
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


Day 26: So Cute

They are so much fun now. I lay in the xpen and they come running to see me to get rubs and to give me kisses. I can't wait till I have the room to do that with the Rox pups too. You will enjoy seeing both of these crews. This little girl has personality plus. I just have to laugh at her antics. They are still developing but they are indeed fun. Here is today's gallery.

They are using the pad more and more on their own. They are sleeping a good chunk of time between play and feeding.


Watching Sleep

After Eating Play

Puppy Yawn

2 Days Short of 4 Weeks

The Wee Hours

Deep Sleep

Sleeping Movements

Crashed Out

Hey, Use the Pad

Watching Pups on Pad

830 Play

More 8pm Silly Play

Day 25 Play

Momma Adele and Her Pups

More Day 25 Play


Day 25 Tonight

They sure do like these old big and floppy stuffed animals. They sleep under, over and up against them. The pups are saturating their pads daily with a few changes and having a few accidents. This is normal. They learn from repetition. They are rather young. They are not 4 weeks till Wednesday night. 

They seem to be totally out of sync on feeding with Roxie pups. They are playing longer and sleeping longer. I have to laugh and laugh at this crew. They certainly play and their play is developing as they learn techniques and gain strength. They seem to be walking decently. Tomorrow I try them on the floor again. 

I am behind today. Very busy day but here is the gallery.


Wrestling Match

Mosey Around

Cuddly Cute

Snooze Late Night

Passed Out Soundly

1am Cozy Sleep

Lint and All
Lint shows up on the infrared. Ignore it. Even the most minor shows up. I figure you still want to see them.

Mom Returns

Don't You want to Play?

Day 24.5

Nothing Like Pups Playing

Morning Play

Mom Checking Always

Babies Are OK

Feeding Time

Food Crowd


So Sleepy

Ones nodding off and ones fast asleep. Playing is tiring, you know. Pups are doing great. I woke up, made sure they were feeding. I changed bedding in both pens. Had to clean two bums on Adele's pups and they didn't even react. Sometimes they squirm. make lots of noises.

Pups will be 24 days old tonight. They are heading to 3.5 weeks old - wow!

Blogs will be short today. Sorry.


Half in Crate

Mommy Time

Day 24 Play and Sleep

Huddle Play

6:30am Play

Just Finished Eating

Very Early Eat

Pull Tail, Hey Wake Up

Day 23 Catching Zzzzs

Just Sleeping

She Got Away

Trying for Comfort

Got to Clean

Sure Love This Toy

Felt Ball a Hit

Side by Side


The Joke

The joke around this place is I wonder if the pups will......

Will what? Howl like Adele. Instead of a bark she has a funny howl. Will they also howl. Is it genetic like voices are? 

We have been up since 5am. It's going to be a very long day. Only had about 5 hours sleep as I couldn't find my sleep. argh

Pups are playing more and more. They stay awake longer and sleep longer. There are so many changes from week 2 to week 3. 

Here are the videos. A gallery and more videos will wait till tomorrow.

Felt Ball a Hit

Side by Side

More Fun

Play Session

So No Snuggles?

Eat That Toy

23rd Day Playing

Who's on Top

More Adele Play

23 Days Tonight

Playing With Ball


Tonight 22 Days Old

My what a bit less than a week has brought us. The pups are more active but are still sleeping a fair bit. They are sleeping longer periods but they have started to wake up, pee and play before wanting to eat. This is new. When taken out of the xpen they are not nervous in the least - no shakes. By week 4 they will have their first time out of the xpen playing in the kitchen. We will do the same for Roxie's but will start at 3.5 weeks. Why earlier? Our exposures have to be similar if we are going to merge the litters. By week 4.5 and 5.5 weeks old we want them to be able to do without moms all night. That means they must be eating food and drinking water at this stage. Dennis will start sleeping at night at this point in his own bed. Our life will get more normal, at this point. 

Right now Dennis sleeps all morning till early afternoon so we have to juggle baths, groomings, puppy feedings, laundry, cleaning and all the normal stuff one does and still try to allow Dennis sleep. I am really late today as I had 4 dogs to do plus brush out my own. This is usually not a big deal but right now I literally have to wash dogs between feedings and between people coming. It can get tricky, at times. So 2 plus more weeks of this schedule.

Nathan did the 11am feeding while I was doing dogs so you get to see his interaction.

I want something decent to eat. I want a decent sleep but oh the pups are enjoyable. They are just exhausting too. I also want more time with the adults. Maybe I will trade places with Nathan. heh Here is the gallery.

Here are the videos:

Outside the Xpen With Nathan

Are We Done or Not?

Saturating Pad Now

Last Night Look

Adele Pup on Pad

Snuggled Up

Hanging Out of Crate

Playing Nice

Mommy Play

After Mom Play

Pup Slip

11am Feeding

Sliding Less

Just Before Eating Play

More Play

22 Day Feast

After Eating Mommy Time

Mommy Interaction

Everyone Crawling In


Three Weeks Old

Click on Photo for Larger ViewI tried to get there but then I fell asleep. What can I say?

Pups are 3 weeks today and I am having so much fun with them. They do give kisses. They love you climbing into the pen and they love belly rubs.

Does it seem like 3 weeks to you?

Here are the videos:

Eating Away

Afternoon Almost 3 Weeks

My Time With the Pups
I get to do this with the pups all the time. Can't with to climb in with Roxie's.

Sleeping 3 Plus Hours

Pups Love Mommy

Surrounded Pups

Looking for Mom

Still Sliding on Floor

Too soon to do the floor, it seems.

20.5 Days Old

Getting Comfie

Can You Find Me?

Puppy Snooze

Belly Up Puppy Fun

Sibling Play

Adele Coming To See

Putting Pups on Pad

After Feeding Sleep

Day 20 Sleep

They Are Mine

Wildly Eating

More Kisses


Wow Update

The black and white gal by herself walked over to the pad and had a pee and so did the little red sable boy. I am impressed. This doesn't mean they are trained they just appreciate a clean environment and have good instincts. They are not 3 weeks yet.


20 Days Old Tonight

Click on Photo for Larger ViewI started taking the pups out to the kitchen in my arms. No reaction. They just look around. The adults love seeing them. In a day or 2 I will remove a section of blankets and see if they can walk on the flooring. They seem to be ahead of the curve on their capabilities. Their eyes opened and instead of the drunken walk that they usually experience, they just walked up and down hills with no problem. Here is today's gallery.

Here are the videos:

Adele Relax Feeding

Tickling Tummy

Puppy Meandering

Adora-del Early Morn 
Nathan always calls Adele Adora-del. It's his special name for her.

Late Hour Feeding 

Just Before Midnight

Late Night Settling In

Will You Play With Me

Mom With Pups

Leg Exercise

Time to Snooze

Climbing the Mountain

They Are Getting Active

Delicious Pups

Afternoon Menu


Getting Closer to 3 Weeks: Gallery Added

Click on Photo for Larger View

The pups actually are getting more active as each day goes by. You have to realize they are not 3 weeks but they are doing really well walking around and navigating the different heights I set up in the pen. I do this on purpose as it helps them to strengthen their legs. If they showed me they were not up to the task just yet I would just have a flat surface. 

If you pay attention to the videos they are doing well in this regard and they are trying to play with each other. The issue is they are still growing at this stage so they sleep a ton. They wake up. We now place them on the pad but they are not going on it yet. It will become a habit. Then they eat, walk around, play and fall back to sleep so I try to catch them in that active stage. I don't always.

They are doing really well and are now seen looking out at mom and at us. They are aware of their surroundings. Here is today's gallery.

Here is today and last night's videos.

Early Morn Fun

Even More Fun

Pups Do Play

6am Snooze

After 10

Working the Legs

In and Out

Shared Bed

Different Sleep Positions


18 Days Tonight

The pups had their first experience in a crate and a bed. They are starting to play with each other and enjoy their environment. They can hear as I dropped something by accident and they all jumped in unison. Here is a video I just took but its a poor quality as I didn't upload it in HD and deleted it. argh. I thought about not linking to it it but although blurry it does show you that they are playing and interacting. They are also doing really well with the new environment. Here is a gallery as well. I promise no more mistakes like that and you will get to see the play here and there in the videos. Well, I hope no more.

Pups are also shown off to those coming to the door on purpose. I find holding them and exposing them to a different room even if momentary is a start to conditioning them to more changes. Plus we get to show them off. 

Here are today and last night's videos.

Getting Better at Walking

I can't have the video on 24/7. I simply don't have the hard drive space or time to watch and extract the good parts but when I placed the crate into the xpen. They actually climbed right in - well some did. They all seem to have fave spots to snooze in.

They are comfortable in their environment as they are not trying to hide and are sleeping on their backs at times.

Mid Morn Feeding 

Adele in Crate Too

First Crate Experience

9am Snoozing

Almost 18 Days Old

Late Last Night

17.5 days Old

Eat and Eat

On Back Already in New Digs

Playing With Toys

17 Days Feed

Cleaning Pups

Adjusting to New Environment

Momma Adele is loving being able to fit in with them comfortably.