Snow Keeps Coming
Nathan shoveled the deck and he needs to do it again - oh my. It's a slow and steady keeps coming thing. I have to wash Boo as he heads out tonight - but then again maybe not as flights have been cancelled everywhere including Toronto today but we must be ready. My grooming room is still a wreck. I have to brush all the dogs and shower. But here I sit typing away. hahahaha
Dick and Irma - you tell me. We can do this tomorrow too. I have been trying to be greedy and getting some learning time in while we are in this lull by having some weekends. If it is tomorrow you will have to do 10am as Cooper is going home at 11am.
Dusty says this white stuff is so much fun but this morning I sank into it to my neck. Where was Mommy's camera then? Silly lady. It should always be in her hand.
PS: The cleaning ladies have cancelled today (usual on Fridays) so I suppose I am supposed to clean. Friday is usually Dennis and my day off from that. :-) Got to have some treat.
Reader Comments (15)
It's 8:45 am and Dick is out with the snowblower doing the driveway. I said to him that we do not HAVE to go today and he said "why not?" We will be there. A 4X4 truck and both of us grew up driving in the snow. Me in Sudbury and him in rural Pennsylvania. He sees it as a challenge and he can't resist a challenge so..........!
Gotta warn you though, Timmy is a mess from playing so hard. He needs a good brush before a bath. I'm going to try right now to get the worst of it brushed out! See you later!
Darlah, our flight out of montreal is at 9 am tomorrow. If it is delayed due to snow cleanup or something else we willl send a note or call you. Snow storm in Montreal too....hope you guys have a good day despite the weather.
Okay - means I have to get mine done first - off on a mission. :-) Haven't figured out lunch - we will figure it out.
Anne: Please do but no worries - we are not going anywhere though Nathan didn't truly prepare for this. He thinks its always a joke so we have M&Ms in freezer but not much else. hahahaha Someday I ought to start food shopping again - but maybe not.
Do you need to keep your M&Ms in the freezer? I thought they melt in your mouth and not in your hands!
What a wonderful photo of Dusty. I keep telling myself to take more pictures but never get the camera out. No wonder my pictures never get any better. I have to chain the camera to my wrist and then I might remember to take photos.
Marilyne: I vowed to myself I would learn Photoshop so well I can do whatever I want with it and I would learn my camera so I am doing and using manual settings without even thinking then you get a new camera and you have to learn again. I miss so many shots as the camera is out of reach. But I love the memories they create so I carry it from here to there of course till the one time you forget and miss that money shot. It's called life.
PS: I still haven't learned Photoshop to the degree I want to but I vowed I would by the end of this year. We shall see. So much to do - so little time. Oh I can use it just so much to learn.
Hahahahaha They are actually better in the freezer.
If this snow ever stops and Dennis shovels paths in the back you ought to bring your trio over this weekend to run in and out of the snowdrifts. I thought of shoveling but I got dogs to groom - not a chance but I did think about it. Standing out there with the snow to my knees was rather funny seeing my boots don't go up that far.
Darlah: It's Chinese New Year's this weekend so unfortunately we can't make it. Maybe next weekend?
I shoveled paths in our back yard, the snow was way too deep for the boys to find spots to do their business. I'll try to post a gallery on Facebook later today.
Darlah, if you have Lightroom you might be able to do most of what you want with less learning. Lightroom has the 20% of Photoshop features that 80% of people need/use.
Here's the fun we had with Snowpocalypse 2013, Snowstorm Nemo or whatever you'd like to call it:
Oh my gad I forgot as Lynda is dropping off the dogs as she is doing Chinese New Year. Sounds fun but she says it can also be expensive.
Saw your photos - great photos as usual.
Re: Photoshop its silly to own it and not truly learn it. It's rather like using a DSLR in auto modes. :-) I have CS4 manuals that never cracked open past page 30 and now I have CS6 manuals and its time. CS7 will be out before I am done. hahahaha I would like to learn the beast one of these years. This year may as well be the one.
Steven; who does your grooming? We like the cut your dogs have. I cut a swath thru our yard with the snow blower and Timmy plows straight thru the center like I shouldn't have even bothered; but he does squatting space. LOL
Dick: They do their own. Maybe they should start a business. :-)
I don't think I'd ever start a business doing grooming. We started doing it ourselves because we thought it would be less stressful on Mac. Looking back at photos of our first couple of years of DIY grooming, I can't say that I'm proud of our "early work".
It requires a lot of patience, stamina and attention to detail. It's back breaking work, I have no idea how Darlah does it.
It is very hard on the body and takes a lot of patience and desire to pay attention to detail. It also takes an upbeat mood so the dogs relax. There are days I am not sure how I do it. I did Cooper and Boo 4 times each yesterday due to snow play as they are going home. I did my own once but this heavy snow is something else. Now to get dressed, get Coops on the table again and not let him out as his parents may or may not be coming in on a flight from Montreal. I see some flights are coming in, some delayed and some cancelled. Wish I knew. Grooming after shoveling is NOT fun. I need a snowblower. I shoveled last night for 2.5 hours and then Dennis went out and shoveled the basement out when I said NOT to as that son doesn't do a thing around here and needs to. Then Nathan went out this morning and expanded the paths. Rain folks Monday so it will be worst come Monday.