
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


Messy But Wonderful Play

Here is the gallery.

We had a wonderful day of play but it is messy out there already with them kicking up soil etc. I had a full day of grooming and Dennis, Tal and Jon went and got the treadmill. The other sons left while Dennis and I moved bookcases etc. I am exhausted. Then I had issues importing my photos but eventually we got there. I need to find a couch.

Thank you to the sons and Angela and her husband for the treadmill. Nathan has not tried it yet but Dennis did as he had to set it up and attach everything. Why he didn't insist on his brothers staying to make room and move the bookcases is beyond me but I am mighty tired.

Dogs had fun. I am tired so this blog is short.


White Out There

Here is the gallery.

It's white out there. It appeared magically last night. LOL 

We had to get a dryer that will be delivered on Tuesday. With the amount of laundry we do 6 plus loads a day with dog beds, bedding, towels from grooming etc we do more than most. So to last well over 4 years is a good long life for us. Most people it would last twice as long. I dread Tuesday as we will have way too much laundry but oh well. Soon we will end up with having to get a washer and then another 4 plus years, I hope. 

Dogs woke us up at 530am. Oreo had a - I must eat now moment so Dennis fed him but it did get us all up.

Tomorrow the boys go get the treadmill from Angela. I remember when I started Supernatural VR I was exhausted and sore after each exercise session and now finally I am over that hump. I no longer feel I need a nap and my muscles sometimes feel tired but I have made so much progress. I hope the treadmill does the same for Nathan as he really needs it. 

The dogs really enjoyed the white stuff today but they were that snowball under their carriage coat today so I had to do a slew of dogs plus my usual that I needed to groom. Bailey is the last to be picked up tonight. She's had so much fun today. It is nice when they have a play session plus grooming as it gives them the experience of fun not just a groom. 

The dogs had a wonderful day today but I am cutting this short as I want to eat bacon - can you believe and share some with the dogs. Life is great for the dogs!!


What is That Smell

Here is the gallery.

This is a short blog. I have dogs to comb out and it is already after 5. Dogs had a good day. Harlow was out sniffing - what I couldn't tell but she did this all over the yard. Bailey was smirking. Dogs have gone home. Some came for the day and grooming. I am just exhausted and I still have combouts. 

Our dryer has died. Not sure Dennis can fix that so Nathan may have to go with wet clothes to the laundromat. We shall see. 



Missing Dogs

Here is the gallery.

We didn't get everyone in thed gallery but those that were not in took a long nap with Nathan. It happens. I also have had a full day of grooming and I have that for at least 3 more days. No days off lately but going to try to do that next week.

Dogs had fun. They are pulling in debris and Dennis is hoping for snow so that stops. He's not asking for too much, is he?

It's been a day and I need a nap. LOL


Such a Day

Here is the gallery.

Lots of play going on. Inside - outside. I have a photo of Harlow looking like the cat dragged her through the kitty litter or something. She became aware that there is a mouse in the put and she was on the hunt. She was so funny but now I need to brush her out. She makes me laugh.

Also, I was lucky to get a photo of Jamie in Nathan's arms. You never know when a camera is nearby. 

Our heart goes out to Joanne and Reid's mom/mom-in-law on their loss. Hazel and Socks are here playing like crazy.

Our thoughts are also with Denise who is dealing with the loss of her mom. So many losses this year.

Ronnie and Elana got me an Amazon gift certificate and I bought a cordless massager that is charging as I type. I will use it daily after each exercise - which I am still doing daily. I feel better. I sleep better. My digestion is better. It is still fun. That is a bonus.

It feels cold outside. Dogs do not stay out long but they play and play and play. 

Shlomo is leaning on Natha's shoulder watching tv. It's his fave spot in the tv room.

The dogs are having fun today and our washing machine - thank you Dennis is now repaired. 


Short Blog: 2 Entries Today

Here is a mini gallery.

Sorry bad day. We had a washer to fix and I had a ton of dogs to groom so it is what it is. I will try to do better tomorrow. Dogs had fun despite my mood - lol

We have a birthday celebration as well so scroll down.

I have not eaten today so I have to do something about it.


Happy 1st: Daisy, Neesi and Harper Added


Hi Darlah, Nathan and Dennis,

Can you believe the “Oops Litter”, the Magnificent Seven, are already a year old? Newt has been amazing, especially when I unintentionally turned him into my nurse and cheer squad when I broke my ankle this summer. He never left my side…except to eat the shoelaces of EVERY pair of shoes I own๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ His infectious joy about everything and anything is so endearing. Thank you all for your part in who he is! Happy Birthday to his siblings Daisy, Axel, Neesi, Harper, Koda and Soda.

Sue & Newt

Happy 1st birthday to Axel! Shout out to all his siblings and momma on this special day!!!

Hello Nathan and Darlah 

We are thrilled to celebrate Daisy’s first birthday . She is so amazing and we are so glad to have her part of our family . She loves to walk with us to the bus stop , loves playing with the neighbourhood puppy friends , and enjoys a good cuddle .  She enjoys playing in the snow and loves to play fetch .  

We get lots of compliments about her coat , her manners and her gentle spirit .  Thank you so much for matching us with her . She is a healthy perfect pup for our family! Wishing all her litter mates a happy birthday as well!

Can’t believe our baby girl is already one year old! She has brought so much joy into our lives, you have no idea (or maybe you do!). Everyone who meets her absolutely falls in love with her, between her stunning markings and sparkling personality, I don’t know who could resist. Just look at those eyes!  She is as talkative as ever, letting us know, as well as her toys, just what she thinks. She is still a belly up girl  when she sleeps and just an all-around clown. We simply adore her and love her to pieces.
Thank you both for raising such wonderful puppies and for all the care and nurturing you provided for them. And thanks to Cinnamon for having her way with Stone!! Such a wonderful mom.
Happy birthday to Neesi!! And happy birthday to Newt, Soda, Harper, Daisy, Axel, Koda!! Hopefully they will send pictures so we can see what they look like now!

Hi Nathan and Darlah

Happy New Year!

It’s hard to believe Harper is 1 Year old today. And she’s huge! She is about 14 inches long. I’m wondering if any of her siblings are about that size?

Anyways, we love every single bit of her. She is a wonderful happy go lucky member of our family and everyone loves her so dearly.

Thank you for everything you do for these pups!


From Me: Yes her momma is long. She should be full size now.


Been a Day

Here is the gallery.

Sorry not many photos nor was Dennis able to click many. Our washer latch broke so we called around to get it fixed and we got a range of 600 to 650 to repair it. A new one costs 1100 plus tax. It's too much right now so Dennis spent the day researching and taking the latch apart. He ordered another for 150 and hopefully it will come tomorrow and he is able to repair it. This is a 5 year old washer and we do about 4 to 7 loads a day day in and day out. I did manage to get 4 loads done before it broke. I still have 4 to go. Let's hope Dennis can fix it or Nathan will be doing laundry at the laundromat. Cross your fingers 5 ways to Sunday that Dennis fixes it. LOL

This all means that he didn't get many photos nor did he gets everyone clicked but tomorrow may be lean too and I have a lot of groomings to do. We  will see what we can accomplish. 

Despite all this, I got my exercise in. The dogs played and Dennis did run with the dogs. I think getting the dogs active is more important than photos but that's just me. Talking about photos, we do have Charlotte and Bailey caught in the act of playing. 

I made chicken fricasee for lunch today and it was amazing. Each week I pick a recipe to make it for variety. Nathan loved it. I did too but Dennis hates mushrooms so he ate everything but the mushrooms. :-) 

Some dogs departed. Some arrived for the day. The dogs are happy so I am happy. It's funny but when they are having a great time, I spend a lot of time smiling and smiles are important. 



Ollie and Bailey

Charlotte and Bailey

Here is the gallery.

Sometimes catching moments is tough as when you get the camera the play stops. It is frustrating as I know you like to see your babies playing but sometimes you simply have missed moments. It is okay. They are playing. 

It's been a cool Sunday and the dogs took naps with Nathan and I. I only had a 20 minute one as my body needed it but something is better than nothing.

We are still getting interrupted sleep. Our senior boarder no matter how we keep him up during the day still gets up a number of times at night. So - we are all tired. That's okay. Seniors should get whatever they want. :-)

Dogs are having fun. It's Sunday - so of course they are!

Dennis is about to make dinner for the dogs. I have bbq chicken wings from loblaws that tastes like ketchup. It is bloody strange.


A Bit Snowy

Here is the gallery.

Sorry - long day. I just finished grooming. 

Some of you may know Denise from Woofstock. Her mother just died. Our hearts go out to her and her family.

We had dogs coming. We had dogs departing and some that are dealing with cancelled flights. 

Thank you to Angela, our 3 sons are picking up a treadmill next Saturday and we are doing a barter. So generous of her. Nathan will get on a plan to exercise. Me, I am still doing VR exercise. I have not missed a day and although my body is depleted today (think its all these things) but I will work on keeping at it. For the 1st time I felt like I am not going to finish but I did and I am glad. i will do it again tomorrow. 

But, I may take a nap with the dogs though it is already 7pm so maybe not. 3 hours till snuggling in bed and dogs. We will get there.

Cold is coming. How are you dealing?


What a Day

Here is the gallery.

Holiday boarding is very busy. We get so many requests - teeth, videos, photos - get those mats out - I tried so it is up to me... etc. Dennis was so highly stressed today as I told him to carry his phone around so he can take videos. His response is if I do that, I won't get photos in or play with the dogs. I just listened. I do know that if you pick up a camera or a phone the dogs often stop making the whole process difficult.

Got great news from a friend that I was so happy for her and then the friend that is dying. My apple watch says I am highly stressed. Thank you very much.

We had dogs arrive - Harlow is back and ate like a fiend as we had bacon I had cooked and Dennis broke it up in tiny pieces and everyone ate very well. Malla arrived - dogs departed. 

We have a visitor that is attempting to pee on Willow. Guess he likes her. Another one decided he doesn't have to use a pad and when taken out he doesn't go but comes in and uses the floor. It has been a day but no muddy floors. 

I need a nap with all the dogs. I am still exercising daily. Dennis is about to take them upstairs to run. 

There is tomorrow and I think that is Saturday and a number depart - a number come for grooming and play. 

We are still trying to figure out moving a treadmill. 

I think the couch is calling me. I never nap but lately.... and the dogs love that they get to lay all over me.


No Mud Today

Here is the gallery.

We had wild play today. Dogs were excited as we were mudless. 

I groomed till now. I was excited to see Axel and Bonham after such a time but I didn't have time to talk. It is unfortunate. Doing grooming and fitting in exercise is like juggling a ball that doesn't want to land in your hand but we got it done. 

Thank you truly to Bonham's parents for the lovely gifts and thanks to Lachlan and Marley's parents for the yum cookies. Thank you to Ronnie and Elana for such a generous gift card. Tips were and always are appreciated! We do appreciate you thinking of us and I mean that sincerely.

Exciting things were going on. We had dogs playing with dogs that usually don't. We had departures today after the Christmas break. We still have dogs visiting but departures have begun a little each day. 

My apple watch says "loud environment" so I gather they mean the dogs. That is way funny.

Got bad news that a dear friend that has cancer is not going into remission after months and months of treatment. Think I just balled my eyes out while I was grooming. 2025 is supposed to be better.


Happy 2025

Here is the gallery.

Bailey doesn't like the mud and wetness. I get that. Neither does Coco but we do get them to go out as fresh air is important. Bailey started playing with Coco and Fudge today from the comfort of the crate. She pounces and swats at both in a game like fashion. It is a game. I am glad as she was reluctant to play outdoors. It really is wet and although not very cold - it is not bright and sunny.

We are starting the new year off with less than stellar weather but this should pass. 

The dogs are playing. Dennis does play games every day and everyone does join in. I wish he would let me take photos or a video of it so you can see but he hates being on camera. All Dennis has to do is say game time and they come running from every corner as he makes it so much fun. He has introduced yet another game of see how fast you can run. It is hard to explain but the dogs love it.

I can't believe it is 2025. How did that happen?

Dennis has 2 mop buckets with benefect in them to clean and sterilize the floors. He gets a bit ocd about it but I get it. He uses one then cleans the bucket to always have one or 2 ready. 

I made bacon yesterday and the dogs were focused on that. I laugh. They do love it so!

The dogs are having fun. 


Happy New Year's Eve

Here is the gallery.

They say 70% chance of snow tonight but it is still muddy out there and the dogs love the cover the most as it is simply dry not muddy.

Nathan picked up some popcorn from the movie theatre for us. I get double layered butter. He gets plain but he bought an apple pie. LOL He is the only one that eats apple pie here.

Thank you to Angela re: the treadmill. A moving company wanted 600 dollars to move it so we are trying to get the sons to do so. Nathan needs to walk according to his diabetes doctor. Though his blood sugar is the lowest it has been, he is not mobile enough according to his doctor and he says he will be with a treadmill. We shall see. 

As for me, I am still doing Supernatural vr exercise and still enjoy it. Actually, I love it and look forward to it. My sleep has improved other than Oreo (LOL) and my digestion is better. I am firming up and I will keep at it. The Supernatural coaches are doing an exercise in unison at midnight tonight. I will pass. LOL Though it may be fun to exercise with a lot of people, I am lucky if I make it past 10pm and sleep matters.

I think the dogs are sick of mud and wet. Us too. There is a mouse in the planter pot outside and the dogs go crazy trying to get at it. It's funny. Oh well, it gives them exciting times and I am all for that. They never get close enough - they just try.

Well happy new years everyone. May 2025 be kinder to all!


Rainy Day in Paradise

Oreo the almost 17 year old and Socks sharing the recliner. Imagine that. I also noticed that since Harlow is not here, Ty has taken over her spot.

Here is the gallery.

It's another rainy day and we do manage to get them outside between rain. The dogs and us make the most of it. I am so tired of the rain and we have a mouse in a pot and the dogs are after it. At least the mouse is not in our house.

It is almost New Year's eve. I made steak frites for Nathan and I. It came out delish. It was the 1st time I made it and followed a recipe. I will make it again though it did take time. LOL Good things come to those that wait, I suppose.

I am still exercising. I am trying to get Nathan to do the same. I love, love, love Supernatural on the VR. I am starting to firm up and it is becoming my time which is not usually what I get except on a day off outside of the house. Nathan said to me, you are exercising too long. In all the years he has done this every time. I told him he is sabotaging me. He says no - just think its too long. If you can't do without me for an hour a day and 15 min to shower - how will you cope when I am not here. If I got the dogs exercising with me (is it possible) maybe he would let it go. Bonus, I am sleeping better till 4am or 5am. See below why.

The thing about an old dog is they get doggy dementia and Oreo despite keeping him awake as much as we can during the day howls at 4 or 5am and the house is up. My apple watch is saying my sleep is dismal so I took a few dogs this afternoon and took a half hour nap, I had to. The dogs loved it. They were all over me, on the back of the couch and over my head. You would have laughed.

I wish it would just stop raining entirely. I so hate dirty floors and mud but I am learning to ignore. I think Dennis washed the floor 6 times today. As I went to get water, it is dirty again. I said maybe he needs an auto floor washer. He said are you joking? The dogs would be chasing and barking at it and they are expensive. I walked in with a headband to hold my hair back while I exercise and the dogs barked at me as if I was an alien. Silly doggies!



Here is a mini gallery.

Sorry very few photos today. It's like a lake out there from the rain and the dogs simply do not like it. I am glad I have Dennis to play games and run with them indoors. It is supposed to rain till Thursday and well it is mighty disgusting out there. Dennis is also cleaning the floors nonstop. 

As I type, Dennis is exercising 1st after feeding the dogs. I got my exercise in late as I had groomings and departures to go. 

It's been a day but we accomplished a great deal despite any obstacles.

It is snuggling dog time for me. Exciting highlight of my day to have all those hugs and I mean that sincerely.


Really Wet

Here is the gallery.

It is sopping wet out there and dogs like Fudge get drenched and I mean drenched. As there are so many getting soaked, I comb them out and moved my dog dryers to the tv room with Nathan. Nathan is not happy but the dogs are getting dry inmassed and I am taking the driest and finishing them off. It's the only way I can be productive in getting them dry and then they will get wet again after supper - which is about to begin.

Do you know M&M meatshops has free delivery now? I had no clue but had a credit there that was about to expire the end of this month so I ordered a few things. The order wasn't large but it has to be over 100 dollars and I barely got over that to get the delivery. We shall see how that works out.

I think the most difficult thing I am doing today is attempting to keep the dogs dry. What a comic hour or shall I say hours in the plural sense.

Hazel was playing with Oreo and when I got my camera, they stopped. Oreo is a very old dog so I would have liked to catch that on camera. Hoping there is a next time. 

I watched a show called "the Order" and now I am watching the 600 lb journey - gastric bypass etc. Our son in law had this surgery but didn't stick to it. I found something interesting watching that the carbonated drinks increase the size of the tummy dooming you to fail. Felt bad for all the people that do not have supportive people helping them on this journey. It gave me insight as to how hard this is. 

As I type, the dogs are barking like - well you describe it but my watch says the loud level noise is at an extreme. I am laughing!

It's another day at the dawg house and games to begin as long as the dogs are not too wet after supper.


Mighty Wet

Here is the gallery.

Everything is melting down and therefore the dogs are MIGHTY wet. Some have decided the wet is not for them. I get that!

I want to say thank you to those that tip for grooming. I am so appreciative!

Fudge has decided to rip the pads. He seems to be so delighted at this endeavor. He has done it 5 times today. LOL Dennis just started at him the last time - no verbal output - just a staring. I think he got it as he hasn't done it since. 

The dogs are playing. They are barking for dinner. It's an exciting time of the day. LOL

I am watching a movie that was suggested to me and I am not sure how I feel about it. I will have to watch it till the end to know. It is called "The Order". 

What have you watched lately?


Boxing Day

Hoping you're having a wonderful Holiday, lots of good food as well. Pics don't do justice to the joy these 2 have been in our lives, if only they liked having their pics taken, lol!

Dorothy, Tom, Pixie and Leo

From me:

I do believe they look adorable and how you maintain their hair - amazing! Hope the holidays are grand one!

Here is the gallery.

It is boxing day. I am eating leftover roast, cheese and grapes. It's what I could put together quickly. Dogs are having leftover roast too other than those on restricted diets.

It is mighty slushy outside. The dogs get wet and even wetter. 

Soon it will be 2025. How did that happen?

Dennis played a very fun hide and seek game with the dogs. All he has to do is ask who wants to play and they come running. No one hides or just watches. They want to play!

I want to thank Bailey's mom Pippa for the wonderful gift. Dennis used his meta card immediately. It is so good to see him excited. Candy - money - exciting gift truly.

Trying to get Nathan to get me double layered butter popcorn and he just looks at me as if I am asking for the world. Maybe for New Years eve.

I am excercising. I am not trying to lose weight but instead firm up. I am actually sleeping better at night despite a visiting dog that wants to wake me up by attempting to clean my nose - yuck. Talk about a rude awakening. LOL

The dogs are having fun!!!


2 Blog Day

Here is the gallery.

There are 2 blogs today. One is the dog play here and the other is holiday photos that were sent to us.

I cooked a roast that actually came out perfect. Dogs are about to indulge in it as toppers on their food. They will be thrilled.

They ran. The played. They had a roaring grand time. Life is good with dawgie company.

Hope everyone is having a great day!!