
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


Before and During Visit

Here is the gallery before the visit.

We only had 2 families as 2 are too far away but the pups were great. We even brought out the black tri of Sage's and he was wonderful. I call the visit a success.

Here is the gallery from the visit. 

Pups are confident and enjoy the play. I hope the families did as well.

Be sure to check out the videos and don't forget about the shorts.


Play and Baths

Gallery of the baths

This is the 1st born

This is the 2nd born - the boy

This is the 3rd born

This is the 4th born though Nathan brought me the 5th as the 4th and the 4th as the 5th. So when looking at the gallery know they are switched. The last born is the littlest.

This is the littlest and she was born last. In the gallery the order is switched for the 4th and 5th puppy. Sorry. Nathan  was going on description at birth and I knew 5th was littlest.

How did they do? They were all not crazy about the baths. Didn't mind the blow drying. Some of them gave us the stink eye as I so fondly call it. It was a riot.

Here is the playtime gallery. 

Be sure to check out the videos and don't forget about the shorts. They are going up soon. This is a little different with me as I am not up at night any longer and Dennis doesn't do videos nor photos during the night.


Mothers Playing With Each Set of Pups

Here is the gallery.

Nami pups are in for exciting times with visitors coming. Baths - well we will see how they react to that.

They have been practicing running. It's a riot. They sure do love their time out playing. Who wouldn't. 

Will we be able to get both sets of pups together for a play session? Wouldn't that be nice?

Well we sure did and Sage's pups were up for the challenge and Nami's pups were gentle enough to deal with the 2 week difference in age - at least for now. We will continue to do separate play sessions but every now and then we will bring them together.

Be sure to check out the videos and don't forget about the shorts.


Fun Times Coming

Here is the gallery.

The Nami gang have their puppy visit this Sunday and they will have baths on Saturday. It is funny as they don't even look like they need baths. 

I haven't decided if I am doing them all together or individually. We shall see. 

They play several times a day out in the hall and we may actually do the visit there vs. the kitchen. We shall see. 

They are eating hard kibble mixed with chicken now and they do have teeth. 

Be sure to check out the videos and don't forget about the shorts.


The Fun of the Nami Pups

Here is the gallery.

The pups had a treat and Nathan sat down with them and played and played. Nathan gets his stitches out this Friday so he will no longer have to worry about the pups around it.

I was told you can hardly see the Nami pups at night in the videos so I am going to stop doing them at night. You get the idea of how they are doing. 

They play the most in the hall and in the xpen. They easily get out of the xpen if the door is open. It is a riot.

Be sure to check out the videos and don't forget about the shorts.



Here is the gallery. 

We have a puppy visit this Sunday. That means I need to get 5 pups washed and Nami plus my usual grooming so I think I will have a lack of sleep this week. We shall see how I manage.

Come during the visit, I will be taking videos and photos. I will have to leave to feed Alanza at 125. Just a reality of my juggling. 

The pups now have 4 play sessions. They embrace it well. They are really a great bunch!

Be sure to check out the videos and don't forget about the shorts.


Fussy 4th Try

Here is the gallery.

Well they say 4th time is the charm? They fussed till 1145pm with a bedtime of 10pm. It wasn't bad fussing but as we were cleaning, you could hear so I checked on them on the camera and just fussing. You can't go in when nothing is wrong or you will create a habit that is undesirable. 

They did settle in and they are doing pretty good about the pads.

Be sure to check out the videos and don't forget about the shorts.


Guess What

Here is the gallery.

We caught a Nami puppy eating mom's solid hard Fromm's food without issue. Maybe they do not need softened food as the next choice. We shall see.

Pups had the 3rd night upstairs without incident.

Be sure to check out the videos and do not forget about the shorts.


Surviving the Changes

Here is the gallery.

I miss being able to take photos during the night of this crew but the changes of making the leap to sleeping without mom is a positive one. They get excited to see her in the morning nd she gest excited to see them. It works.

We take them out several times a day but we only do photos and videos from one of the sessions. It works and you still get a flavour of what they are up to. Sometimes we simply need to play with them without manuevering an iphone or a camera. It has to be the pups and I or the pups and Dennis some of the time. When Nathan is with the pups, I am always behind the camera while he has his magical moments. 

Check out the videos. Be sure to check out the shorts.


1st Upstairs Plus Play Sessions

Here is the gallery.

The pups are now up to 3 play sessions outside of the xpen. They adore the coming out part.

They are also upstairs for the 1st time alone without mom. I have been watching them and taking videos so you can see what I see. They - so far - are doing well.

They seem to take everything in stride including the vacuum. LOL

Be sure to check out the videos and do not forget about the shorts. I will add to each throughout the day, as usual.


New Changes Coming

Here is the gallery.

Tonight the pups will be going upstairs and not having mom at night. This is a transition that we have them go through so when they go home to you, they learn to sleep all night. That is the goal. They will have food and water for now at night. Closer to when they go home, food will be removed at night so they start eating 3 times a day vs all day and night. 

We have cameras to watch them. We will capture the moments and let you know how they do.

Be sure to check out the videos and be sure to check out the shorts.


Getting Less Sleep

Here is the gallery.

We have a couple of escape artists - the boy and one of the gals. I can no longer leave the xpen open for easy access for mom to go in and out. So, she tells me she wants in or they tell me they want mom. It makes for a busy night. At the moment, at 3am, they are sleeping and I need to feed at pup at 330 so it is useless to shut my eyes as it takes longer for me to go to sleep only to wake up moments later. So, we will try again after the next feeding depending on how active the Nami pups are. 

They love, love, love to be out. They are going out for pen cleanup twice a day and for 2 play sessions. They never had any hestitancy and they love you interacting with them. I get to play with them when I am not taking videos or taking photos but you get to see Nathan playing. You can see how excited they are to see him.

Be sure to check out the videos and don't forget about the shorts. 



Here is the gallery.

We have some real characters. The boy went up to the gate to say hello to the adults - no concerns. He also climbed out of the pen. The cream and brown throws toys. It's a riot. One of the girls laid on top of mom to go to sleep. She was settled in till Nami moved. One of the gals finds this rubber toy quite fun and effective as a teether. I could go on but here I am typing tired as ever but have to feel a Sage pup in a half hour. 

The pups have teeth, They are also coming out of the xpen twice a day now. 

Check out the videos and do not forget about the shorts.


Getting Messy

Here is the gallery.

No matter how much I comb Nami out, she manages to get messy as she has so much fun with her pups. They are getting better and better with the pads.

They certainly enjoy each other.

Be sure to check out the videos and don't forget the shorts.


So Fun

Here is the gallery.

They sleep deep. They use the pad more times than not. They get so excited to play with you. They are indeed in the fun stage.

Check out the videos and do not forget the shorts.

As usual, I will add to the gallery and videos as I can.