
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


Deck Time 3 Weeks 6 Days

Tomorrow they turn 4 weeks and they are enjoying momma vs solid food. I see them take a bite here and there but they sure enjoy momma! It will come. Dennis can't sleep night till they do. 

Here is today's gallery.

They are enjoying their outing tomorrow. Sometimes they hit the pad, sometimes not at this stage. I wait till they finish eating then I put them on the pad. It's conditioning - repetition. 

Where did the time go? It seems as if they just now born. It's been a great litter - relatively easy. All boys...

You now get kisses. They attempt to play and stay engaged with you. 

Be sure to watch the videos. There are some fun ones!


3 Weeks 5 Days Old

We had an outside adventure on a blanket on the grass today. Here is the gallery and I did put up a video. A couple were curious about the grass the rest not so much but our grass is too long. I am afraid they would get lost in it at the moment. They look forward to the outdoor moments. 

They are not eating well enough to go upstairs without mom yet but this is way early. Usually about 4.5 weeks to 5 weeks they do. They are walking well these days and even attempt to pounce and run fast but its hysterical as they still need to perfect the skill. I need to catch it on video. It's one of those things that you have to catch as they do it every now and then. 

You are really starting to see personality. It's a wonderful stage of perfecting their skills, seeing new things and socializing. 

Be sure to check out the videos.


3 Weeks 4 Days Old

No outdoors today. You see it was way too hot and we will get back out there when it is cooler. The heat was oppressive. Still, I clean the xpen and let then roam around the room while I am making their area clean. It works. I can't take photos of it so much but they are getting the exposure. 

Each time someone comes to the door one or two (different each time) gets to see the people. They are truly relaxed beings. No shaking etc. They like belly rubs, snuggles and when I come into the pen or close they come looking for my attention. I just love it!

Here is today's gallery.

Pups have voices. They are getting around better and better each day. They still impress me. 

I hope the videos allow you to watch them like I do though I know I get more time with them. It gives you a chance to see what they are doing and how they are improving. 

Momma Roxie at times is standing up and letting them eat that way. They are figuring it out. They are smart ones. :-)

Be sure to check out the videos. 


3 Weeks 3 Days Old

You will have to check out this video to see who ate, who didn't or if none or all did. Pups have had a full day. We had them out twice. The first time I didn't always push the record button when I thought I did so that video was okay but a bust of covering how they did. 

The 2nd video noted above was also outdoors and I thought I would try them on food. I didn't have time to edit the 2nd video so if i said the wrong thing or had a dizzying effect on my video taking, ignore. I am trying and today I was not doing well. Hopefully try 2 is better than try 1.

Here is today's gallery.

The pups tails are starting to go up and over. They are playing with each other more and they love humans.

I am so pleased with them.


3 Weeks 2 Days Old

What a fun bunch this crew is. Let's see we had them out of their xpen. You will see photos in the gallery. Nathan also cut nails. You will see this in the videos.  You will see this over 3 videos as the door was busy with people picking up or coming. That meant Nathan cut then had to stop then went back to it.

I love the faces on this crew. I find them fascinating. They get so excited to see me.

I am now weighing them only once a day. You see half the time they keep trying to climb out so an accurate reading is difficult to get. They did slow down a bit on their weight gain but that is usual. They burn more calories when they are walking and moving around. They play for longer periods now. But all are gaining well. they have round tummies that will slim down as they get more and more mobile and larger.

I have to take a video of them so you can hear their voices. I have to do that with a different video camera vs my Foscam. I will try to do that in the next couple of days. We are also going to try to get them outdoors tomorrow or the next day unless it is too hot. 

I get kisses. I get snuggles. They are delicious. 


3 Weeks 1 Day Old

Love the personality of this boy so far. Today is a very short blog. Between taking the dogs swimming and a heavy grooming schedule, I am out of wind.

Here is today's gallery.

Tomorrow we will have another outing. As usual when people visit a pup or two are shown from our hands.  No photos though - sorry. Just a heck of a lot on my plate. They did get to go outside in our hands. 

Tomorrow nail cutting time. Maybe an outside time with all 5 at once.

Be sure to check out the videos.


3 Weeks Old Today: Plus First Outdoors

I was cleaning out the xpen as I do and decided to let them walk on a blanket and a few went walk about on the floor and did a decent job. Bravo little ones. You just turned 3 weeks old. Wow are you agile.

I expanded the pen to add a pad. We will add a crate soon. Dennis is already placing them on the pad. He started last night. I will do it each feeding during the day. This week I will walk them around outdoors. 

Here is the gallery. To see the expanded area you will have to look at the videos. 

We also went outside a couple at a time. Check out the gallery. They didn't whine. They didn't shake. They had a hunchback at times as if to say what is this wood stuff but they did wonderful theur first time.

Off to wash Roxie. She's looking weathered. :-) Pups do that!


Two Weeks 6 Days Old

The dogs are in heaven comfort today. Anne brought a couple of puffy comforters that you use in cribs and the pups LOVE them exceptionbally as they have cushion. They burrow right into it as if to say ahhhh, this feels good. Thank you, Anne. They also love these playmats. 

Here is the gallery.

I heard voices today. One made a loud noise and I went running thinking it was stuck and a sibling was on top of him. I laughed - at myself and at him.

Tomorrow they turn 3 weeks. They continue to grow and interact with each other. By the time 4 weeks rolls by we will have tried them on food and when they are eating it well enough, they will head upstairs without mom for all night. They will also start having adventures outside at 4 weeks but this week I am going to start carrying them around the back when it is warm enough so they can see where they will be playing at 4 plus weeks a few times a day. 

When they start running around or walking at a fast pace we will double the width of the xpen. For now this size works and it is less laundry. Little by little as they get sturdy on their legs we will create more floor space. It is a slippery texture so we go slowly and watch to see how they do on it. Then less and less blankets, a crate added, a pee pad, dishes with food and water. From 3 to 4 weeks another huge change. Between 4 and 5 weeks yet another  huge change occurs and then they see you at 6 weeks - wow! Three weeks till debut!

Now I realize 5 weeks is on the holiday weekednd so if that doesn't work we will see how they do at 5 weeks if most of you are not around. Please let Nathan know.

When they go upstairs without mom, we have cameras on them to watch and listen to them. They are right near our room. It all works and it creates the independence they need. 


Two Weeks 5 Days Old

The pups are edging up on 3 weeks but already they are playing with toys, with humans (me) and they are in new digs. No more whelping box. They are growing up.

Be sure to check out the videos. 

Usually when you put them in a new environment especially one that is wide open so they can see all around the room they may whimper a bit and then adjust. Not a peep from this crew. I decided to put them in the xpen today as yesterday first born climbed out in the middle of the night. I wish I had caught it on camera. He's a curious one.

They are really getting up on their legs quite well too. In another week and a bit they will be upstairs without mom after they try food and are eating well enough. 

Here is today's gallery.

Three are around 1lb 4 oz and 2 are around 1lb 8 oz. The pigment is coming in nicely.

Adjustment to xpen - no problem. After they outgrow this one, I will make it larger. For now I want them to be able to get to mom quickly when it is feeding time.

Pups are beautiful - nice faces and nice persinalities - eager to be social with you!

I am having so much fun playing with the pups! I can even hear their voices now. 


Two Weeks 4 Days Old

They are starting to get active. The videos are getting fun. Check them out here.

We even have one trying to climb out so maybe in a day or two they will come out of the whelping box. They give me kisses. A couple have been outside. They get carried and shown to visitors. Exposures have already begun. 

They even come walking up to see me when I am looking in. They are curious and they enjoy the interaction. Me too!! This is going to be a fun crew!

Here is today's gallery.

I am having so much fun with them.