Today, Corey, Misty, Ajax and Ollie Play

Here is the gallery. Watch for the videos later.
Ollie, and Ajax are Stormy pups. She loves having them here. As all 4 are playing together, it is hard to separate it into 2 blogs. So, as this is the blog I am updating these days, the 4 are found here.
As I type Saffron and 2 pups are running like hey upstairs and Ollie and Ajax, the 2 brothers are having a complete blast chasing each other. You will also find Ajax and Ollie in the main blog gallery as well.
As Ollie won't be picked up till 530, we need to keep him out of the kitchen or mom will see him as a wet rag. He sure loves the water. A swimmer, I bet!
I can't wait till we can test the pups in the pool.
The pups have had a really full day.
Corey has become more confident, stealing a toy from mom. He runs like crazy and hides with it. He's done it numerous times and Saffron really loves that he is. She's been after him to play like this. He is also no longer crying for attention. I continually pick him up when he is quiet for a snuggle here and there.
As we have the Easter/Passover visitors here, we are waiting till they depart to take the duo into bed. They seems to have settled in together upstairs or downstairs well.
By the way, Ajax runs up and downstairs without hesitation often leading the pack. He loves the fun we have upstairs!
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