someone is out of the country having issues with their passport so this particular dog is staying till it is figured out and it seems it is alright with this dog as fun is the operative word here. Soon we will have the mad rush of holiday visitors. No decorations here - safety comes 1st and we will have a slew of decor with them embracing the season. Holidays in December are the busiest for us and a ton of work but the best fun you can imagine. When the dogs are doing silly things our smiles are huge. Can't get better than that!


Stick Time

Here is the gallery.

Jax found this stick much to his delight. They played for hours and after coming in, Dennis put it in the trash and they hunted all over for it. He thought they were chewing it. 

They played and played. You will also have to check out Brodie who was expression filled during the play. They so make you smile.

Coco for nap time with Nathan literally went to sleep with her front paws wrapped around his arm. He didn't ever want to move. Coco was draped over his head. Nathan takes up whomever wants to go and is willing to take a nap as he wants one too. If they won't settle down he brings them back down to play with the others - after all it is nap time.

The dogs are having fun and it is getting mighty brisk.


Comings and Goings

Here is the gallery.

Dogs come. Dogs go in and out all day. 

I am selling the last 2 things on Marketplace and I so hope it is over tonight. I am exhausted. It is my day off and I am learning if I do not go out I get no break. I did walk Stormy around the block. She was so excited at 1st. Midstream she said are you kidding and the tail was wagging when she saw the house. Doesn't that sound like humans when they start an exercise program? Tomorrow we will do it again and see how excited or not she is. 

Nathan was supposed to go to a club meeting tomorrow but the club owner's mom died today. What is going on in 2024? 25% tariffs from dump trump for Canadians? Going to be an interesting 2025. 

I didn't groom today except Yoshi. I had her on my lap and felt a felted mat and went can't have that so I combed her out. No one doing the laundry either. There is always tomorrow. Yoshi gets mats from havanese mouths. What is that about? When they play they sometimes use their mouths to get an advantage but it creates felts. Yoshi wanted me to finish as she just wanted a treat. Treat motivated dogs do that. 

If a dog can have chicken, I find the Costco whole cooked chickens they eat as if its the best thing ever. For those with only 1 or 2 dogs, you can freeze some after it cools down. We go through it too fast to do that. Plus I like it too.

Dennis informs me that we are doing games night with the dogs. I laugh. Usually he does them but he has some ideas that he needs help with. I am laughing. Got to see what that is about. 


2nd Birthday!

Hi Darlah and Nathan,

It's Josie's second birthday today, and I wanted to send you a quick update and some pictures. Josie is a wonderful dog, and I can't thank you enough for bringing us together. She's loving life - whether it's going for walks (preferably in colder weather), snuggling on the couch, teasing her older cat sister, playing with her best friend at daycare, or getting praise and attention from her many family and neighbourhood admirers :)

I signed her up for "hoopers" this year - a lower impact version of agility, and I think that might just be her favourite activity yet! She loves learning and earning lots of treats by running around barrels and through hoops and tunnels. I think the trainer has even been surprised by just how fast she is - she truly is a runner at heart. She's finished her first two courses, and I'm hoping to sign her up for her third soon.

Take care and wishing you all the best!



Fun Play

Here is the gallery.

One of our puppy people, Becky and Ron lost their daughter. I am so sad for them. Life sucks sometimes. Our heart goes out to the family - truly!

Dogs today played inside and out. It is Dennis day off so not lots of photos as I was grooming as well. Tomorrow I am off and I so need it!

I groomed a dog that took 3 hours. Why? He kept moving on the table and didn't like the clippers. It was a challenge in making sure I cut straight and not cut him. He is an old dog with doggie dementia. I kept snuggling and taking my time. He came out decent though his face I didn't do all that I wanted to as he wouldn't stay still. When he stopped moving, I quickly cut then he started again. He is such a great dog but something has got into his brain that bathing and a haircut is not for him. All I wanted to do is snuggle and snuggle him saying it will be okay. Look here - we are having fun. Look treats, snuggles. He must have thought I was nuts. 

I have been selling a bunch of crafting stuff that I no longer use or never used. Everything is gone except 1 thing and they come tonight. I have plans to get all my sublimation blanks organized but it never happens and I refuse to do it on my day off and besides the garage is still not done. LOL It may be if I could bring the dogs out with me.

I tested the dogs today and went sit. 3/4 of them did. The others just looked at me. What does that say? 

Stormy is on a diet. She is very unhappy with me. I mean she is REALLY unhappy with me but sometimes health matters more than those doe eyes pleading with me for treats, bacon - anything she can get. She was having a tough time getting up the stairs so we begin. I figure if she can do it, I may start some exercise routine not to lose but to do a good thing for myself and get healthy. I was looking at a fitbit as an apple is too expensive. I figure now that I sold some stuff I have the ability to get one. We shall see. Anyone else use one?

Dogs are eating as I type. We are listening to music. Nathan went absolutely nuts when Sirius didn't work for 2 days. I finally called though I so enjoyed the silence of MSNBC. He's not even American. LOL When I have free time I am focusing on making things for people for the holidays. I think it is healthier. 

I danced with some of the dogs today between grooms. The dogs LOVED it. Try it. It's a riot and they think I am a riot too, I imagine. They didn't want it to end. 

Still damp outside but it is toasty indoors and the dogs ate all their meal tonight!


Fall Fun

Here is the gallery.

Brodie and Jax were playing up a storm. It was fun ro watch. Sure the others play but it is all about having a camera in your hand at the right time. It's not a carry around camera. Still think the larger cameras take the best photos but you can't easily carry them around 24/7.

We had dogs come - dogs go and I sold a few things that were gathering dust in my basement. 

It is Nathan and my anniversary on the 2nd and anything I plan is not working out. I am also trying to figure out how I get a day off as Nathan has the car to repair (sensors went - no biggie but due to the last van he has a heart attack when he sees a light come on. On another day he has to go to a club meeting. I don't blame him for getting worried about a light coming on. We like this van and want it to stick around for a bit. So if you have ideas on anniversary fun or a special restaurant - let me know. I really really need a fun time out. Ideas - welcomed!

The dogs are looking forward to lazing and watching tv. We didn't see any critters so no chasing. Maybe they are hunting for winter quarters. We did have a trash bag eaten when it was sitting at the curb. 

Otherwise the dogs are having fun and I think our dryer is making loud sounds. I don't want to know about it but it may force me to. It is drying still.


Looking at You Hazel

As you can see it is wet outside and this was Jax looking at Hazel. I wonder what he was trying to say to her as she is such a funny - you got to play with me Jax kind of a gal. She insists. But his face was priceless or so I think.

In 9 days on December 2nd it is our anniversary and we looked into couple massages - no can't do them at the same time. Nathan's body is always sore so he may come out more sore. LOL So maybe not a good idea. 

We are still thinking but we need something. Ideas are welcomed. No good movies - never is at the beginning of December but there's popcorn. The little things.... Gone are the days where you visited a store to pick up the latest DVD to watch. Maybe I will dance with the dogs and Nathan can laugh as he surely thinks I can't dance nor sing. I can't.

Here is the gallery.

The dogs as you will see in the gallery played like crazy. It was wet but they cared not for wetness but decided play was in the cards.

They ate well. Dennis played some treat mind games and Brodie consistently knew where the treats were and so did Harlow. Treat motivated dogs...

Hope the weekend is good for you despite the weather. I say the dogs taught me today that sometimes you just have to make the best of it. We are trying and mostly achieving due to the dogs!



Here is the gallery.

We had a busy day today unfortunately. We visited a friend that was not walking and after a year he is finally walking with a walker. It was good to see them but especially that he was walking.

We also had to go to a get together for a death. We have had too many die as of late. Just heard my nephew died. It is a bit much to deal with so many deaths. Sometimes - not to sound dramatic - I go into the shower and the water runs down my face and wonder when will it be my turn. Not to sound ridiculous but not sure if Nathan is capable of carrying the weight without me. He jokes - my mother had alzheimers and dementia that he says if it happens to me he will drop me off at a parking lot never to find my way home. Yes, he is joking but....I am thankful for the dogs. They bring you smiles and irritations and well... they love you unconditional. We all do not know our timeline so take each day as a bonus. Be nice. Make someone laugh. Just that one laugh a day is good for the soul.

Mr. Ty departs tonight. Dennis and I are going to watch Silo that just came back with a slew of dogs all over me on the couch. Sounds like heaven - and it is. Give it a try. They give the best snuggles. 

That rain causes the dogs to play indoors and you can see Rebel gleefully doing so. 

Oreo is barking in a huge way for his dinner and so is Harlow. 

Brodie is here. Jax is on his way and I have to go brush Ty out before he departs. Nathan is off tomorrow and that means Dennis and I carrying the ball. Sounds usual. :-)


Wet Face

Here is the gallery.

Logan looks at me as if to say - so I had a drink - what?

It's wet outside. Life is busy but the dogs are lounging. They ate? They looked outside and said you want me to go out in THAT? Rain and Hope did and came back to mud all over their feet and all over the floors. I had grooming to do. We had things we needed to do. The house is a mess. I am tired physically and emotionally.

The rain is depressing and work - work such as floors etc that I do not have time for. He wants vistors to come over at 1030am tomorrow and I said only if you help clean. Dennis is off today. Dennis helps me clean but even when he says he will Nathan doesn't. It is always on Dennis and I then it is my fault when I don't have the energy.  Ever have those days? Sorry - I needed to vent - me who was with just Dennis and I for a week while he was in the sun and eating out. 

So, after this blog, I need to brush some dogs. Go to an event this evening and what and come back and clean - really? 

I have finally decided that the dogs and I and maybe Dennis hate the rain as it means work in many ways. I find the activity level is lower when it is raining and it takes Dennis or I to get the dogs running inside to get them active on rainy days. I think activity is good for the dogs. 

What do you do to get your dogs active? It doesn't have to be physical but you can work their minds. I need some new things to do with the dogs - so please share.

The easiest thing would be for Nathan to say sure, I will help you clean but he won't. 


Wet Pants

Here is the gallery.

Wet pants Lachlan doesn't mind sitting in the wet as you can see here. 

Not many photos today. We had a funeral to go to today while Dennis held down the fort. We have a get together again tonight. I had groomings before the funeral and combed out those departing. 

Nathan is exhausted. He wanted to crawl into bed but he can't. Things to do. 

We stood in the rain in the cemetary with muddy wet feet. 

We had the morning till 1pm with the dogs then time with them again when we got back. Dennis was wonderful with them but he always is.

It's been a day and we want to snuggle with the dogs, if you don't mind.