More Exposures

As the weather warms up, the pups are getting exposures outdoors. As I type, they are outside for the 3rd time today and had a play session upstairs. We are acquainting them to the riverstones, the paths and all the dogs, of course.
Corey knows his name well. Misty, she may know her name but sometimes listens, sometimes not. She is too busy with things to see and things to do.
The pups had chicken necks today and thought they died and went to heaven! This is the 1st time they had them.
Saffron is so delighted that she has 2 babies here. It is a riot how excited she is!
The pups are coming along. This is an important time frame to expose, expose at least once a day to something new. It can be as simple as the stairs, the paths, walking around the block with them in your arms.
Eating - sometimes Misty eats, sometimes Corey eats. The are not eating 1/4 cup each meal. If lucky they may be eating 1/3 a day but they are gaining. They are fine. As they grow, their intake will increase.
Reader Comments (6)
Thanks for the blog! Good to know how others are doing. Meadow is eating now pretty regularly but eats the least at breakfast time. Almost a full 1/4 cup at lunch and at dinner though. Exposing to new stuff daily, but still no stairs yet. Exposed to shower earlier today and she wanted to jump right in there...I think she's going to be a swimmer!
Corey looks a gentle soul. Bet he’s wonderful to cuddle.
I love the updates of how all the pups are in their new homes.
Corey is a gentle being. Every now and then I see this - no - this is MINE when Misty tries to get all the treats for herself. He's rather smart too.
Glad to hear the other puppies are not eating a full quarter cup every meal. Poppy is not eating much at all, maybe a third of a cup total. She visited the vet's today and behaved beautifully. When we got back home we sat outside in the sun. She wasn't sure about the yard but did explore the paving stones. When we looked out the front door, she was interested in the cars going by.
Keep taking her out. The more you expose her, the better she will be. This week, we will start carrying Misty and Corey into stores, exposing them to automatic doors etc
I do know that Misty thought outdoors was wonderful. Corey did too but wasn't sure of the surroundings but now that we have taken him out several times a day, he looks forward to it so. We are also going to walk around the neighbourhood as soon as the rain goes away. We have rain again today.
Yes, every other meal they are eating but Corey has gained a full pound since the week visit so I know he is eating. I have to weigh Misty.