
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Blog Archive
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


March Break Time Change

Here is the gallery.

Nathan lasted till 730am. I was trying to get him to last till 8am with the time change. It is what it is but hoping tonight we do better. 

March Break dogs are starting to come. I had a number of groomings - I do have the same tomorrow. 

I made corned beef and cabbage. It was the BEST corned feef I ever did have. The brand was Rachels and they are now out in our local Loblaws. The dogs were going crazy with the smell that is permeating our home. I made some bacon for the dogs for Dennis to add to their food. So a little bacon and corned beef smell. The dogs keep saying but ME... what about me. Dennis is now feeding so they will be happy. He is 90 minutes later than usual and the dogs know it.

They played and played. Me - I want a couch.... 


Is it Melting Play

Here is the gallery.

It gets warm then cold and melt away then ice. It's so unpredictable but the dogs love it as long as it is not water they are playing.

Tomorrow I make corned beef. It was the last 4 they had so at 7am, I will be placing it in the slow cooker for lunch. The dogs will smell it. They will go crazy but I think it is too spicy for them. I will have to think of another treat for them.


Time Change Coming

Here is the gallery.

Time change coming. I wish they would leave it alone. 

Dogs are simply having a grand time. It has been play play play all day. We have a wonderful bunch here at the moment. People forgey when they go away the dogs also get their holiday in and they play like they are kids going to Disney for the 1st time. They are excited and they play off and on till bedtime.

Just finished my exercise and now Dennis is exercising. It is Nathan's day off so as soon as I finish the blog, I am it. So short blogging it!


Melting Windy or Cold

Here is the gallery.

Throughout the day it snowed. It was windy - it was melting. Make up your mind - will ya?

Dogs had fun. We are about to sit down and cuddle with dogs while we watch tv. 

Hope you don't mind this short blog.


Meltdown and Flood

Here is the gallery.

Sorry this is a very short blog. Due to the meltdown, the basement room that holds all my sublimation blanks flooded so I spent lots of time cleaning up and getting the stuff I didn't have on the wire shelves cleaned up and placed on the shelf. It was a huge job so not many photos. 

I also had grooming to do and 1 dematting so it has been a day.

We had 3 people redo their holiday plans for somewhere else other than the states so 3 cancellations have rebooked. We are thankful. That means 8 are still cancelled. It feels like covid. :-(

So other than Dennis running with the dogs tonight, I am crashing on the couch with dogs. I am exhausted and I did get in exercise. While I was exercising the water alarm went off and it is how I knew. 

Dogs are having fun.


Play Play

Here is the gallery.

Not many photos in the gallery but the dogs did have fun. 

There was play all day. News is on in this house and even my exercise didn't calm me down. LOL 

As they say - it is what it is?

Someone said - we will never be able to trust the United States ever again and that is probably true. 

Oh well - enough politics.

When do you think spring will seriously arrive? I am ready for it and so are the dogs. We need some sunshine!!


2 Blogs Today

Gallery is here

Hmmm things are starting to get green. Is it too early? We shall see but we noticed buds on the maple trees. There is hope that warmth is coming.

It is the quiet before the storm. March break is coming. We thrive in the storm - the craziness - the enjoyment of it all despite the work. 

A number of people cancelled trips to the states and are trying to exchange for the Carribean or like areas to visit. I hope them much success but enough cancelled that we are not going to be extra busy. It is interesting the rippling effects of impending tariffs. Tomorrow is the day they say.

I have been exercising for 2 full months without missing a day. Imagine that. I quit having the dogs down with me as you can't focus. It's a riot and you don't want to know. 

The rabbit has been sighted and Harlow is excited. Spring is coming....


Yesterday Age 2

Sorry this was supposed to be up yesterday but I could not see the photos. Nathan finally gor them to me so I could update the blog. Apologies...


Hi Nathan and Darlah, 

We wanted to wish Darcy’s litter mates a very happy second birthday! 

Darcy continues to be the most joyous thing in our lives. She loves going on walks, playing in the snow, snuggling and playing with her cousins, Bailey (golden retriever) and Marley. She also loves play dates with her friend Daisy! 

We are so grateful to have her in our family and will always be so thankful to you both for bringing her into our lives! 

We hope you all are doing well, and that your dogs are well too! 

Brianna, Jacob and Darcy 


King of the Mountain

Here is the gallery.

It's before March Break so we don't have a lot of extra dogs - some day visitors or overnight. We still have snow and this photo reminded me of a game we used to play called king of the mountain - think that is what it was called. 

It is funny - Maurey departed and Nes has joined us but they look like siblings. Jersey and Lexi departed (departing) today. 

It is cold out. 

Tonight I told Dennis I will run with the dogs. Let's see how long I can run for. LOL


1st Saturday in March: 2 Blogs Today

Here is the gallery.

Sorry a ton of grooming today and a full day tomorrow so I am late with blogging and I will be short. 

It is yellow snow time again and I am not sure what it is doing outside as I have been extra busy. I know Dennis is trying.

But the dogs are having fun and they are now chillin' in here, in the kitchen or in the TV room. 

Life is grand if you are a dog here. Tonight Dennis did an extra long run session with them. That is why they are chilling. 


Happy 2nd!

Darlah and Nathan we also wanted to say a huge thank you to you and Willow for bringing Nes into our life. We cannot believe he is two already! He has so much personality and makes us laugh all the time. He loves playing with his toys and snuggling with his moms. We cannot imagine our life without him.

He is going to have his favourite lamb for dinner tonight to celebrate his birthday. He also wants to wish a happy birthday to all his litter mates - Yoshi, Farleigh, Gus and Cassie.

Thank you,

Sivan, Shrad and Nes


Let the Play Begin

Here is the gallery.

Oh boy are the dogs playing. It is a riot - flying hair and all. It is so much fun to watch.

It is snowing again. They are having fun more inside than out. Is this enough snow yet for you? 

Life is good if you are a dog here and that makes me smile.


Yes it Snowed

Here is the gallery.

It snowed today but the streets were clear. It is my day off and we had to do the vets for vaccinations but it was clear on the way back.

Dogs are in the hall, in my office - in the tv room. They are busy and having fun. 

I have a busy day tomorrow - highly so. I can't believe it is already 630pm. Where did the day go?

I did run with the dogs yesterday and didn't tucker out. My stamina is increasing and hopefully these runs with the dogs do that for them too!

Dogs hate the wetness of the snow so they will only head out on the deck or on the paths Dennis created. 

It is a good day for the dogs. For me - just finished exercising so off to take a hot shower. 


No Gallery Day

Everything is really melting. Dogs are not happy with the melt so no photos - apologies. They are still having fun inside. See why pads are useful? 


Tongues Have It

Here is the gallery.

Mr. Newt is departing tonight and Lucky, Noah and Zoe departed this afternoon. 

I loved this photo as it was as if they were in sync. 

The dogs are having fun. Not much else to say but that - fun!


Fun Play

Here is the gallery.

Just finished grooming and figured I best get the blog done before I forget. 

It is Dennis day off so I will be running with the dogs. I think I am up to the task. My stamina has been building. I can last much longer so I am happy and it makes the dogs excited that I can run with them too. Of course I won't be running outside as we are in a melt and it really is messy out there but we will do it upstairs. How would Nathan ever manage if I slipped and fell. LOL

Dogs are really in a playful mode today. It is really fun to watch.

I think Newt thinks he had dieds and went to heaven as he is so playing from when he gets up till bed and Jax is keeping up with him. 


To Melt or Not

Here is the gallery.

Harlow is barking for her dinner. I so want to laugh but she is no longer the only one.

Nathan is off at the game. Dennis and I are holding down the fort. 

Shady and Nora departed. Newt arrived and is eating like he is starving. LOL

Life is grand for the dogs. After dinner Dennis will take a run out back if it is not too icy and if it is he will do it upstairs in the hall.

Oh and as of yesterday I have a concept 2 rower thank you to bartering with a friend. Tried it yesterday and need to figure out how to hook up apps but for now I can row, row and row. I am going to start out slow as I want to make sure my back can handle so I will limit myself to 3 times a week. We shall see how it goes. Dennis has it on the highest resistence and has no issue. He is much younger than me. LOL


White Where Are You?

Here is the gallery.

I am late doing the blog. Sorry about that. We had company today. I groomed a great deal and goy my exercise in. Nathan is back on the treadmill for the 2nd day. I didn't even have to push him today. 

Dogs are having fun.

Nathan is out at a game tomorrow till bedtime with 2 of our sons so it will be Dennis and I holding down the fort so to speak. 

Dennis is back to pick axing due to yellow snow. I so hate it but what can you do?

The dogs as usual are having fun!!


Is it Still White?

Here is the gallery.

Poor Noah has a cone on. He has had it on for a few days. It is finally started to heal. He had his teeth done and as a result it created an allergic reaction to the anesthesia. It happens. Your dog can be placed under and never have a reaction and then it happens. I say this as anesthesia can be hard on the body especially with older dogs. He is doing well. He likes it here and the type of cone matters. 

It is sunny but they say new snow is coming.

It is Nathan's day off. He got back on the treadmill. Hooray!

Can you imagine sun shining - swimming pool weather with the dogs? I can't wait!


No Photo Day Well Almost

Here is a mini gallery.

It is Dennis day off so not many photos today. I was really busy myself grooming etc I need to do a bit more tonight.

This is Shady king of his tv room domain. LOL 

Dogs have been having fun. It is cold outdoors. I am extra busy when it is Dennis' day off as I pull his weight. That's okay. He does so much so he really deserves the time off. Nathan's day off is Friday and he is out this Sunday with 2 of our sons at a game for a birthday gift for one of our sons. It is good that he spends the time with them. 

That's it for today but the dawgs are having fun!