
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


New Digs With Ooops

Well the puppies have new surroundings. We were so proud of ourselves. We set up the xpen for teh pups, got Roxies's semi done (still have to do a few things there) and realized we forgot to lay the linoleum first so we get to redo it all before or after the vets tomorrow. I am out of steam today.

How did they do? They whimpered a bit and then settled in. They now can see out at this room vs stretching themselves to do so from the whelping box.

We also introduced Roxie to the room so Jeannie felt comfortable. At first her body stiffened up and then when she realized she could only say hello through the xpen she relaxed. Now they are hanging out together. This is a good thing. This allows both moms to keep each other company and help each other. As Jeannie is a first time mom you never know how they will react but Roxie and Jeannie and panda have great relationships - bonus.

Here is a gallery of them exploring their new digs as I call it.

Here are some videos from last night till mid day today before we set up the new area. I am still trying to figure out how I can see both xpens from one camera but I think I can't so I may be moving ot over to Roxies or leaving it here. Don't know which or what to do. I want to capture them both and you can't just simply move them back and forth. There is a lot of setup to get them in the right position.

Out of Pen Playing

Mom Play Outside of Pen

Momma Got a Toy

Pups R Playing

Playing With the Pups

It's Sleepy Time

Getting Comfiest

Dennis During the Night

The Pups Sleep

The Middle of the Night Play

Puppy Rumble

Dennis Doing Feeding

She's Just Sleeping

Update tomorrow will be VERY late or very short. Most likely very short as we are at the vets and then I am going out with a friend. I haven't been out in a long time other than that one handling class which was not fun as I was eaten alive by mosquitoes. Hope you understand a 1 day blip. I need it before the Roxie pups come and I am immersed.


Preliminary Changes

We placed up an xpen and now have to rearrange as no one likes it. hahaha So we tried but haven't succeeded yet.

Nathan cut nails again today. See the gallery for more pictures.

Pups are getting better on their feet. They are now eating about every 3 hours to 3 hours and 15 minutes. As their stomachs grow their between times extends.

Here are just a few videos. I am trying to play catch-up on baths and my goal is to do it while I can so photos and videos were not great. Sorry about that!

Anne Waters brought by some wonderful toys for the pups and watch - they are already curious about them. Be sure to check out the videos.

Pups Playing With Toys (Thanks Anne for everything!!)

Toy Play

Wee Hours Play

I may be in bed but when I wake up I put on that record button. Thankfully Dennis doesn't read the blog. heh

They are Feeding

The Pups Play

Middle of the Night Play

By tomorrow we hope to have the room redesigned to everyone's liking and the pups will be coming out of the whelping box. We will take photos so you can see. That may mean removing one of the couches - oh boy!


Changes Coming

Shortly we will get them in their xpen and give them a lot more room. Life changes. Roxie's pups will need the whelping box soon. Pups are already trying to climb out. They are sociable beings. Jeannie loves me to play with her in the whlping box as if she is teaching the pups how to play.

Dennis was up 3 times with the pups last night. They all gained though sometimes they get a huge lift in weight and others barely adding weight. This is the active stage and it happens. They are burning off energy and calories. Their next big growth spurt will be when food is introduced and they take to it.

I hear little barks at times - not much - the odd call to mom. It's bare squeaks but they are cute.

Here are some videos - some with Dennis during the night and some with me. I took video upstairs cause I couldn't help myself and woke up at feeding time. Guess my body is used to it. Hoping tonight I sleep better.

Time to Sleep

Blanket Comfort

545am Feeding With Dennis

545am Feeding 2 With Dennis

Momma Cleanup Time

Wee Hours Dennis

Off to Sleep

Got to Play

Pups Out of Box

Momma Play Today

Sister Play

The Mom Cleaning

Changing Whelping Box

Morning Feeding With Me

Out of the Box

After Feeding Time


Better Late Than Never

Sorry I am so late with the blogs. I had a lot to do today including grooming.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewPups go under the rails for comfort away from the heat. Mid day this room gets warm as I believe in giving the pups a dose of sunshine and this room is perfect for that but it does get rather warm with a heat lamp and the natural sunshine. It's short lived though so I don't shut off the lamp as I don't wamt them to get a chill. When I say warm - its not toasty - jusr warmer than usual.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewFor the first time in weeks I am going to bed tonight and Dennis is going to make sure the pups are feeding every 3 hours. He will go back to sleeping at night. I will go back to snuggling with Roxie who misses me madly especially now that she is getting close. We will see if Roxie's pups means night shifts again for me.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewHere are a few videos. I didn't take a lot as I was simply way too tired last night. I have been doing this all night interrupted sleep and doing my usual stuff during the day without naps. Sorry about the lack of videos. But this is what I got today.

Sibling Play

Pups in the Wee Hours

Even More Play

More Pup Feeding

Momma Play Time

Morning Play

More Momma Play

Pups are great. Every now and then I hear a voice. They are simply delicious. They give me kisses literally. They come to see me as they get excited. They do wonders for my heart.


Three Weeks Old Tonight WOW

How did that time go by? I must admit I am so in love with these pups. You wait till you see the boy wag his tail so hard when he sees his Mommy. Be still my heart.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewPups have now started waking up, playing and not eating between. This is the start of more awake time. Till now their play is about 10 minutes then they sleep. Now they opened up another window of awake time without eating. What that means is they have the most energy after eating but now they are also waking up about 2 hours into their sleep, playing and then going back to sleep for another 45 minutes to an hour. Sometimes they push their eating time a tad later. They are growing and their bellies retain more.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewJeannie is an amazing mom. I have taught her balance with this scheduled feedings. The alarm goes off and she is saying mom its time. She not only feeds them and cleans them but she genuinely plays and loves them up. I am so lucky to have great moms.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewHere are today's videos.

Waggy Tail

Pay attention to the boys tail. It tells you how happy he is to see Momma.

No One is Letting Me In

This is why I am doing night time feedings but on Monday night Dennis may be taking over again. He will need to make sure they all get their spots but he will also be able to sleep after I get up. That has not been the case with me. I do night duty and I am up all day. I get the rare nap especially with Nathan gone. But 1 more week and this one will be on food and we won't worry about who is letting whom in as they will take turns with food and mom. It is a more relaxed feeding when food is introduced but then Roxie's pups will have to be watched.

I am a little tired so instead of the commentary I am just going to put the rest if the videos up. Hope you enjoy. I wouldn't want to miss the moments with these pups. I love how social they are so early.

Morning Feeding

Just the Pups

Momma Time

More Mom Play

Puppy Playing

Puppy Time

More Fun

More Play

Puppy Feeding


20 Days Old TONIGHT

Click on Photo for Larger ViewJeannie had a bath today. I try to bathe them fully at the 2 to 3 week mark after giving birth. Of course their backend is bathed right after birth and blown out with a blower so it gets dry fast. Jeannie's top knot needs to grow back after getting Leti-cized. But that's okay. I imagine it will look like Spice's did after her pups as they just LOVE to crawl through her.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewToday between feedings Jeannie got to lay outside and feel the cool breeze in her hair with the other dogs. She loved it but it only lasts about 5 minutes and then she must check on her pups. I wish she could look at the ipad and enjoy more time but that will come as they get mobile.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewTheir colours are starting to bleed through. As you can see this gal has the eyebrows appearing. It's so very cute! She also has the cheeks like blush coming through.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewBoth the boy and gal has colours seeping through now. It is so interesting to see how they change.

As usual I took a bunch of videos.


More Weighing

As you can see in these videos they are a bit of a challenge to weigh. They wriggle. They make the scale bounce and I worry about them trying to climb out. By week 4 it is impossible unless they are dead asleep. It may be sooner for this crew.

Changing Bedding

Each day I change the bedding several times a day. When they are truly mobile they will have an xpen, a pad, bed, blankets and all that. It will happen before Roxie has pups. Jeannie has been lucky as she has had this room to herself with me.

Tails Up Feeding

When pups are tanking up their tails go up. When they start getting mobile their tails start going up but for now their tail is an indicator on their enjoyment of feeding.

Fighting for a Spot

This is why I am helping out at night. You can see how they fight for their spot. The more white one is getting better at demanding her spot but the other 2 are relentless. Remember the Spice boy I gave to Roxie? He was the same way - relentless. Sweet boy as an older pup going into adulthood but 'I want that food and nothing is going to stop me'.  By the way that boy is not a big boy so that must have food doesn't tell you much except they want it NOW!

Social Pups

The pups are HIGHLY social and I mean HIGHLY social. Maybe because I spend so much time night and day interacting but they are quite affectionate. They love interacting with you.

Getting Mom Time

They know mom and they walk as fast as they can to eat and to play with her. Even with the smell change after a bath they know her well.

5am Play

Massage at 5am

Cuddling In

I could add more and more but its a tad excessive don't you think? Only a momma human like me finds every move fascinating but maybe this gives you an idea why.


18 and a Half Days Old

There is something special at this age when a pup will crawl over her siblings just to be with you.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewClick on Photo for Larger ViewThey are getting more agile as days go on. They are already walking good enough to get somewhere. I am impressed. They are also so funny with the practice rollovers.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewHere are some videos but I promise they will get better as we get older.

The Morning Play

Mom Fun 1

Mom Fun 2

Trying to Engage Mom

Noon Mom Play

Noon Even More Play

Settling In After Eating

Sound Asleep

During Night Play

After Eating Antics

Right After Feeding

Puppy Feeding Time

Had a bit of a hiccup last night. Had a pup crying and she over ate. She had a tummy upset so I didn't get much sleep (slept about an hour). I have company coming so the other blogs will be very little. I will play catchup tomorrow. I want to take a nap but no time - oh well.


18 Days Old: Updated

I will be updating later today. Nathan is off this morning so we have a ton to do to get his last minute stuff in place. Men...

I also have had semi sleep. I have had 5 hours sleep last night - most I have had in a long time. Maybe a nap with the dogs are in store today between feedings. We shall see. No - that wasn't in the cards. :-)

Pups are really getting good on the legs and the more white one boggles me with her skills and curiousity. Three weeks this Sunday night - wow! Soon they will be out of the whelping box running around. Life will never be the same.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewJeannie remains an amazing mom.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewPups are getting more active as the days go by. I am sure Nathan will see a difference come Sunday night.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewI am having so much fun but today the pups wanted to eat every 2 hours. Oh my. I hope it goes back to 3 tonight. :-)

Here are some videos.

Climbing Over to Me

Be still my heart. She climbed over her siblings to get to me.

Practice Walking

Start of Play Fighting

My Moments

Nathan likes to wait to spend some serious time with them when they are 4 plus weeks. Look at what he is missing. I wouldn't trade these moments for the world.

Momma Time

More Momma Play

Weigh In

I tried to weigh them in the whelping box so you could see but Jeannie was too frantic about it. What's that thing in the box? What is my baby doing in it. I usually do it outside and its a quick in and out. I ended up doing the rest that way.

More Touches

Feeding During Wee Hours

After Feeding Wee Hours

Changed Bedding

6am Play

Backside Sleeping

Pups are now:

Boy - 24.15 oz

Gal with More White: 20oz even

Gal Ring Ring on Neck: 22.60oz

The boy weighs more but other than being rounder you can't really tell.

Another tidbit is the eyebrows are starting to bleed through on the more white gal. I told you she's a tri.


Juggling Times

I am washing several dogs today for others so I am juggling doing it between feedings. So - I am late at updating. I still have 2 dogs to go. I was hoping for the pool. Maybe after the next 2 groomings.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewThe pups are doing something I never noticed in other pups - well at least a couple are. I placed new blankets dpown and they are sniffing to see what it is. It's a riot.

Sniffing the Blanket

I hope I managed to catch it in action. I don't have time to review them so I am just putting the videos up.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewThe mostly white with colored cheeks gal is highly curious. She tries to look out for mom. Yes, her eyes are wide open now.

Trying to Look Out

Click on Photo for Larger ViewThere she goes again. She resisted having her eyes open and now that they are open she hasn't looked back. She is a true character.

They are all trying to walk, play with mom now and interact. It's real basic stuff but they will continue to perfect their skills. I am impressed.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewI have taken them out to the rug that is in front of the whelping box to change their bedding. They seem to be FASCINATED. It is a riot to watch.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewThey are also practicing rollovers and doing it on purpose. I have to laugh.


Now they eat, they play and interact with me or mom and then they sleep. As they get older that play time will be for a longer time.

Here are last night and today's videos - well more of them.

Snuggling to Sleep

Belly Side Up

New Blanket

230am Feeding

More 230am Feeding

After 230am Feeding

530am Feeding

Just After 530am Feeding

Tired Early Morning


15 and a Half Days Old

They turn 16 days old tonight and by Sunday they will be really moving as they will turn 3 weeks Sunday night. It happens faster than you think.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewClick on Photo for Larger ViewPups are gaining less now. They are all over a pound. Why less? They are expelling more energy by trying to walk, rollover and start the play process. By 3 weeks you will see more extensive play and by 4 weeks they will be full out playing in a rudimentary sense. Meaning their skills improve as they get older and as they attempt. It is how they learn. So far the mostly white gal is strongest on her legs.

They are now eating every 2.45 hours to 3 hours. So, I am getting a tad more sleep. It takes 15 minutes to 25 minutes to finish the feeding process. We do an outside potty break and crawl back on the couch and try to fall back to sleep quickly for the next feeding. My goal is by the time Nathan is back from the fishing trip on Sunday that Dennis is back on night time duty. They will be older, will have eyes open and can find the milkbar without protecting slots. We shall see. Right now the mostly white gal is 4 ounces less than the siblings. It doesn't sound like a lot but she doesn't push the others out of the way to get her feeding station like her siblings do. She seems to be a polite one.

Each day I clean the bedding at least twice, weigh the pups in the morning and at night and sometimes inbetween if they aren't gaining sufficiently in my mind. Nathan calls it the OCD in me. I call it the making sure everyone does well and if that takes protecting the pups from assertive siblings, so be it even if it means less sleep. Proper nutrition is important. This is me being responsible for beings I brought into the world.

Thanks goes to the Duncans and Coops who is visiting for the extra soft blankets. These pups LOVE soft. I put something in semi rough and they don't like it. So, we really appreciate this!

When Jeannie came off antibiotics we had some loose stools and belly aches. I used a smidge of gripe water and that seemed to help that. This happens over days when the antibiotics get out of mom's system. If mom has the start of mastitis it is a must but it does give them upset tummies either during dosing or as they come off of them. It is a consistent thing that I have experienced as their system is not yet fully developed. Momma's tummy is upset with antibiotics too and a grumbling gassy mom means the same for pups. But as I said short lived and a must. We finally are back to solid stool and no grumbling tummies in mom or pups. Upset tummies in pups means they don't want to eat. Gripe water actually got them eating the next feeding and passing gas.

You couldn't tell as they still managed to sleep. Momma stimulated them to get their system going and they are now at the point that they are mature enough that they do not need stimulation to go. It usually goes hand in hand with ears and eyes opening.

By the way the last puppy opened her eyes wide and then squinted them back up. I must laugh. She is the MOST laid back being there is. They are open more than not now though.

Here are some videos taken in the wee hours to this morning.

1amish feeding

Practice Walking

Practice and Squeaks

Middle of the Night

Just Sleep

Deep Sleep

Barely moving but if you watch close you do see movement - sleep twitches etc

Snuggle Time

Morning Partial Brushout

Morning Feeding Jeannie is Tired

Feeding on the Bottom Slots

Rollover Time

More Play

More After Eating Play