Here is the Nami bath gallery.
This was their 1st bath and I did them alone. It was something else. They didn't mind the water but was not happy with spray on the face but still no one screamed which occurs if they are afraid. They were great. I filled the tub, added shampoo and sprayed them with soapy solution. I tried to take as many photos as I could but was by myself. So, it is what it is. I rinsed them off and one by one towel dried and took photos on the grooming table staying close enough so we had no accidents. Then I put them one at a time in the crate where Dennis took them outside. I took videos inbetween.
They aired dried and as this was the 1st crew, they were dry before coming inside. With Hallie's I had to spot dry under the dryer as they were the last.
This afternoon I will do pads, around eyes, rectum and belly. Then Nathan will do nails. I will take more videos and photos when we are doing this but not by litter. I will have 1 gallery for that.