
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Blog Archive
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


Cold is Settling In

Here is the gallery.

Dogs are only going outdoors for short periods of time. They are still having fun!

Inside or outside the dogs still manage to have fun.

It is my day off so this will be a short blog but just know we are watching tv after dinner and snuggling with dogs. I like the sound of that!


Still Paths

Here is the gallery.

They say cold is going to set in. I hate cold. Give me swimming weather any old day.

A number of people couldn't get back to get their dogs due to the plane crash. Their planes were cancelled. I am thankful that no one died in the crash. 

It is my day off tomorrow. We shall see what the weather brings but staying in bed later sounds decadent.

Dogs ran. They played and had quite a bit of fun. They are now all cuddled in with Nathan in the tv room snuggling up a storm. 

It was a good day for the dogs. Dennis will be running the halls with them in a bit!


Snow Time

Here is the gallery.

Not many photos as Dennis has been shovelling and redoing paths. Sun is out now and it looks lovely. 

Everyone is late for pickups so I can't exercise till Nathan is back up. 

Dogs love the snow. It has been fun watching them. Ollie puts his whole face in the snow and comes up looking like a snow dog. 

Harlow decided no snow today and I warmed up a blanket and she cuddled in up high on her fave spot. She ate a really full lunch. We are trying to get Harlow gaining so she eats 3 times a day.

I had a number of dogs to have ready for pickup so lots of grooming this morning but we got it done - even Ollie who is departing at 7pm tonight. Fudge just left. He was excited to see his momma. 

Just looked at the pool shack at how much snow is on that and it is a riot. 

Glad Dennis shovelled today. As much as I exercise, I have a lot to go as I only lasted 16 minutes yesterday. I say I must be delusional. My back is sore but it is my fault. I should have been using my legs and not my back. 


Short Blog

Here is the gallery.

I did go out and shovel for 16 minutes. Found someone to do the driveway for $25. Nathan said no. They said they were too busy. Oh well - it is what it is.

I didn't get far in 16 minutes. Thought I was in better shape. I am delusional. Yes, I am laughing. 

Dogs love the snow for the most part. Not all do. Marcie departed. I have so many dogs to groom tomorrow and another one tonight so this blog will have to be short. I also have to fit in eating which I haven't accomplished yet. 

Nathan is about to feed as it is Dennis day off. I have to figure out when it is my day off. 

Here's to snow and grooming. 


It's Snowy Out There

Here is the gallery.

Broke my carafe yesterday so no coffee today so I ordered a replacement last night via Amazon and it arrived before the snow went crazy out there.

Harlow is back and she had snowballs all over her as she was crawling under the brush to find the rabbits. Harlow - you are back - bravo!

Nes thought this snow thing was great fun. So did Marcie and Ellie. Well, everyone did. It was as if they went ahhhh snow. It is supposed to snow all night and into tomorrow. The dogs will love it. I wonder if there will be pickups tomorrow as I have some to groom, if so. 

These days I am working around grooming to do my fitness. It's a challenge but I am getting it done. Still looking for a concept 2 rower. I need to do something about my flabby arms. LOL At least I know I will need new bathingsuits this year. 

Dogs have been having a great time in and out. I am tired or I would fill you in on more but I am tired... really tired. I hate splitting up exercise. 


Happy Valentine's Day

Here is the gallery.

They say more snow is coming. It is going to be interesting with all that white fluffy stuff out there. 

We have a full house on that celebration of love day. 

The dogs are having fun. Are you?


Great Snow Fall

Here is the gallery.

Dogs are having a splendid time in the snow. Dennis was supposed to have  today off but he will instead take Saturday off. He had to shovel paths. Play with dogs and well enjoy this experience through the dog's eyes.

It wasn't as much as they forecasted but it was enough to have a workout for Dennis and for the dogs to enjoy!

Hope you are surviving!


Night and Snow

Here is the gallery.

Dennis is still trying to perfect his night shots but you can still get the idea. They had fun but where is all that snow they were talking about? Not here... and we so need the fun of snow. Oh well. If the snow comes and you have grooming tomorrow and need to reschedule, just let me know. 

Dogs had fun. We had Rusty and Luna here today. Tenshi and Ozzie that departed, Brewer and Brodie among others. It has been a fun filled day. 


Sunning in the Snow

Here is the gallery.

Nathan was screaming in agony when he went to pick up Ozzy and started screaming as he was in agony. Yers, I said screaming now 3 times.  His fingers are moving so it is not broken. His doctor never called so I gather it is not broken. He doesn't call his doctor as he is Nathan. So Dennis is pulling the weight as it is my day off. I feel awful. 

This is Ms Tenshi sunbathing out back. The rest of the dogs had their sun time too a number of times a day. 

I had to go to the pharmacy to get pain pills for Nathan and maybe this will help. He does not do pain well. 

Due to the weather we have toys and climbers and all sorts of things strewn out in the hallway. The dogs love it. I feel like we have a mess but they love it!

I am still enjoying exercise. I like the clothes fitting better - the tummy that is 98% flat. The arms need work. I have muscles but I need toning. The dogs think I am nuts. I did try the elliptical. Dennis really wanted but it is a strange device. It tireds my legs terribly. Perhaps that means I need it?  I want a rower more but I have to save for it. 

I have not seen the rabbit since Harlow is not here. She's one of the few that finds them and gets them running. I miss that! Glad she is having Daddy time. 


Still Snow

Here is the gallery.

Dogs had fun. I had a ton of grooming and will now settle in to watch Severence with Dennis. It is my day off tomorrow and I am looking forward to less chores and maybe sleeping in. It is like a gift but often I do not stay in bed. I don't have to put waters down nor clean dogs nor do dishes etc etc

Did get a used elliptical really cheap. It is an old model but works. What I can afford. Still looking for a rower so if you know someone selling - let me know. The elliptical is hard on the legs with tension - oh boy....

Some of the dogs came down to watch and didn't get underfoot. They are learning. 

The dogs had fun today!!


That White Stuff

Here is the gallery.

A bit more snow appeared but not as much as they predicted. hmmm Dogs love it but it is wet snow so they are coming in soaked. There is much drying going on. Malla who is close to the ground looked so wet, it was ridiculous and she was about to depart. I ended up combing her out and drying her much to her irritation. LOL Seems I am doing that with everyone.

Hard to not let the dogs have fun so we do. Just means more drying work and combing out. Life....

Dogs are having fun!!


Mini Gallery

Here is a mini gallery.

Had a lot of grooming today so to fit in that and exercise was a miracle but we or shall I say I got it done. 

Thank you to Marlie and Lachlan's mom for a wonderful tip. They are having a blast. 

I am so tired of yellow snow. Dennis has been pick axing but it is futile. 

Dogs are having fun. Where did the day go?

Ms Harlow is now home and got her treat! The rabbits can now relax. LOL


Run and Play

Here is the gallery.

Wolfie was playing his heart out today. Yesterday he had overtures but not full out play like today. It is great seeing a never been here before visitor playing. They alwayus eventually do. It just takes them getting connected to other dogs and creating relationships.

We have a very busy weekend and the next busy time is Valentine's Day, if you can believe. It will be fun. 

Nathan had xrays today but it is Friday so I doubt he will hear till Monday. That is unfortunate but a reality. It was his day off so he got xrays and visited a friend. 

Ms Harlow departs tomorrow to see her dad. She is always missed. Ms. Pepper also departs tomorrow and she is a delight. Dogs coming - dogs going.


Late, I Know

Here is the gallery.

Sorry - I am late doing the blog. I had to groom till now. We had a new dog come that has never been here. He was a tad nervous at 1st but he has meshed in already. Though he is smitten with Dennis and is found sleeping on his lap, at the moment.

Ms Bailey pictured above is smiling. She just departed. She so loves to play.

Harlow - hasn't for days - went out today and was looking for the rabbit. It made me smile.

Nathan has to go back to get an xray as he fell in front and theyu think he broke his fingers. We shall see and he has a hematoma on his rump. We will find out if it is broken tomorrow. Nathan gets to see at xray on his day off tomorrow as they refused to do one at 10 minutes to 4 as they closed at 4. 

I was exercising with the VR today and in the middle of a set the headset died. I guess it wasn't charged. So, I had to charge it and then do it later in the day. I don't like doing some 1st thing and the rest after a charge plus juggling grooming. It is what it is.

Still looking for a used elliptical and rower. I need to do some strength exercises. Did Les Paul today but do not like it as much as Supernatural. Can't wait till we can swim in the summer. I really hate winter. 

Dogs had fun and Dennis is about to bring them upstairs to run and play with. Me, I am going to take the ones that don 't want to go and crash on the couch with them. 


Happy 13th

We’re so blessed to celebrate Laci’s 13th Birthday today!  This pic is from last summer so no Bday pics today as I’m suffering from the flu.

Good news is that Laci is happy to lay in bed all day with me and being smothered with hugs & kisses and too many snacks!  πŸ–

She sometimes behaves like a young puppy and today jumped up and down on my knees as I sang happy birthday. She actually bowed when I was finished.(Thank God she said) 🀣 She also found a Kleenex and tore it into shreds which I hadn’t noticed until she tore off like a maniac!  She hasn’t done that in years!  I had to laugh and quietly picked it up! 

Hugs to all!
Debi&Laci πŸΎπŸ€—πŸŽ‰


Wild Hairdos

Here is the gallery.

Sometimes wild play brings interesting hairdos. Tenshi's hair was fixed as you will see in the gallery but I had to capture this before I fixed her hair. It was as if she was saying human.... really?

It is cold outside and snow is coming this week. I so hope so. Nothing like fresh snow.

We had grand play today. Dogs really enjoyed themselves. We had dogs come - dogs go and wonderful socialization.

It is Dennis day off so no pickaxing out back. No running with the dogs. I will have to attempt to duplicate what he does. At least I am in better shape to do that now. I am still exercising daily. Even though I have tried, I can't exercise with dogs in the room. They can't help to get excited and then I worry that I will step on them and I almost have so it is just me time while exercising. Oh well....


Very Quick

Here is the gallery.

Nathan and I are watching a wonderful tv show on Netflix so this blog will be short.

Dogs are having fun. Not too many visitors at the moment. March Break is the next wild time and we look forward to it.

Nathan fell yesterday with Panda in his arms. He is rather swollen and we shall see how his fingers survive.


Slip Sliding

Here is the gallery.

As you can see our snow is slip sliding away from the gazebos.

Pay attention when you have this wet and heavy snow as it sometimes sticks between their pads. Look at your dog's pads and clean them out if that is the case. It doesn't happen in all dogs. 

Shlomo was licking his pads so I cleaned his out. Sometimes the dog will bite it away from between their pads as it is painful and cold. In this weather, do check your dog's feet. Yes, it will eventually melt but till them why should your dog be uncomfortable. 

Dogs did have fun today. New dogs came. Dogs departed. The change is always interesting. For instance Ozzie came in the door and started partying where sometimes others get the lay of the land. Create pals once again and party on. The socialization is VERY important!


Is it Snowing

Here is the gallery.

It is snowing off and on. Dogs played. Gus and Bailey departed. They will be missed.

Dogs are having fun. I am typing in the dark as Dennis is watching tv in here. LOL

Not much to say except the dogs are having fun and I am about to eat tortellini for Dennis and I with Kale. I am not a Kale fan so I gave Dennis the bulk of it. How nice am I? 


Not Much Today

Here is a mini gallery.

I am behind today so not many photos or much of a blog.

Nathan went out to take a broom to the top of the gazebos. He didn't want the snow to fall on any dogs or us. Dennis is tired of cleaning the yellow. I get that but he still tries.

Dogs have been playing. I have another dog to prep for a bath and finish tomorrow. So, not much of a blog but the dogs are having fun.