
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


Melting to Cold

Here is the gallery.

The snow we keep watching drifting off the gazebos. Dennis may have to go out and try to rake it down. We shall see. 

Phoebe and Koko departed today. They will be missed truly! They were like flowers blossoming in play. It was great.

It is Nathan's day off. Dennis plans to play mind games with the dogs. He has already ran around the back with them like a maniac. He has such joy in doing so. Now it is time for indoor play. 

It is now rather wet out there as things are melting but they say the cold and snow is coming again. We shall see. It is the weather where you groom a dog and say nah no outside for you as you need to be dry when you go home. That's okay too.

We had a rabbit at the door looking in. The dogs went absolutely crazy and it just stayed there looking in. It was a riot. It was as if the rabbit knew it was safe and was 


Happy 14th

Today is Kona’s 14th Birthday.
He got a puppy cut today to make his grooming easier for both him & I.
More time for fun & less stress. โค๏ธ
Happy Birthday to Ty as well!




Play Play

Here is the gallery. Ignore yellow. We - or shall I say Dennis is so trying.

Chicklet and Sully was playing up a storm. They were not the only one. But that is who is pictured here.

It is my day off. 

I was working on accuracy with exercise. Dennis kept coming downstairs to distract me and 100% was only on some and others I fell short. He came down to tell me my music was too loud. Then came down to say I was exercising too long and then said he had made me lunch so when will I be done. It was an interrupted mess. I hope that doesn't repeat as tomorrow on Nathan's day off I will have to try for 100%. Even on my day off......

At least the dogs can play and exercise without being interrupted and perhaps they wouldn't care.

Still looking for a rower. Dennis wants an elliptical but that's too pricey. 

By the way, lunch was good so there is that.

Dennis cut up some thin steak and fried it to add to their dinner tonight. The dogs will be in heaven. Imagine that!


Snow Was Flying

Here is the gallery.

Ellie and Coco was here. They were flying through the snow with dramatic flow. It was great to see them playing their hearts out. Yellow snow is gone. Funny about that. Phobe really really enjoyed Coco's visit. Actually everyone did.

Tomorrow is my day off. We have not done days off for a bit but we are back at it. It was Dennis day off today. Tomorrow is Nathan's. Everyone deserves a day off. 

Something about fresh snow and milder temps create fun for dogs and humans too!



Here is the mini gallery.

Long day grooming today so I am late and spent and I need time off.

Dogs had a great time today. Dennis fed late so they just finished dinner. Logan and Panda is departing. Magic was here to get spruced up for Chinese New Year. Me, I just want to go to bed. LOL But it is too early.

Dennis is about to play games with the dogs and I want a couch and to tune out with a few dogs. 

Hope you are having a great night!


Playtime on a Monday

Here is the gallery.

As it is sitting around zero the play is going on in and out. 

Oreo departed this morning. Socks, Hazel, Daisy and Tuppy depart shortly. They will be missed. Tuppy thinks he is the leader of the play. I so laugh. He goes from dog to dog till someome engages and he is persistent. It makes me laugh.

I am still exercising. Still looking for a rower. Was told I need to get a concept 2. So, I save for it. In the winter and when the weather is bad, it will be good to use. I have yet to use the treadmill beyong 1 attempt at trying. I can't see the fun but Nathan takes his ipad and watches things as he uses it. Smart! I am trying FitXR before I head to my go to of Supernatural. It has become natural for me no longer having to figure out what direction to go in. LOL I am happy with the results. 

I find the american politics appalling so to manage that stress, I am exercising and it is helping. I am also sleeping better and my digestion is much better. I am gaining stamina. I have friends and family that reside in the states and there is certainly an anti Canada leanings with the MAGA crew so for the 1st time I have people feeling unaccepted. Rather crazy. Oh well, enough said.

I have 4 days before a program is sunsetted so I have to export designs as well otherwised my designs will not be accessible. Why they can't leave it and take away printing ability would make more sense. Oh well. Just more stress.

So much to do - so little time. I am so pleased though with the dogs. They get me by.


Run Run

Here is the gallery.

Today we had a fair bit of running outdoors. It was delightful to see. They are playing inside and out. Who says they need to rest. LOL

It is a full day of who is playing with whom and who watches and who eventually joins in. 

This socialization is great for the dogs especially those that have dogs alone. Even if there is a pair, they end up watching their housemate but they also play with new dogs. It all works. 

It is a fun day today!!


No Time

Here is the gallery.

Sorry folks - I still have 2 more dogs to groom so this blog will be exceedingly short. Dogs had fun. It wasn't that cold but the dogs played a great deal inside.

We are looking for a rower machine. If anyone is selling, please let me know. I need to work on leg and arm strength. I am still doing Supernatural VR Fitness. Nathan missed the treadmill yesterday but is back with it today. 

Dennis fed late tonight so he is about to take the dogs for a run. Me - I am back to grooming.



Here is the gallery.

Shlomo was playing magnificently with his pals and Phobe and Bailey was barking for their dinner. That is new. LOL 

The dogs were playing in warmer weather but ignore the yellow snow. Dennis is trying VERY hard but its a challenge.

Nathan hasn't gone on the treadmill today. He is sleeping surrounded by the dogs. I am hoping he finally gets to it but if not, he may lose his streak but maybe his body needs to play recovery. Dogs are not allowing us to sleep much. Last night they heard Oreo and they started howling many many times. We are all exhausted including the dogs.

They are waiting for Dennis to run with them in the halls. 

It has been a good day. 


Still Cold But Warming Up

KallyToday was cold but not as bad as yesterday. Dogs got to spend a bit more time outdoors.

Kally was visiting for a couple of hours. It was delightful to spend time with her. 

It has been a long day. I need to relax. Too much crazy news and well the couch is calling me. 


The Bitter Cold Continues

Here is the gallery.

There is a limited amount of photos as it is bitter cold and Dennis spent much time trying to get rid of yellow snow. It takes time when it is ice out there. He uses a pick ax shallow to avoid destroying the pavers. So - the point is - there wasn't much time to click but he tried. 

We had Ellie and Coco here along with Daisy and Socks and Hazel are coming in a bit. Play was furious and fun despite the bitter cold but we are only taking them out for short periods of time. Oreo and Harlow lifyed paws immediately so they are using the pads. It is the safe thing to do.

Our new/used van - is that what it is - well new to use has an auto starter so Nathan can warm up the van then run out to get in the van. He is getting spoiled.

I am still doing fitness exercise daily. The watch motivates me to move too. I do silly things like walk my laundry in my arms in a fast pace up the stairs instead of using a basket. It is the best present I got for myself as it tracks my sleep and exercise, standing and movement. I am also sleeping better.  I tried to take a couple of dogs down with me but that was too distracting. Oh well - we tried. Besides, I am worried about stepping on them with the headset on.

Laundry is working. Nathan has decided exercise is now vs. 1st thing. I am proud that he is still at it. 

Dennis is doing dishes and then going to run with the dogs all over the upstairs. They so love it!!


OMG it is So Cold

Here is the gallery.

This was Charlotte and Bailey playing today. Ms. Charlotte has departed but Bailey is playing with Ms. Phobe.

It has been way too cold for dogs to go outside for long. They are lifting their feet which means they can get frostbitten so if you see them lifting their paws, bring them in immediately or if on a walk, lift them up, place them under your coat and carry them. There are games you can play with them indoors!

Dogs had fun today but only had short periods of time outdoors. I say 5 minutes here and 5 minutes there.

Harlow and Oreo said ARE YOU CRAZY when it came to heading outdoors. They each will use the pads.

No one has pushed me out of the bed. Yes, I am laughing!


Brr But Okay

Here is the gallery.

Jamie likes to play with every new comer and he was attempting to play with Phoebe. She wasn't quite sure as he does the play introduction differently than a havanese. It is hard to explain but they all get used to it. 

We still have snow, as you can see. 

Dennis played an interesting mind game with the dogs today. He always likes to keep their mind working. The dogs get so bloody excited when he plays with them like that. It tells me they need to be stimulated daily - or learn something new. It creates bonding and that - oh mommy daddy I so love you!


Play on a Sunday

Here is the gallery.

Dogs had fun. No ice crushing moments for Dennis today. He's making dinner for the dogs and then for us. I am glad as I am really tired. I made Nathan his salmon so I cooked too. LOL

It's rather wet outside. We had fun having Astro, Malla, Gucci and Maurey here. They have already departed. Brodie departs tomorrow. 

They played. They got wet. I dream of high velocity dryers all over the house. Yes, I am kidding but a part of me 



Here is the gallery.

We had icy rain off and on today. There was so much ice, I was concerned but Dennis broke up the ice and the play began. Still they say more ice is coming overnight.

No one pushed me out of bed last night - bonus. I was really tired. Today I did less exercise but enough. I did a monster or 2 classification of exercise and it was highly challenging and the sweat poured off me so I shouldn't feel bad doing less time as I sweated more than usual. 

I think Dennis and I are going to watch the last Silo of season 2 then have to wait another year for season 3. Wish they would release all seasons at once. Then on to Severance. I look forward and the dogs do too. Something about tv time together that creates great memories.

Tomorrow brings a long day of grooming. On those days it is hard to fit in exercise but each day I do it again and my body thanks me. 

Sandy made us shepherds pie. Thank you - yum!!!! It was wonderful to have a meal that I just had to heat up. It made our day. Hard to explain but you don't feel up to cooking when you are tired. 

I am down to 122lbs and eating any snack I want. My goal was to stay holding at 125lb. Now I am just concentrating on firming up. Anywhere from 125 to 135 is fine with me. Nathan is still using the treadmill  and I say bravo. He eats breakfast and before his shower he does it. I am hoping by summer he manages to build his stamina up. His cardiologist says it is a must, so he is. I am proud of him as I thought he may quit day 3. I may have to look for a rower. 


Twigs Really?

Here is the gallery.

The dogs are having a total blast. It's wet. They are bringing twigs in even with that white stuff on the ground. Dennis said I guess I should have raked better. LOL

Nathan is still getting on the treadmill. I say bravo. He doesn't have much stamina but he doubled his time. I think that is a thing to celebrate! I am thankful for Angela for the treadmill.

Laundry is still working. We are still washing and drying. With dogs coming in sopping wet, we do need to dry.

The dogs had fun playing ball with me today. I did so much grooming though I think my hand is falling off. I wonder if a massager for hands works. Just dreaming. 

Last night, the dogs crushed me up against the side of the bed and pushed me out. That is a first. Got to love dogs and I do!



Here is the gallery.

Harlow went out while it was snowing and looked for that darn mouse then came back in. That comforter under her I heated up and she has been cuddled in as if to say ahhhh warmth. Not sure she enjoyed the wet snow but she was on a mission. Where Oreo looks out several times and goes - hmm I think not. Bailey did the same. Some dogs relish the white stuff and others not. I am not one of them. I went to the mailbox in a long sweatshirt and couldn't get the front door open. I kept messaging Dennis and he ignored thinking it was just junk text. I could have killed him. He said why didn't you knock. I said I did over and over and over again and the dogs barked. 

Nathan is still using the treadmill. He has doubled his time. I got my exercise in as I do daily. 

I have been using dryers to dry the sopping wet dogs and combing out here and there.

It's beautiful but can we have pool weather and a heated pool?

Despite all of this the dogs ARE having fun!


Long Day

Here is the gallery.

Long day. Our washer pump is clogged and found this out when Nathan's clothes wouldn't spin. So Dennis has parts all over. He did find clogged hair etc in the filter and here we  go again. So, I had to rinse his clothes out and wring them one by one to dry. It says it will take 2 plus hours. We shall see. I am mighty frustrated. I am stressed beyond belief.

We had dogs out playing and then I came in to exercise. Midstream the batteries died 1 then the other 15 minutes later. I had to replace the batteries and couldn't figure out how to get the straps in so I had to roll them and have no strap. I finished exercise and added in more just because I had interrupted exercise. It has been a day.

I brushed out several dogs. My apple watch says my stress level is in the red zone. LOL At least the dogs are having fun. Me not - none of it. Nathan is now sitting in the tv room with the dogs. Dennis is attempting to put the washer back together and hope that the washer works. Cross your fingers - will ya?

Nathan is on his 3rd day on the treadmill. Hooray. That's the good news and the dogs are having fun - the other good news. 

The rest..... well I am done! Wringing out clothes by hand is NOT fun.


Messy Out There

Here is the gallery.

I combed out Charlotte this morning and well does she look it? LOL But she had so much fun.

We have had a busy day. Day 2 of Nathan on the treadmill - bravo. I did less exercise than usual but enough. I may do some yoga later but I am on load 7 with 1 more load to go and then Dennis starts his clothes that he must do as he has no clothes left but he gets to do that. Dryer works wonderful. Had not realized how it was going as it was making noise and taking forever to dry and now 45 min later a load is done where it was taking almost twice as long. 

The snow is getting yellow - sigh so ignore those photos. LOL

Dennis made me a pesto meal. It was good but could have made it with veggies. Good to know next time. 

I played catchup combing out my own dogs. Still have a couple to do but no energy. 

Leave it to Harlow to always find a critter like a mouse in the pot. She is so highly curious that she gets the others going. Bailey has been enjoying Koda. I have to get a photo of them spooning at tv time behind Nathan's neck. No wonder why he always complains about neck and upper back aches. But they are all worth it. 

Oreo is sleeping most of the night where 4amish seems to be the witching hour. He wants to drink and eat then. We try to keep him up as much as we can with allowing cat naps. He does wake up the whole night but Dennis sleeps with just him so he can attend to his knees. He's a very old dog so he deserves that one on one at night. 

Everyone is having a great time and Gucci just arrived. With her as an addition, it will bring up the fun level.


Winter Play

Here is the gallery.

It's a riot. Even with this snow, the dogs are bringing in leaves and all sorts of debris but that's okay. They are having fun.

I am rather late but we have a dryer coming tomorrow morning. I had to move my grooming table, storage unit and shelving out so they can install. It is amazing what falls behind stuff so it took time. I also sterilized all my blades, combs, brushes cause when you start cleaning, well you clean or at least I do. I have so much laundry it is ridiculous. Oh well, i will take time to play catch up.

Dogs had fun inside and out. Some departed, 1 arrived. Play was wonderful today though they did get in the way many times while I was moving stuff but I didn't mind as they were having so much fun. Dennis has the dryer - which he moved out in the hall waiting for them to haul it away and install a new one.

I LOVE watching the play. Dennis also made a shepherd pie for me today. It was yum. 

I am still exercising daily. I may have to buy a new bathingsuit come April. LOL