Kinsey is the type of puppy that even if the other dogs feel like she is a pest, she finds a way to melt your heart. Be it dogs or humans, that tail just keeps on wagging. She also goes through the bars as she is still small and runs out in the hall, into the laundry room and comes swiftly when you call her but she eats my feet. Ouch.
Here is a mini gallery.
Mr Shlomo was one of those that finally said okay, I will play. Mr. Shlomo departed today.
It is quiet now. Other than day visitors and grooming, it remains our dogs.
Friday I have an all day sublimation class online - a semi day off - well no grooming. Nathan has his stress test and Dennis is still working on mail for hours and hours and hours. sometimes it works - well does for me but now Nathan has many duplicate folders but not entirely. I don't want to know. It makes me want to nap. LOL
Nathan bought a roast for me to cook over Christmas break but never could find the time. Each day he would remind me. So today, roast, bernaise and mashed potatoes. We will cut up some for the dogs too. It will be Ms Kinsey's first roast. Bet she eats tonight. I will too. It's been a long time since I cooked a roast.