
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


2 Weeks 2 Days Plus Nails

Here is the gallery.

The Nami pups had their nails done and I did catch it on video.

Videos are uploading shortly.

You can see how they did as well when you watch.

One of the pusp is already trying to climb out of the whelping box. Hard to believe these are the youngest.


2 Weeks 1 Day Old

Here is the gallery.

Nami has had a bath. She looks so much better. Her pups - at least a couple are walking rather well. It is early but each time they wake up they try.

Videos are coming shortly. Sorry - another long day of grooming. 

Nami being the 1st time mom that she is seems to get excited when they try to play with her or each other. She is so fascinated. I am not sure if I am more excited by watching the pups or watching Nami watch the pups.


Two Weeks Old

Here is the gallery.

Can you believe 2 weeks has past? I can't. It is funny as if a fog sets in. They are beauties. They get around and momma nami is still so very proud.

Videos will be up soon. 


All Eyes Open

Here is the gallery.

All eyes are open in this crew and in Willow and Hallie's crew. What is next? When they all start walking, we will put them together and start taking them out to play. Imagine that!!

Nami didn't mind nathan showing off her pup. 

Check out the videos.


12 Days Old: Eyes Open

Here is the gallery.

Two with their eyes open but I haven't checked again today. I will when they wake up to eat. 

Photos have been added to the gallery.

We had one not on mom to eat and Nami calm as ever just feeding 3. I saw it while I was grooming on my ipad and came in to put the 1 on her. They do need help every now and then. 

Nami is such a great mom. She went through a lot to have these pups and she could have said not for me - you want me to take care of these little things but she was and is delighted. She is not a worry wort parent but a calm relaxed one. 

Be sure to check out the videos.


11 Days Old: Eyes Open?

Here is the gallery.

We have 3 apricot beauties and 1 brown and cream beauty. Are eyes open? I saw slits this morning but we shall see after Nathan gets up and we attempt to take photos. If so, as my usual, I will post the individual pups that have eyes open. If not wide enough open today, they will be by tomorrow, I imagine.

Pups are plump and all pups doubled their birth weight yesterday. The norm is 7-10 days a doubling of weight from the weight they debut on.

Check out the videos.

This is 1st born. She is the first to have her eyes open. We await her 3 siblings doing the same. Photos have been added to the gallery.

Sage is in heat - not being bred and is now in the puppy room with the rest of us. Moms are such great moms that they trust her.


10 Days Old

Here is the gallery.

As this crew is only a day behind Willow's we are on watch for their eyes to open. Their eyes are slits and I swear when they have these slits, they can see you albeit blurry - at least at first. 

It will be fun to see all of them with their eyes open.

They are gaining and doing really well. All gals - can you believe?

Check out the videos.


9 Days Old

Here is the gallery.

Nami's pups won't start opening their eyes till 10 days or more. The earliest is always on Day 10. 

They are doing really well. They have plump bellies and tomorrow we will be on watch for eyes opening. 

Momma Nami is a doting mom who thinks they shoot the moon but she does go and check out the other pups. Wonder what she thinks.

Check out the videos.


8 Days Old

Here is the gallery.

Yes, she is still happy and so fond of these beings. I think 4 is a good number for a first time mom. They are beauties too.

It is hard to believe that 8 days have passed and I am so dragging still to play recovery. By the time I can sit down, it is usually bedtime. This too shall pass. I do not usually take this long to recover but I am also doing groomings plus it is March Break. I may sit in the recliner later with 3 moms on my lap and try for a nap. We shall see. 

Nami likes to sleep outside the whelping box but when she sees me sit, she comes running for snuggles and snuggles are mighty important, in my opinion even for the wee pups. Nothing like touch.

Check out today's gallery.


Full Week Old

Here is the gallery.

Yes, these are the Nami pups a full week old and look who is checking them out? Hallie, of course. We all got used to Willow being nosey but now we have Hallie doing the same. Have to laugh.

Everyone is getting round and older, it seems. How does it happen so fast?

As you can see, they are getting plump.

Here are the videos.


6 Days Old

Here is the gallery.

This crew is only 1 plus day younger than Willow's pups so with those 2 crews you may be seeing eyes opening at the same time. Wonder which will be the 1st.

Nami tends to cover them up partially. She just started that as if to tuck them in. It's cute. 

They are all gaining nicely and are so squirmy when Nami enters the whelping box.

Check out the galleries.


5 Plus Days Old

Here is the gallery.

The pups are doing well. They want for nothing and Nami really is a great momma. When they are running around, do you think you will be able to tell whose pups are whom? I feel confident I can but I weigh them twice every day. 

This crew looks really good on this coloured pad - don't you think?

Videos coming soon.


4 Days Old

Here is the gallery.

I can't believe it has been 4 days. I still feel lost in a fog literally.

The pups are beautiful and still can't get over that she had all girls. She takes care of them well. They are all gaining nicely.

Check out the videos. I upload then here and there.


Nami Relaxes Pups 3 Days Old

What is a mother to do when her pups are sleeping?

Here is the gallery.

I have to admit, as a brand new mom she is not stressed. She relaxes between cleaning, eating and feeding pups. She believes in not being stressed. She so makes us laugh. Today she knocked her bowl over. You will see it in one of the videos. I watched her as she was in this pose above and well pups are gaining and wanting for nothing. She is not stressed when Willow has the audacity to intrude and clean the pups. I am continually telling her to go back to her own babies. But get this, Willow doesn't want Nami cleaning her pups. I swae Willow is doing it to see what she can get away with. I say Willow and look at her. She looks at me and traipse out to her own pups. 

Nami is so laid back and new to this that everything is okay with her. 


Almost 2 Days Old

Here is the gallery.

Pups are all gaining nicely. Momma Nami is super attentive but goes outside of the xpen and watches them when they sleep. This way she can cool off. If they sleep between feedings, it means their bellies are full. This is what you want. Sleep allows growth as they are not expelling much energy when not moving a great deal. We all move during sleep but less than when awake. 

Pups have round tummies after eating. They are lively and mom dotes on them.

I tried to do an individual video of each litter. This way you can see them in action.