March Break Time Change

Nathan lasted till 730am. I was trying to get him to last till 8am with the time change. It is what it is but hoping tonight we do better.
March Break dogs are starting to come. I had a number of groomings - I do have the same tomorrow.
I made corned beef and cabbage. It was the BEST corned feef I ever did have. The brand was Rachels and they are now out in our local Loblaws. The dogs were going crazy with the smell that is permeating our home. I made some bacon for the dogs for Dennis to add to their food. So a little bacon and corned beef smell. The dogs keep saying but ME... what about me. Dennis is now feeding so they will be happy. He is 90 minutes later than usual and the dogs know it.
They played and played. Me - I want a couch....