
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


4 Weeks 3 Days Old

See the gallery of their overnight on Hallie's blog and today's play on Willow's blog.

Nami's crew seem to be the smallest in stature. It is not necessarily a weight thing but they have smaller features which tells me they will be the smallest in this set of pups. We will be able to gauge more in 2 to 3 weeks but this is how it appears. No one seems to be huge so no oversized. It all doesn't matter. I just pay attention. 

How did nami do as her 1st time without her pups? She cuddled right into Nathan and then was only frantic to see her pups when she heard noise in the house. This was good. Nami is Nathan's dog. She so loves me but he is her human. 

Last night was a success. Pups mostly slept. Mom's mostly slept. I watched the ipad too much. Always something. 

Pups have just come down from their 2nd play session and Dennis is crawling into bed. I am blogging. Nathan is with the adults.

Check out the videos.


Nails and Fun

Here is the gallery.

The pups were way overdue for nail clipping. When they were constantly getting caight and creating pills in my pants - essentially ruining them, it was time so we did nails.

If you watch the videos, you can see how they play and climb now. Quite fun.


4 Weeks 1 Day Old

Gallery is on Willow's blog. Not many but hopefully enough to get you by. I will do better as I feel better.

Videos coming soon.


4 Weeks Today

Gallery can be found on Hallie's blog.

Hard to believe that these pups made their debut 4 weeks ago. You simply can't tell a difference in age. After all, they are close in age. You do not see any differences in development. The Hallie and Willow pups have teeth so does the Nami pups. They run the same - climb the same and just plain have fun.

Videos will be up shortly.


3 Weeks 6 Days Old

Here is the gallery of all 3 litters upstairs.

Nami's crew is 1 day shy of 4 weeks. That means most likely they will go upstairs at night without moms. I watch them obsessively at night on the ipad. Believe it or not, the moms do too.

Why do we do this? It is important to start a journey where when thbey come to you, they are not with their moms 24/7. We find this makes it easier to make the transition. Plus, it sets them up to sleeping all night. They startwith short chunks and as time goes on they expand their time that they sleep. By the time they go home, they are sleeping all night. That is our goal.

In the morning they are hungry. Moms are full of milk and they need to feed and slowly the milk gets less and less. They have food and water all night till the last week when they adjust to no food at night.

There is a method to our madness. 

Videos are going up soon.


3 Weeks 5 Days Old

You will find the gallery on Willows blog.

Nathan so loves this pup as he thinks of her as a little Nami. LOL Nami really turned into a really special gal through and through.

For now, it is mostly Dennis and I that are doing puppy play sessions and when they are running, he will join in more. We are still in the midst of March/April Break.

Soon the pups will go upstairs to sleep where I watch them on the ipad. I sleep little during this stage. It's like a new mom syndrome - can't help myself. What is interesting is the moms also watch the ipad. It will be new for Nami. I wonder if she will be an ipad watcher too.

Videos coming shortly.


What is New?

See the Hallie blog for the gallery of all 3 litters.

As these are the youngest, you figure they would be slightly lagging behind but they are not. I also find that Hallie pups are plumper but they are older. In reality the litter is closer to size with each other than we have ever had. Some will be smaller - some larger - none oversized. 

The pups adjusted with actually no adjustment to each other. They never gravitated to their siblings. They just played with each other. Can't get better than that.

In reality these litters will think of themselves as siblings. You may not but they will. They will be forever bonded. Mother's will also recognize and get excited to see them again if they visit. This trumps them staying separate. It helps them develop nicely teaching them how to get along and how to deal with a crowd. They do get along and it was such a natural transition. They are wonderful pups - each one. 

What has changed for us is the twice upstairs play. The food. The laundry - oh my the laundry. We had waterproof pads around the puppy pads and out that went. They walked off their blankets and peed on the waterproof pads. So, instead I placed the paper dog pads under jutting out so they now walk over and use them. It wastes so many pads and reduces laundry but as they get better and better, I will push them under the other pads till they only go where they are supposed to. Some already do. Some get up and go a short walk and squat. They all do not get up and just pee. They know it is a process of where you are supposed to go. By the time they are great on pads, we will get them used to going outdoors as well. The weather will be good by then. The desired result will be indoor and outdoor trained. 

Check out the videos.


3 Weeks 3 Days Individuals

Nathan calls her little Nami.

Hopefully you enjoy these individual shots. We are trying to get them out before I depart. If we do, we will get those photos out too. 

Here is the gallery of their 1st time upstairs, their 1st solid food and their individual shots.

I am uploading the videos of all of it now.


3 Weeks 2 Days

Here is the gallery.

I laid down in the pen and just like Hallie's crew, they made noises, wagged tails and was excited to have me  visiting. What can be better than that. The most animated one is the mostly white gal. She is something else. Oh they all are but she is - look at me!

Videos are coming soon.


3 Weeks 1 Day Old

Here is the gallery.

We got this bed from Winners. It was the only one that was washable and dryable. The rest was only air dry. Won't do with pups. These pups love it so. I need to get 2 more somehow - someway. As you can see this pup has her head where you can't see sleeping away. Do you have a head, dear? How can you breathe but she is and does.

So, if you see crate pads or small soft beds that can go in the washer and dryer - let me know so I can order 2 more.

Pups are getting more animated as the days go. It is wonderful. I look at all the litters here and go wow - no blips - no issues and they didn't even do the drunken walk stage. They are now all playing with toys. 

Can't wait till they get to 4 weeks. That will be another milestone of trying food and playing outside their xpen. It is going to be such a great journey.

Videos are up. I am not doing anymore today as I want downtime but there are some fun ones. Enjoy!


3 Weeks Old

Here is the gallery.

Yes, some of us use the pad too. Can you believe? We are all smart little things. We also notice the Hallie pups a great deal and poke our face between to say hello, It is ever so cute.

They love, love love the cushion so I wash it often so they can lay on it. I can't seem to be able to find a crate pad that is big and fluffy and washes well like this one but I keep looking, as I can. 

This crew plays and sometimes talks too. The wild bunch is older by a few days so we will play catchup. LOL

Check out the videos in a bit. I have another blog to do 1st.


2 Weeks 6 Days

This is a no gallery day. See Hallie's blog to see why.

As you can see this pup no longer looks black and white.

These pups seem to be doing all the things the other 2 litters are. They will be truly easy to mesh together. Though counting them all will be interesting as they are playing. This crew is walking rather well. They all seem to have missed that drunkem walk stage. How interesting. 

This crew is all uniform in size so far.

Be sure to check out the videos after they are uploaded.



2 Weeks 5 Days Old

Here is the gallery.

The crew of only gals are quite interesting. They are lively. They do call for mom but not often. Nami does fill their needs. They seem to be walking quite decently on these blankets. In about a week or less, we will start making floor space to test how they will do walking on that. They will also get food and water for the 1st time. Playdates all together will get to be a daily thing increased eventually to 3 or 4 times a day in different parts of the house. It is a way that they learn. They get exposed to new things and they expel a great deal of energy and that means longer sleeps between.

As spring is coming, this crew will be playing outside as well and perhaps swimming. 

Videos are here. I will try to get a few more to upload. I am sorry if I do not. I am quite exhausted.


Youngest Out of Whelping Box

Here is the gallery.

We were the last out of the whelping box. We were curious and all was right with the change. Dare I say they were excited!

Nami was excited when I got to hers. It makes sense that her pups were too. She was over the top excited to have me lay in the xpen so I could snuggle with all of them. I figure if Willow pups can handle the change so can Nami's. 

They found their way into the crate and out of the crate. 

Can you believe they are growing up? The fun is about to begin!

Videos will be uploaded after I finish the main blog.


2 Weeks 3 Days Old

Here is the gallery.

Nami dislikes the blankets. She likes the pups to be on the rugs. I am not sure why. Each time I put in a blanket, she does this. It's funny. Each new mom is unique and the same. I find it fascinating. Much like humans, each of us do things in our own way. 

Nami is not overly protective of her pups like many new moms are. She shares. She allows them to clean and comfort. She watches but never is troubled by the nosey-ness of the other moms. As Sage and Kinsey are in here due to heats, she doesn't mind them being nosey either. She is a proud mom showing them off.

It will be interesting to see how she is when they are running around.

Check out the videos.