
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


8 Half Days Old

Click on Photo for Larger ViewClick on Photo for Larger ViewClick on Photo for Larger ViewNot much new to update you with. We are still on wait for eyes to open. Here are a few videos that I hope you enjoy.

Cleaning Pups

Quiet Sleep

Last Night Feeding

Pups Feeding

Nathan and Pups


8 Days Tonight

Click on Photo for Larger ViewShe is a mighty attentive mom. It's nice but she also gets out of the box to cool her belly off on the floor. She's never far. She is in hearing distance always. They have started to squeak for her when they want something. She comes running. What do you need - cleaning, food, snuggles?

Click on Photo for Larger ViewThey continue to gain weight but today they have slowed down. That will pick back up when they are really mobile. They also seem to want to eat longer vs. gulping it down.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewThey are held many times a day in a variety of positions and movements to get them used to it.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewRight about now they eat, they sleep, the squirm around and they like being warm under the lamp. It's too warm for Jeannie and her hair is drying out so now that she has figured she can sit outside and watch she will be much cooler.

Here are some videos. They are .mov files. They are smaller and too many can't view the .avi files so please read the next message to see how you can view them.

More Cleaning

The Watch

Handling Each

Tomorrow I will try to get closeups of their face as their little eyes have very obvious slits.


File Formats

Can't win. I change them to .avi as someone couldn't figure out how to view and then I got more complaints.

If you are on a mac or an ipad and you want to view .avi files try the VLC player. It is free. On a Mac OS use this link. You can also use VLC on a Windows machine or use Quicktime for Windows or Quicktime for Mac.


A Week Old Tonight WOW!

Click on Photo for Larger ViewClick on Photo for Larger ViewClick on Photo for Larger View

Here are a few videos taken today:

Morning Stretches

Morning Meal

15 Second Sleep

Jeannie Cleaning

Jeannie's milk ducts are all nice and soft and supple. Sounds crazy but I celebrate as that hardness means being uncomfie. She never complained one iota though.

They are 7 full days tonight. Wow. Everyone is gaining, eating, squirming and they have slits on their eyes but I have tested them. They can't hear yet. Hearing and eyes open at the same time. They all of a sudden react to sounds when their eyes open. Right now their only senses are smell and touch. They find mom with smell and find the milk bar with smell and touch.


Going on 6 Days Old

Did almost a week go by? It seems like just days ago that I welcomed them into the world. They are eating, sleeping and doing well. I timed them and they actually sleep under just 2 hours between feedings. Jeannie has it easy. At this stage they are usually eating at least every hour. This crew (we have had a few before) get full, move around and the sleep. They are doing well.

Today the 2 darker ones are almost the same size and the more white is an ounce less. See how it varies each day.

Here are a few videos I took.

Eating 5 and a Half Days Old

Morning Stretch

Peaceful Eating

Getting Comfie

Messy Jeannie

Sleeping 5 and a Half Days Old

I may have to go back to .mov files as these are too large. Its not the length of the video but the file format that leavest hem so inflated in size.

I am seeing slits on the eyes. Can't wait till they open them but it will be days before then.


Pups are 4.5 Days Old

Tonight they will be 5 days old and their weights are now completely different.

Jeannie has started to revolt. If you place food she doesn't want she pushes it under the table or under the couch. Good news is her milk stations are all soft now. It took awhile but she had a ton of milk before she had pups.

Here are some videos in .avi format. Maybe that will be easier for some? Let me know.

Pups 4.5 Days Old

More 4.5 Days Old

Jeannie Pups Resting

Momma Jeannie Cleaning Pups

Plus here is a gallery of some photos I snapped this morning. This blanket is one of the others Tanner's mom gave us that he used to use. The pups love it!

Weights - only doing them as they are now starting to work themselves out. The boy is largest but boys are usually larger but really we are talking about an ounce or a tad more which in the scheme of things is not much. They are eating, active and mighty healthy. So far they are the easiest pups to maintain.

GAIN 24 HOURS: 1.55 oz

More White gal
GAIN 24 HOURS: 1.15oz

White Collar Gal
GAIN 24 HOURS: 1.25oz


Snoozing: More Added

This is a low quality photo taken with our camera that we use to watch Jeannie. I must admit I tune into her many times during the night even though Dennis is watching her. I yearn for a full night sleep but my curiousity gets me everytime. It's nice to see what is going on. This is how she sleeps with them most times and she loves to snuggle them in.

Anne Waters dropped off some blankets. I am amazed at the generosity of people and truly it is most appreciated. These are all Tanners baby blankets that lined his crate. I will be posting a photo later today of one.

Pups are well and gaining each weigh in. Nathan is at the Markham dog show till the afternoon so my blogging won't happen again till late today. Dennis will be snoozing in my office as Jeannie was restless last night. Good news her ducts are softer now but we continue on a course of antibiotics for 7 days.

Here are the weights this morning and this was BEFORE a feeding. After a feeding will give you greater results.


9.50oz/270g - Birth 6.40oz/182g

24 hour gain: 1.15oz


More White gal

8.70oz/248g - Birth 6.10oz/173g

24 hour gain: .85oz


White Collar Gal

9.50oz/269g - Birth 6oz/170g

24 hour gain: 1.15

These are all great gains and tonight the more white gal may be bigger than the rest. They are so close that it fluctuates like that. They are all doing really well. The bottom milkbar slots have the most milk and the quicker flow so the more white one tends to stay off of those. She likes the ones just above. It doesn't help that those were hard and impacted but that will change as they soften up. That has already started. It means the antibiotics are working. Usually they work faster but the pups didn't want to use those slots as much as it is simply harder to get the milk flowing when it is impacted and when they do it comes out squirting like you broke through the dam.

Here are a few videos taken last night.

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Here are the pups on Anne Water's blanket this morning.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewClick on Photo for Larger ViewClick on Photo for Larger ViewDennis tells me he can't sleep as the door has too much action. He will sleep when he crashes, I suppose. Doubt he will make it till Nathan gets back.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewNot a clear photo that Dennis took but an ahhh moment - snuggles!


Today's Update Plus Videos

The pups are doing well. Dennis is complaining about lack of sleep. It seems we had unexpected visitors, a roofing guy asking us if we wanted a quote and a neighbor asking to borrow something. So, yeah he didn't get any sleep so now he is back to bed and hoping he does get rest.

Now I am able to do an update. All pups are gaining weight and gaining round tummies as you will see in the photos.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewLove the color coming through on this gal. Its as if she put blush on. :-)

Click on Photo for Larger ViewThey wouldn't stretch out flat but I did this photo to give you an idea just how tiny they are. They are 2.5 days old now heading to 3 tonight.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewThese blankets I am told is easy to make. I need to learn how and make some. They are no sew blankets tied off on the sides.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewClick on Photo for Larger ViewIn this photo you can see how tiny they are but robust - boy are they!

Click on Photo for Larger ViewClick on Photo for Larger ViewClick on Photo for Larger ViewNow that they are getting older - I know not that much older but now they trust their environment. They are being touched many times a day for weighing, for kisses, snuggles and much more. I have already started the High Achievers exercises.

Here are a few videos taken this morning at 2.5 days old. Yeah I know I need to fix my nail polish but who has time and can't do it in this room. It is what it is. Just a chipped nail job, heh.

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Video 4

I have a busy day today and I want to spend time with the adults. Nathan has been with them playing his heart out. I groomed everyone including Jeannie. Already the pups are making her a mess. Oh well. :-)


Now Three Videos

This photo is what she does when she leaves the xpen to eat or drink or do her duty. She covers them up and tucks them in.

One video is when she was unbrushed and one was after brushing. See you don't just get to see the pretty photos though I feel it is a reflection on me so I do try. There are times to brush and times not to. Its only been less than 2 days since she has had pups. One of the videos was a tad jerky. Looks strange but it is the video camera. We set the camera up so I can still groom and watch. That is important. If at 3am Dennis is watching the pups and I wake up I can sneak a peek but don't tell him that. :-)

Jeannie Cleaning Pups

Jeannie's Pups Eating

I will get better at this - honest. You will notice at the end of one she was bunching up the blankets. When she gets out of the pen to eat or to take a drink she tries to cover them up. This is the instinct of a good mom but I may have to glue the blankets down. hahahaha

Good news Panda is in the pack so she will be going home to her Momma tonight. When gals are in heat they are segregated off from the boys. It's a lot of work to make sure they get the play, the balance but not have any accidental breedings. Panda wanted all boys. She was a riot.

Be sure to check out the 2 earlier blog entries on the pups that include individual photos in a gallery of the pups.

Plus here's a bonus video - an exhausted Jeannie feeding her pups. It seems after being in awe with her beauties she is now dead asleep. I was wondering when she would allow herself to sleep. She's been up more than anything being extra attentive. Guess she now trusts that she can sleep and this human will help if needed.


Weights and Gallery

Here is a gallery of the trio - individual shots. Boy is last. See more photos in the next blog entry taken this morning.

Won't be putting up weights all the time. I take them twice a day when there are no issues. If I am worried I take weights on that one before eating and after feeding.

Here are the weights at birth and at 730am this morning.


Birth: 6.40oz 182g

Now: 7.55oz 213g

GAIN: 1.15oz .31g


Girl More White

Birth: 6.10oz 173g

Now: 7.05oz 200g

GAIN: .95oz .27g


Girl with Collar

Birth: 6.00oz 170g

Now: 7.10 202g

GAIN: 1.10oz .32g

They are all relatively the same size - gaining approx similar. These are great weight gains. It helps that Jeannie had plenty of milk. They usually lose in the first 24 hours as the milk hasn't fully come in. When it doesn't they lose weight but mom doesn't get too much milk. When it is ahead of time especially days ahead it usually means antibiotics to curb mastitis. None of this is a concern. She is not uncomfie. We stay on top of things BEFORE there is an issue and the antibiotics seems to get rid of any impacted milk bars within a day or two. The pups are also strong enough to drink from a milk source that you touch and the milk squirts out. That also reduces the fullness. So she is in a great spot - great mom - no issues and never got to a point where the pups couldn't use all her milk spots.

She is amazing with them.

I may add that right from birth their bowels were working. Healthy - healthy pups! Hope you enjoy the gallery and look below at more photos taken today.