
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Blog Archive
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


Very Few

Here is a mini gallery.

I was invited out to Mexican food by my daughter, hubby and grand daughter. So the gallery is small. We do have Rusty and Luna here and huge thank you for the birthday gift. I can't believe how much effort Elana put into it. As soon as I can I will put it in a frame and hang it. 

Koko has found the fun of chasing the rabbits. Harlow does go looking under the brush for them. Maki thinks it is all so silly. It's all in the game of it all.

Looking forward to Mexican and hope it is good. Nathan hates Mexican so the only time I can get to eat it is the daughter or Ronnie and Elana. 


Woke Up to Snow

Here is the gallery.

Can you believe snow? I can but that's okay. Dennis still didn't get many photos but take my word for it the dogs were having fun. We are actually down to just Harlow and Koko as a visitor as of tonight. It is an empty house.

Nathan took me to Vaughan Mills Mall and I got a shirt, shorts and socks. I can fit in short shorts to exercise in. I wanted something I didn't sweat in too much. Nathan got socks then we went to eat at Carmelinas on Woodbine for lunch. It was excellent. He has never been. I was there years and years ago. 

I want to say thank you to Coco the mighty little one's parents. They sent fruit and balloons. I have 3 amazing looking balloons now tied to my lamp at my desk. Deep appreciation. I also got to say thank you to Marni and Rick for a selection of cookies, candy etc. I saw Nathan stealing the cookies. Yes, I am laughing.

Nathan also changed the bedding so we had fresh sheets and blankets last night to wake up to. It's the little things that really makes you pause and go wow nice. The dogs were caught last night rolliung all over it and sniffing. We had a new softener he tried so I suspect it smelt different to the dogs. It did to me. 

Dennis and I will watch Severance and eat popcorn. Doesn't sound like much but is to me. I also get to snuggle with the dogs. Can't get better than that!


Two Blog Day

Gallery will be added to tomorrows. Jax was in the mode of bliss today running his little body in exhuberant motion.

In order for me to get tomorrow off I need to finish grooming today. 

Huge thank you to Atoosa and her husband that thought of me for my birthday and brought a present over. It is an amazing present too!  How wonderful of both of them and bonus we got to see Kandoo. 

Tomorrow we return the holter unit and Nathan said he is going to take me out for lunch. 

Nathan cleaned the sheets and blankets for the bed so we have nice smelling bedding. I hate this job so it was wonderful that Nathan did it! He found 30 - yes 30 toys in the bedding from Saffron who loves her toys. Most are chewed to death. She chews and then hides them in the blankets. Well, at 10 years old she can do what she wants - don't you think? 

See the birthday below.


Happy 10th Birthday

Murphy has given me 10 amazing years of love and fun. Looking forward to many, many more! Happy Birthday to the siblings!

Hi Nathan,

Maggie is doing great! She’s in great health and still brings us joy every day.



What a lovely surprise! We are all well and once the pandemic  hit we became very busy with our kids getting engaged and married! We now have 2 grandchildren and awaiting another in August.
Leo has been amazing, and Frankie who is almost 15 is hanging in there.
Leo's demeanor is fiercely protective, while soft and sweet at the same time. We love him beyond words!
Hope that you are all well and enjoying all the blessings that life brings!
Happy Birthday to Saffron! 10 already!

Saffron says Happy Birthday 10 to all my siblings.

Our baby turned 10 today. She is so special and we love her so much and tell her so a million times a day!
Happy bday to her littermates!


To Success

Just a few eating photos.

Harlow has been through a rough patch but she is now back to eating most of the meals 3 times a day. She is back to looking for her food 3 times a day. We celebrate. Everyone ate.

It is my birthday on Monday so I have a lot of dogs to groom before then. It is a mighty crazy schedule. I hope I can fit in exercise too. After dinner I start in again to groom. That is why we only have eating photos but they did play and they were looking for the rabbit including Harlow. Ty has departed so Harlow has her bed up on high again. She wasn't up to debating with Ty over her spot. She also has another spot she likes too. 

It is Dennis day off today so no photo taking for him. 

I am off to groom in a f


It is Messy

Here is the gallery.

When I talk about what Dennis missed cleaning up last fall, this is it and it comes in on their coats. Sometimes I am cleaning them off in bed as I snuggle and feel it caught in their coat from their last session outdoors before bed. 

The weather is even confusing the dogs. It gets warmish then cold. Who knows what tomorrow will bring. They say Monday on my birthday the temps will rise. I am excited! We are seeing birds now and the dogs are seeing them too. It is a riot! I guess real spring is coming but not yet. I so wish it did arrive and stayed. We can't always get what we want. 

Dogs played outside. Dennis ran with them. They are tv watching at the moment. They do need to chill after a good run much like humans. LOL


Wild Fun Day

Here is the gallery.

It's been a fun day. The dogs were squirrel hunting and rabbit hunting. Harlow has taught them well.

It is Nathan's day off tomorrow. He has a holter monitor on till Sunday night. He managed to stay on the treadmill so he is in better shape than he thinks. That is good news. Hoping they caught it early. We shall see.

They did tell him exercise is a must. I have been telling him that. 

Dogs have been playing, I am grooming my own here and there as I find the time. It's the usual after March Break thing.

Last night Chai laid on my face while I was sleeping. Not sure why she did that but I woke up not able to breathe. She looked at me to say - WHAT? Dogs they are so funny!


Crazy Silly Dogs

Here is the gallery.

The dogs were playing in full tilt today. They were silly and playing like crazy.

We had to take Hope and Rain in for their vaccines. We also brought in another dog. I did not sleep last night so exercise was interesting but I got it done. 

Tomorrow at 7am Nathan has to be at a cardiac stress tests as he is showing signs of having issues. He had open heart on 5 blockages during covid. I hope he passes. He is feeling tired and sick all the time so I do not know. This is how he was feeling when he needed surgery last time. Dennis and I will hold down the fort. Today is my day off. Dennis is sleeping so he can get up at 530am - guess that means I need to get up then too. So, I may go to bed in an hour. lol

A number of dogs departed. Some arrived. It was rather balmy out today. I should have opened the windows but didn't think of it.

Thank you to Atoosa for the wonderful Italian Ice and to Coco's parents for coffee and chocolate. Yum - all of it. You made my day!

The dogs know how to have fun - always! Now all the stressors I am carrying around need to vanish.

On our way to the vets I saw a Tesla and wondered who was driving THAT. It is the ugliest vehicle I ever did see. Looks like lots of room for dogs though.


It is Cold Again

Here is the gallery.

It is my day off and Hope and Rain have to get their vaccines so Nathan has asked me to give him a hand.

It is cold out again so ice has come back. It's melted enough that leaves are poking through as Dennis didn't finish the picking up the leaves before winter. We pay when we snooze. LOL It looks ugly out there but this stage will soon pass. 

Ms Tickles, Ozzie, Tucker, Buddy, Luna and Dante depart today. Tomorrow Logan and Panda. The house is emptying out till the April March Break begins. 

I am still exercising. I fit in clothes I haven't fit in years and years. Now I am upset that I threw out clothes. Isn't that the way? But I sleep better. I have a flat tummy and I guess I will need a new bathingsuit. 

I am so looking forward to snuggling with dogs tonight. They get me by and I so love each and every one of them.


No Gallery Day

Having issues uploading photos to JAlbum so hopefully it will work tomorrow. It got cold again so we have ice now. 

I am still grooming. We have dogs that are departing tomorrow so tomorrow will be long day too. Over many days I had to demat 2 dogs and when that happens I can't get to mine so I will be playing catchup. My hands hurt and I am truly tired. I have been doing this every day in short sessions not to overwhelm them. Couldn't cut them down to the body as they were matted next to the skin so it is what it is. Just letting you know why my dogs look messy. 

We had a lot of activity. I got to see Murphy who we adore plus her momma that I adore too. We had pups here playing. We had dogs going and coming. It is March Break but it is almost over. We had dogs all over playing and enjoying and while I was grooming, I watched them and enjoyed!

Next Monday is my birthday and I am still attempting to book that day off. We shall see. I do not want to groom. I want to eat something excellent and exercise without getting nagged and not do chores. Think I can pull that off? No, I do not want to go to a movie with anyone that chooses the movie. Ok, I looked and there isn't anything playing that I want to watch. Anyone know a good deep tissue massage therapist? 


Messy Times

Here is a mini gallery.

The dogs are a soaking mess. We have dogs departing so I am grooming feverishly. Dennis put out a pump in our front yard to go to the manhole as it was that flooded. They say cold is coming tomorrow. Funny my strawberries are growing already. 

It rained most of the day but now the sun is out. I did my exercise and went outside to take in the fresh air and after this blog I need to continue grooming. It will be a night grooming till bedtime. 

It is a slow cooker week as I do something to eat daily that doesn't need too much attention. I am addicted to Luigi's Real Italian Ice. It is hard to get. I want the lemon but Nathan has not been able to find it. It seems it is only available at Longos. It is so light and tasty. Even the dogs try to steal it.

A number of dogs departed today. More tomorrow and even more Monday. 

The dogs always manage to get busy. I need to get back to grooming.


Melt Continues

Here is the gallery.

We literally have a flood covering the sidwalks, our lawn etc in front. It is a riot. Out back we still have ice and snow but much melt. The dogs do not want to go out in it but they do. Smarty pants Coco the maltese gets up on a chair to get out of the wet. She is closer to the ground so I get that!

The weather is gorgeous but the wet is something else. 

The dogs are having fun. 


Melting Times

Here is the gallery.

Oreo will be departing tomorrow so I am giving him a bath tonight. I wonder who will take his tv spot after he departs. We shall see. Pippin has claimed the up high position. It is funny. Each dog that comes has their fave areas be it in the tv room, the bed or wherever. They stake claim. Each day they use that area to nap etc. 

We have a mess outside. It is melting away. I think as I type it is 50f - 10c. If it wasn't so messy, I would be sitting outside enjoying. I hope it remains. Wouldn't it be nice to have an early spring?

Dogs are in full play off and on all day long. They are so enjoying themselves. It is a holiday for them too. I am glad they make the most of it. 


Icy Times

Here is the gallery.

It is downright treacherous for a human being out back but not for dogs it seems.

It is Dennis' day off so I was attempting to take photos, pickup deposits and try to walk. I mostly slid but the dogs seemed to manuever around without any issue. Must be a weight thing.

This is Elvis sitting in his fave chair - Dennis computer chair. He comes for grooming and play with Rosie. They had a really great time.

It is March Break and we have a truly fun bunch of dogs. You should see bedtime cause yes they all sleep with us. It is a riot. 

Nathan asked me what I want for my birthday. I am thinking about it. To be honest he usually gets me nothing and I always get him something. He says I never have any idea what you want so he doesn't. Is that a man thing? So, I think but this is not easy. LOL Maybe an extra day off? But let's not talk about me being older. Phoenix who departed today is 4 years old today. Special day for the little one. We sent him home with duck treats. I so hope he is enjoying!


Non Havanese and a Bunch of Havanese

Here is the gallery.

We had Gibson the mini schnauzer that came to try to see if he would be a good fit and he was. As we used to take care of 2 mini schnauzers the havanese more or less are familiar with the breed so it worked out really well. You can see Gibson inviting play with a play bow. I believe he had a blast as you will see in the gallery. 

We have a mix of leaves poking through and ice and melt. It is that time of the year that the weather can't make up its mind. That is okay. The dogs are having fun. Inside or outside it is fun for them.

It is starting to be a wonderful March Break visit for all!


Fading Away

Here is a small gallery.

Will we have more snow? I will say yes... but it is nice to have fading occuring. The dogs seem to enjoy the warmer weather more. Don't you?

Nathan picked me up a Phillie cheese steak with bacon from Mike's. Yum was it good. I so enjoyed it. 

Dogs are having an amazing amount of fun and Harlow found the rabbit again. You are so funny Harlow.



Very small gallery.

No one likes it when it is exceedingly wet from a meltdown but we will survive.

It is now officially March Break. We have wonderful chaos playing their hearts out.

I had a very difficult dematting to start today. My hands are in pain and he is glad I am done for the day - me too! Bring your dog before they get too matted, please.

We had a huge rabbit in the yard that Nathan took a photo of. It tells me it is eating well despite us NOT feeding her. It is interesting as it is really fat. 


March Break Time Change

Here is the gallery.

Nathan lasted till 730am. I was trying to get him to last till 8am with the time change. It is what it is but hoping tonight we do better. 

March Break dogs are starting to come. I had a number of groomings - I do have the same tomorrow. 

I made corned beef and cabbage. It was the BEST corned feef I ever did have. The brand was Rachels and they are now out in our local Loblaws. The dogs were going crazy with the smell that is permeating our home. I made some bacon for the dogs for Dennis to add to their food. So a little bacon and corned beef smell. The dogs keep saying but ME... what about me. Dennis is now feeding so they will be happy. He is 90 minutes later than usual and the dogs know it.

They played and played. Me - I want a couch.... 


Is it Melting Play

Here is the gallery.

It gets warm then cold and melt away then ice. It's so unpredictable but the dogs love it as long as it is not water they are playing.

Tomorrow I make corned beef. It was the last 4 they had so at 7am, I will be placing it in the slow cooker for lunch. The dogs will smell it. They will go crazy but I think it is too spicy for them. I will have to think of another treat for them.


Time Change Coming

Here is the gallery.

Time change coming. I wish they would leave it alone. 

Dogs are simply having a grand time. It has been play play play all day. We have a wonderful bunch here at the moment. People forgey when they go away the dogs also get their holiday in and they play like they are kids going to Disney for the 1st time. They are excited and they play off and on till bedtime.

Just finished my exercise and now Dennis is exercising. It is Nathan's day off so as soon as I finish the blog, I am it. So short blogging it!