
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


Ten Days Old

No videos today. I am rather fried and I have a dog to demat so know the pups are doing well. They are already a week and a half old tonight. Jeannie would take them over in a heartbeat. They have no teeth and hers does.

Soon eyes will be open. We will try to play catchup with videos etc Sunday or Monday.

I hope you don't mind. With going out it means I have to have everyone ready to go home. So, its a lot of work to just get out. But I need it before the Panda pups come.

Dogfest here I come!


My Pups

Pups are getting fat and perfecting their mobility.

Here are just a few videos. Sorry I didn't have time for more today.

Climb Over

Night Moves

Rox Hanging Out With Pups

Gaining Weight

Give me till Monday to do individual photos. We have a puppy visit tomorrow - a pool that is calling and on Sunday I may go to Barkfest with friends and Dennis and Nathan will hold down the fort. We shall see. I need to get some time out before Panda has her pups.

Going to be fun when these get mobile.


8 Days Old

I can't wait till this crew opens their eyes. Rox will feel the change tonight. The Jeanie pups are going upstairs without Jeanie for the first time. Rox has been used to Jeannie being here but soon Panda will be joining her and then her pups will go upstairs after Jeannie's depart.

Lots of changes for Rox, Jeannie, pups etc. Dennis remains watching the pups at night.

As you can see the pups are gaining weight. Rox is still feeding them quite frequently as there are a lot of them so the majority only get 1 milk station.

Here are a few videos from the crew.

Belly Up

Roxie Watching Pups

Rox Sleeping Movements

Rox Cleaning the Pups

Trying to Get Comfie

Pups Getting Fat

Roxie Pups Chillin

More Getting Comfie

Crawling to Destination

Here are their weights: (B)=Birth (T)-Tonight
They are also listed in order of birth.

Girl Dark Brown Sable
B:6.35oz 180g
T:11.85oz 336g

Girl Spotted
B:6.05oz 172g
T:12.45oz 354g

Boy Apricot
B:5.60oz 159g
T:12.45oz 352g

Boy Cream Spotted
B:5.50oz 156g
T:12.40oz 352g

Tri Boy no line on chest
B:6.00oz 170g
T:11.65oz 330g

Tri Boy line on chest
B:5.75oz 163g
T:11.75oz 333g

As you can see they are gaining nicely and Rox has not had any mastitis. Hooray!


No More Ribs

When pups come out they usually do not have the body fat so you can see or feel their ribs. The idea is they will fatten themselves up in the days after arrival. Most of the time they lose weight the first 24 hours and then gain but both Jeannie's and Roxies have gained from the start as their milk was plentiful.

As you can see they are plump and you can no longer feel their ribs. Tonight they will be 7 days old, Wow!

Roxie is very attentive. I can't say enough that I am lucky that I have great moms.

Here are some videos.

Just Tails

The Wee Hours

Roxie Loving the Pups

Just the Pups

Leg Up Roxie

Rox Pups Snoozing

Rox Night Feeding

Getting Fat

Puppy Loving

Everyone Sleeps

They're Sleeping

Eating Of Course

Messy Mommy

The Line Up

More Cleaning


Short Update

This is a no video day. I have dogs to groom, pups to get outside amd a handling class with Adele and Inula that I actually want to go to. Call me selfish but I usually don't get to do these things and if that means a short blog each Tuesday - so be it - that is until Panda's pups. :-)

Pups are doing well. Tomorrow they will hit the 7 day mark. Tonight they are 6 days old.

Roxie remains very attentive. She is smitten but so is Jeannie with hers. Each has had sniff times with each other's pups. It's rather nice!

The got to have it all pups so far are the 2 tris. :-)


Tonight 5 Days Old

How did the time go by so quickly. Last Wednesday we were delivering pups and on Wednesday night they will turn a week old. Wow!

Roxie remains delighted with her little ones. She even hates to leave them to eat. See what I mean in this video.

Here is a gallery of some photos taken today.

The pups continue to move, crawl, eat and sleep and Roxie just caters to their every need. They are also gaining weight nicely under Dennis and my care.

Here are some videos taken.

After Eating Snoozing

Cooling Off

More Feeding

Morn With Pups

Sleeping Movements

Wee Hours Feeding

Snoozing With Mom

Night Wanderings


Three and a Half Days Old

Last Wednesday we started this adventure after a teasing a few days before. Roxie couldn't help herself.

As of this morning they are all mid-range 7 oz to high range. They now have bellies and they are rather determined when it comes to the milk bar. Their bodies are strong and they need to be to shove their siblings out of the way so they can eat.

Roxie is still tired. I think I am too. Each day gets better. Dennis is sleeping still. Nathan taking his nap and they will tell me how tired they are. :-)

Pups are vocal when they are stuck behind mom. Good one or they can't find an open slot. Good for them. I keep getting later on my blogs.

I had 4 laundry loads to do and I suspect I will have a few more before the day is over. I just took the Jeannie pups out and Nathan came out for the last 5 minutes or so.

Here are some videos but they aren't walking nor do they have their eyes opened yet. Still, I find them interesting.

Here are the videos:

Trying to Fit In

Taking Turns

Night Glimpse

Wee Hour Pile Up

Wee Hour Cleanings

Trying to Get Comfiest

Cleaning the Pups

Sleep Pile Up

Rox Tired But Feeding

Rox Exhausted

They're Snoozing

Rox is Cleaning

Lined Up



Rounding Up

The pups are doing really well. They continue to gain. They are starting to get somewhat rounded tummies. They appear to be strong. Just check out this video called stand to eat.

Roxie's discharge has slowed down so that means less cleanup of blankets, bottoms and all that fun stuff. No mastitis so far. Although she has had an upset tummy today, its nothing serious.

Here are some videos taken. I have to admit I hate not having a camera on the front door but the pup videos are worth it. I couldn't do these videos otherwise like this. More than halfway saved up for Panda's camera. :-)

Sideways Eating

Crawling to Snooze

Early Morning Feeding

Wee Hour Feeding

Night Watch

Lively Bunch

New Pad

Tail's Up

Tails up means they are getting milk - eseentially tanking up!

Rubs and Scratches for Mom

More Feeding

Lots of Mouths to Feed

Late Morning Feeding

Nathan is now out to buy the moms steak- yeah they eat VERY VERY well. :-) Moms need the extras. They eat approx 6 to 8 times a day. Jeannie and Roxie are eating about the same. She has half the pups but they are much larger and older.


1 Day and a Half Old

The human mom and canine mom feel this way. This will settle down but with Nathan off all day, it is extra work. Roxie is exhausted but proud. It is much work taking care of 6 beautiful pups.

Dear old Jeannie would like to have them every time they make a peep.

At this point I am hand feeding her as she doesn't want to leave the pups. She goes outside, does her duty and wants back to her pups immediately. But cause she had pups just a day and a half ago we must clean her backend every single time due to loose stools and discharge after birthing. This is normal but its not just a rinse off. I must wash her back end and dry it completely or the pups will get a chill. Dennis did this all last night.

As you can see Roxie is an attentive mom. Each day we need to clean up the blankets a couple of times a day if not more. That means laundry. We are doing about 4-5 loads daily with both pens. I am actually finding if I don't do it right away I don't have enough blankets.

Pups are feeding and gaining nicely. The two tris are now so similar I had to find a unique marking to tell them apart.

Weights are:

Brown sable Gal
Birth 6.35oz 180g
Now 6.70oz 190g

Spotted Cow Apricol Gal
Birth 6.05oz 172g
Now 6.40oz 181g

Lighter Sable (Apricot) Boy
Birth 5.60oz 159g
Now 6.10oz 172g

Cream with gold spotted just like spotted cow just lighter
Birth 5.50oz 156g
Now 6.10oz 173g

Tri boy without line in chest
Birth 6.00oz 170g
Now 6.55oz 186g

Tri boy with line on chest
Birth 5.75oz 163g
Now 6.30oz 180g

When pups arrive you can visibly see their ribs. They don't have a lot of body fat. Already they have padding and you can't see the ribs when they breathe.

I swear Rox is counting and so pleased she has more than 2 and her adopted 1.

Pups do need help at this stage especially as there are so many and only so many milk slots. More times they are finding their own way but we give them a helping hand when they don't or get caught behind Roxie.  Sometimes they are so frantic that finding a nipple that is in front of their face is hard. So you must hold them there till they calm down and/or squeeze the nipple to say - here's the milk.

Here are some videos taken last night and today.

Pups are Snoozing

Pups are Eating

More Feeding

Cleaning Up Pups

More Cleaning

Pups Fighting for Milk

Pup Pileup

During the Night

Morning Feed

Rox Finally Sleeping


Less than 12 Hours Old: Video Added

They are either holding their weight or gained and less than 12 hours. Dennis woke me up to tell me the creamy gold wasn't eating. I said he is the most aggressive eater and needs to sleep between. He went oh. Nathan shot up - what's wrong. We repeated it. The dogs were barking. I have had about 4 hours sleep. Trying to get both sets of pups eating while Dennis said sorry I am fried - off to bed was interesting plus bedding changes etc. Dennis hadn't slept for a long time. It could have been me crawling into bed.

When he gets up I will get Scruffy and Pepper ready to go home tonight with baths etc.

Roxie refuses to leave them for a second. She is so happy! This is her this morning.

I will get a gallery up of all the photos I took this morning and attach it here.

The 2 tris one is a silver tri and one is a brown tri - thankfully as it would be interesting to tell them apart.


Here is the gallery. It's the entire process. Birthing is messy so you get to see it all. If that offends you do not look. They bleed, the placenta is blackish green and makes a mess. We clean as we go but our first focus is getting the sac off the pups, cleaning out any congestion and getting them dry and on mom to eat. The colostrum is so important. They need it and the most benefits is in that first 12 hours. This crew ate and did wonderful. You can even hear them eating. They are strong ad noisy if behind their mom. Roxie looks at me as if to say - Mom can you put him/her in the front of me please as I have all these others I will knock off.

Pups are already napping between feedings.

Not sure how much I can do the videos without an auto camera. You see I have to load it in, convert, upload to youtube and then link here. I have 2 cameras but really need oen at the door. I may have to do without the front door and have Dennis put the front door one in here or you will miss a great deal. Then I have to save and get one for the door. Can't be running for solicitors that can't or refuse to read signs. When Dennsi is up I wil try to get him to put the front door one here.

Here is the short video of them feeding this morning.